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22:55, 9th December 2024 (GMT+0)

Just Because I'm an Adult, Do I Have to Act Like One?

Posted by ShannaraFor group 0
GM, 34 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2006
at 12:09
  • msg #1

Just Because I'm an Adult, Do I Have to Act Like One?

This thread is for non-Minors who are no longer allowed to run games in the Adult Section, or are no longer allowed in the Adult Section period.

The running of Adult games requires additional responsibility of the games' GMs such as:

  • asking ages of prospective players before adding them to the game & immediately removing any that are not 18+ if it is discovered that they are younger than 18
  • advertising the game with 'Adult' clearly indicated in the title
  • ensuring that the players are aware of RPoL's ToU/Adult Games Policy
  • taking speedy action to correct problems regarding the ToU/Adult Games Policy

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:19, Sat 16 Sept 2006.
GM, 35 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2006
at 12:23
  • msg #2

Adults Who Cannot GM an Adult Game

user id                 date effective      problems                                   
Embiechan               April 2008          Not asking ages of all users before admitting
                                            them to Adult game, following previous
                                            breaches of RPoL rules.

Emitt                   June 2008           No longer permitted to GM adult games on RPoL
                                            due to knowingly admitting a minor to their

Halion                  October 2018        Says he can't remember his date of birth.

Hydrochieftain          January 2009        No longer permitted to GM adult games on RPoL
                                            due to repeatedly failing to get age and
                                            legality statements from players before
                                            admitting them to adult games; additional
                                            problems with keeping all material in their
                                            adult game in Group 0, and failing to respond
                                            appropriately to repeated Moderator reminders
                                            about obtaining legality and age statements
                                            from their players.

IcemanXn                June 2008           No longer permitted to GM adult games on RPoL
                                            due to knowingly admitting a minor to their

JRpec                   17 October 2008     Failure to follow RPoL's Adult Game Policy,
                                            even after being reminded of it.

Kala leaf               10 October 2013     Failure to follow RPoL's Adult Game Policy,
                                            even after being reminded of it.

Lionhart585             March 2009          Failure to follow RPoL's Adult Game Policy,
                                            even after being given an explanation of
                                            exactly how their game was in breach of it.

Lord Caladin            September 2018      Knowingly submitting incorrect age information.

Medeval_Metal_Head13    October 2013        Failure to comply with RPoL's content rules,
                                            as laid out in the site's Adult Game Policy.

Mercury_Anime           17 December 2006    doesn't want to accept responsibility for
                                            enforcing rpol's rules in a game.

Prophet                 14 September 2006   minor in Adult Game; no ages asked; informed
                                            of an Adult Games Policy violation, did
                                            nothing; did not advertise the game as
                                            'Adult'; prior problems with ignoring rpol's

SageBahamut             27 June 2008        refusal to provide statement of age/legality
                                            when applying to Adult-Rated games, and
                                            making it difficult for GMs who are following
                                            site policy

Soulvirus               07 June 2008        failure to enforce RPoL's Adult Game Policy
                                            in a game, despite earlier warnings.

Sizurdan                June 2008           No longer permitted to GM adult games on RPoL
                                            due to knowingly admitting a minor to their

Synergy                 22 June 2008        Failure to get age statements from players
                                            before adding them to game; failure to even
                                            reply to moderators on this matter.

Takamishi-Maru          March 2007          repeated problems regarding the
                                            responsibilities of GMing an Adult Game

Xyzyx                   17 October 2008     Insists that they are not responsible for
                                            ensuring games they GM comply with RPoL's

Yurei                   April 2008          Not asking ages of all users before admitting
                                            them to Adult games, following previous
                                            breaches of RPoL rules.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:53, Fri 26 Oct 2018.
GM, 36 posts
Sat 16 Sep 2006
at 12:24
  • msg #3

Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

user id                 date      problems                                             

_Amelia_                09-2015     Providing variable birth dates when applying to
                                    Adult games over a period of several months.
                                    Also shares an internet connection with Mr
                                    Crinkles (see below).

Adamas Fulmen           11-2012     Giving false birthdates for admission to adult
                                    games.  No adult access until subscriptions are

admiral_squid           02-2009     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced.

Apoplexies              08-2011     No adult access, at least until subscriptions are

Arctos                  09-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

artest                  02-2009     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced.

