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Welcome to Empress Axis

11:32, 13th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Empress Axis

The Lawgivers have be reborn, at least those that could be freed. around a hundred survived the three years since the event of the Jade Prison being broken. The rest, whom were not claimed by the Neverborn, or Yozis, have bee subsequently slain, and await reincarnation.

The Wyld Hunt have three places in the East they hold no power in.
  1. The Underworld. Deathlords claim the dragonspawn as slaves; the breed well. Even in Lookshy, none dare enter the shadowlands. This no secret, despite the this publicity being much to Immaculates' chagrin. Dragonblooded do enter, and even conduct business in the Underworld; but no Wyld Hunt dares go there.
  2. Nexus; the Emissary in Y765, had exiled Harmonious Jade for her criminal activity. In Y770, a Wyld Hunt spotted Harmonious Jade entering. A Sworn Brotherhood and some agents of unknown magic, which bore colored caste marks, hunted the Nightbringer. This was found out, because the twenty members were grotesquely displayed. One of them had starmetal perfected kata bracers marking them with the same hallmark as only the most ancient Vziers would recognize. The Emissary alerted the Realm, via an third party relay of In/fallible messenger, that the Wyld Hunt should be informed to no enter Nexus. On Resplendent (Water) 10th Y770 First Among Equals sent sizeable unit to deal with the Emissary. The Emissary sent them back, and promptly told the populace that First Among Equals was a wanted individual. That a bounty of 40 jade talents awaited anyone who could bring five arcane links of Mnemon. First Among Equals has yet to respond. Her first envoy, those sent on Resplendent WAter 10th, in 770 returned to Nexus. Having received the forty jade talents. First Among Equals, was then given a personal warning, via her shadow, which was trapped in a grand ritual that the Council permitted a host of witnesses to be in the audience of. First Among Equals was given a last warning "Report to the Council of Entities on on Y774 during Calibration. If you do not comply, you will be forcefully brought here. The Council will honor no Wyld Hunt" First Among Equals did send a demon messenger in Y770 to meet with the Council. The populace was made aware of this fact by two methods, the demon caused spectacle entering Nexus, and secondly, the Emissary confirmed this was her chosen representative. No further details emerged, but the party that invaded Nexus on Resplendent Water 10th, and have been found chained to Slave Stables, in Manacles of Night, and escorted nightly to the Harlotry nearby. They are not for sale, but their services can be rented for up to three days. Each has their own story, which rumors have clouded. The conclusion is that "the Wyld Hunt isn't approved by the Council of Entities; therefore it doesn't apply to Nexus".
  3. Rathess, no one has entered Rathess, but the banner of an Anathema was seen in the Jungle in Y769. Jade and Chang Dav made the formal declaration "We've already sent a hunt in" that hunt was never seen again. Nor has any subsequent hunt been issued.

Nexus just happens to be where your character finds themself. There are several notable directions the group can go.