All About rMail
rMail Basics...
What is rMail?
rMail is RPoL's internal mail service. With rMail users can contact one another outside of games.
How is rMail different to a Private Message?
Private Messages (PMs) are more restricted than rMail. PMs may only be sent to people you share a game with, and only then if one of your characters shares a group with one of their characters. rMail can be sent to any other site user who has not disabled rMail on their account.
How do I send an rMail?
Either click on the rMail link at the upper right side of the Main Menu, or click the rMail link under a user's Account Name in a forum (or their Character Name in a game).
If you clicked rMail from the Main Menu, this will take you to the rMail menu. At the top and bottom right are links for "Compose a new rMail". Click that link then fill in the Account Name of the person you wish to send mail to, and click the "Update & Check" button (to ensure you got the name right).
If you clicked the rMail link from a user's or character's post, then you will already have their name shown and validated. if you wish to add someone, type their Account Name in one of the available boxes, and click the "Update & Check" button. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Click the "Compose" button. Fill in a Subject, and then the Message you wish to send. When you're done, you can click the "Preview" button to check your message over, then click the "Send rMail" button to send the mail on its way.
Can I send rMail to anyone on RPoL?
You can send rMail to anyone provided you either know their Account Name, or you are in a game with them and can use the rMail link on one of their posts. Users can disable rMail in their User Preferences, however, so it will not be possible to send rMail to them.
How do I know when I have new rMail?
On the Main Menu, the rMail link at the upper right will turn red to indicate you have new rMail waiting. Additionally, a message will appear just below your Main Menu Sticky List which tells you that you have new rMail.
If you use the PopUp Sticky List (via that link or the "Jump" link), it will notify you when you have new rMail. And, finally, the General RPoL forum (and only the General RPoL form) will highlight the rMail link when you have new rMail.
What if I don't want people sending me rMail?
rMail defaults to "on", but you can disable rMail capabilities using your User Preferences. This will prevent you sending or receiving rMail, except from site Moderators and the site Admin. RPoL may also occasionally send automated rMails, and these cannot be blocked either.
How can I tell whether someone has rMail enabled?
If you click on the "Profile" link for that user, it will tell you whether they have rMail enabled. Alternately, use the "Update & Check" button in the rMail composition screen; if you are attempting to address rMail to a user who does not accept rMail, the "Update & Check" button will show you an error message.
Does sending rMail to a character reveal their Account Name? Does it reveal the sender's?
Sending rMail to a character in a game will not reveal that character's player's Account Name. It will reveal the sender's Account Name to the recipient, however. Only if the recipient chooses to reply will the sender then see their Account Name instead of their character's name.
Can I send rMail to the player of a character in a game if I am not in that game and don't know their Account Name?
No. rMail is for communicating to users in cases where you already know their Account Name, or for establishing communication with users with whom you play.
If I deleted some rMail, how do I get it back?
You don't -- once it's deleted, it's gone.
rMail Policies...
What if someone sends me ads in rMail? And how about abuse?
If someone sends you an ad in rMail, or sends you abusive rMail, use the "block/report" link at the upper right side of their message. Do not use this option lightly, however, as we will investigate all reports of abuse, and false reports will cause repercussions.
We consider it important that users first try to resolve issues between themselves before reporting one another to Moderators..
What happens when someone uses the report/block feature?
When using the "report/block" link on a message, you will be taken to a confirmation screen. If you supply a reason you are blocking them and click the "Confirm" button, the following will happen:
- The reported/blocked user is blocked from sending you rMail ever again.
- You are blocked from sending them rMail ever again.
- Their "abuse count" is incremented by one.
- The user is notified that you have reported them. Note that your RPoL Account Name is revealed by this action.
- The rMail you are reporting is copied -- in full -- to site Moderators, who will investigate the issue.
- If the abuse report is found to be false, the original penalty is reversed, but the reporter's abuse counter will be incremented by two.
Long story short: only report/block those who are actually abusing the system, and never do it lightly or to get the final word in a disagreement.
That said, we strongly recommend that people
do report unsolicited adverts and unwarranted abusive content. rMail is largely policed by the users, and proactive management of inappropriate use of rMail will reduce the occurrence of unwanted rMail for yourself and all other users.
Do note that RPoL Moderators and the Site Administrator
cannot be blocked from sending you rMail.
Am I supposed to use rMail to contact Site Moderators now?
Absolutely. Unless you cannot log in, or a Moderator has asked you to contact them via an alternate method, please use rMail wherever possible. If you are having login problems, use email to contact the moderator of your choice, using <moderatorname>
How do I rMail the Moderators?
On the rMail menu, click "Compose a new rMail", and at the bottom of the Recipient list click the box for "To/cc Moderators". Then click "Compose".
Is rMail totally private?
Nothing you do online is ever totally private, and rMail is no different. While we don't look into people's rMails for giggles, keep in mind two things:
One, any rMail you send can be reported, and if it is, all Site Moderators will receive a copy and will read it. Two, RPoL reserves the right to use any material transmitted through or stored on our site to enforce our rules and policies.
Unlike all threads in games, which we have the capability to view if necessary, there is no site functionality that allows us to read rMails unless we are a recipient (whether originally or by the aforementioned abuse report).
Can I role-play in rMail?
rMail is for contact between site users and should not be used for In-Character interactions.
Last updated: 18:21, Sun 02 Oct 2011.
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