Arudin                  05-2016     No adult access due to their supplying false information in
                                    age statements.

Aticus                  04-2011     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced.

Attila_the_Hun          08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

Avah                    10-2015     Giving highly inconsistent birth dates when applying for
                                    Adult access.  Then demanding that we correct our mistake.

bluebird.blackbird      07-2008     No adult acccess until subscriptions are introduced.

Book                    04-2022     Provided a false birth date when signing up for the site,
                                    and a different (still false) one when attempting
                                    to join an Adult game.

brad_nm                 08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

BuddhaC                 08-2011     No adult access, at least until subscriptions are

Bullet Magnet           10-2015     Giving variable birth dates when applying to Adult games.

Cheetos12               04-2009     Shares computer with problematic minors.

Cherrie                 04-2011     Shares a computer with a user who is banned from Adult games.

CJElmo                  04-2013     No adult access due to concerns regarding the security
                                    of their account.

corvidius               06-2019     Deliberately  providing incorrect birth date information.

Crazy_Roleplaying_Gnome 02-2012     After a long string of adult access suspensions,
                                    the ability to run adult games was restored based
                                    on their agreement that failure to follow the sites
                                    rules, including collecting age/legality statements
                                    would result in the loss of ALL adult access.
                                    8 days later, added a player to an adult game without
                                    the required statement.
                                    No adult access on site until subscriptions are introduced.

CrescentRose            08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

crimsonraven            04-2016     Giving false birth dates when applying for admission
                                    to Adult games.

DontKissFrogs           01-2019     Providing false birth information, and running Adult
                                    rated games when under age.

Dragoninn               11-2008     Account not secure with minors with access to it.

Drake Steele            02-2020     Giving inconsistent birth dates for admission to Adult games.

Dyllie                  11-2015     Discrepancies in age statements.

Elusive_Girl            09-2015     Giving inconsistent birth dates for admission to Adult games.

fatklok                 08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

Feyda                   11-2017     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

Fireball24              01-2018     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

ForestNympho            03-2015     No Adult access until subscriptions are introduced
                                    due to sharing a connection with a user who is banned from
                                    Adult games.

Fouche                  03-2012     Providing inconsistent and contradictory age
                                    statements across different games.

Fowler                  11-2007     Multiple users sharing accounts, some of whom are
                                    definitely underage.

Gideon                  09-2008     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced.

glad                    05-2022     Providing inconsistent and contradictory birth dates.

Gorillax                01-2016     Providing inconsistent and contradictory age statements
                                    across duplicate accounts.

Grace Allard            02-2014     Shares a computer with a user who is banned from Adult games.

Hackerkind              03-2009     No adult access following violations of Adult Games

Howler01                02-2012     Giving false birth dates and ages for admission to
                                    adult games.

iambalrog               01-2016     Giving false birth dates for admission to adult games.

Iceseer                 09-2017     Allowing another person to access an Adult game with his account.
                                    Banned from participating in such games for two weeks.
                                    Update: Iceseer's Adult access restored after his ban ended.

IrishMarshal            05-2019     Deliberately provided false birth information.

j4War                   04-2024     Deliberately provided false birth information.

Jarri Tikkanen          03-2016     Giving false birth dates for admission to adult games.

Jester Masque           11-2015     Discrepancies in age statements.

Kaiin                   04-2009     Shares computer with problematic minors.

kuroshin                03-2014     No access to Adult games until at least March 7 2015, due
                                    to deliberately providing false age statements across a
                                    number of games.

LastTuatha              09-2022     No access to Adult games until subscriptions are
                                    introduced, due to reluctance to provide accurate and
                                    honest age information.

lil_kreen               02-2015     No access to Adult games until subscriptions are
                                    introduced, due to discrepancies in age statements.

locojedi                07-2018     Deliberately providing false age information when
                                    accessing Adult games.

majormadness            08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

maskedplant             03-2017     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

MightyMrsDragonin       11-2008     Account not secure with minors who have access to it.

Mirrored_Mask           11-2015     Providing inconsistent age statements.

Mr Crinkles             09-2015     Accessing another user's account to provide false
                                    age information for that user.

Mitziras                08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

Morto2107               03-2009     No access to Adult games, following severe violations
                                    of Adult Games Policy.
                        06-2017     Following discussion with Moderators, Morto2107's Adult access
                                    was restored.

