The Game Settings

Game Name:  You can change the game name to any name you wish, providing it is appropriate and not already in use.

Game Owner:  You can change the owner of the game.  Only current GMs will be listed.

Genre:  You can select between one and three genres that your game belongs to.  Users can search on these criteria.


Requesting New Players:  Changing this option will turn off the asterisk on the front page of RPoL indicating your game does (or does not) want new players.

You cannot advertise in Wanted - Players unless you are requesting players with this option.

Game Rating:  "General" games are games that have language and themes that are suitable for all ages.  "Mature" games have content that requires some level of maturity, at the GMs discretion.  "Adult" games are games that have an emphasis on themes that are only suitable for adults.

Any adult games must be rated as such and all participants must be over 18 and the age of majority in their country (or state) of permanent residence.  GMs are required to check that all participants meet these requirements.

Sole Ownership:  This indicates that the GM considers the game to be solely their responsibility.  Such games will never be transfered over to other players if the GM ever decides to close the game or fails to log on.

More information?  Try;

Creating a game
GM'ing a game
Admin Menu
Edit Players and their Characters
Edit Characters Group Membership
Update Map
Specify the gamename website
Edit Introduction/Background
Edit game details

Last updated: 16:53, Mon 09 June 2008.
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