NothingAbnormal         01-2018     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

panda_bear_luver        12-2011     Shares a connection with a problematic user.

packersfan              04-2013     No access to Adult games until subscriptions are
                                    introduced, due to discrepancies in age statements.

Paixao                  11-2016     No access to Adult games until subscriptions are
                                    introduced, due to giving false birth dates for
                                    admission to Adult games.

Princess With A Pea     01-2016     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

radarface               08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

ragnarokseig            03-2009     No access to adult games following violation of Adult
                                    Game Policy.

Raldax                  06-2013     Currently has no access to Adult games on RPoL, due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements when applying to join
                                    such games.

RanzarthPhx             01-2018     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

riverwellblaze          04-2020     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    their deliberately providing false age information.

roleplayingCretin       01-2018     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

rosesofapathy           12-2011     Ban until at latest June 2012 due to lying about age
                                    in Request Access statements.

rossimae23              08-2014     doesn't know how old they are; ban from adult
                                    until  better means of verifying comes along.

Ryees                   06-2008     No access to Adult games until subscriptions are

Serro                   01-2009     No access to Adult games until subscriptions are

ShaMedic                03-2015     No Adult access until subscriptions are introduced
                                    due to sharing a connection with a user who is banned from
                                    Adult games.

Sivad                   04-2019     Is the original account for Toof (below), and naturally
                                    has also had Adult access removed.

SlingsAndArrows         04-2016     No access to Adult games, due to contradictory age statements
                                    and the creation of an extra account to avoid a ban.

SnakeyGem               08-2011     No adult access, at least until subscriptions are

Somersault              04-2021     No access to Adult games, due to contradictory age statements
                                    and the creation of an extra account to avoid a ban.

SonAlFu                 11-2015     Inconsistent age statements.

SummerLovin             03-2015     No Adult access until subscriptions are introduced
                                    due to sharing a connection with a user who is banned from
                                    Adult games.

Symrustar               01-2010     No access to adult games until at least 15 March 2010
                                    due to repeated failures to provide adequate age

tamashitoh              07-2019     Inconsistent age statements.

Tahril                  07-2020     No access to Adult games on RPoL, due to supplying
                                    inaccurate age statements.

TazerValentine          04-2015     No Adult access until subscriptions are introduced
                                    due to discrepancies in age statements when trying to
                                    join Adult games.

Tenshi                  09-2008     Repeated problems regarding the responsibilities of
                                    GMing an Adult Game, and with following moderator
                                    instructions regarding such games.

The Grim Girl           09-2015     Giving inconsistent birth dates for admission to Adult games.

TheePinkNinja           11-2007     Mutual agreement after restricted/adult content

TheJaguar               01-2018     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

thelyingcake            08-2015     Giving false birth dates for admission to Adult games.

thomleck                11-2015     Providing inconsisten age information.

TheSnowpanther          06-2017     Banned from Adult games due to deliberately providing
                                    inaccurate age statements.

this_website_sucks      12-2018     Banned from Adult games due to inconsistent birth dates.

TiberniusBlack          09-2011     Unwilling/unable to comply with RPoL's requirements
                                    for joining Adult games.

tkolter                 01-2013     Severe discrepancies in age statements for Adult games.
                                    No adult access until subscriptions are introduced.

Tnight                  02-2016     Banned from Adult games due to deliberately providing
                                    inaccurate age statements.

Toof                    04-2019     No Adult access due to their having provided false
                                    birth date information.

Toptomcat               02-2024     No Adult access due to their having provided inconsistent
                                    age statements.  Creating a duplicate account, higheagle,
                                    to get around the ban simply extended the it.

TwinsanitySN            12-2015     Issues with account security, and with giving another
                                    user permission to use their account.

ucat                    11-2015     No adult access until further notice, due to inconsistent
                                    age statements, and a belief that providing them did not
                                    break the site rules.

Valerian                06-2014     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced,
                                    due to inconsistent and inaccurate age statements
                                    across multiple games.

Viatos                  12-2013     No adult access until subscriptions are available,
                                    due to inconsistent age statements when applying to

Volthawk                10-2015     Giving inconsistent birth dates for admission to Adult games.

WanderingWolf           09-2017     Providing a false birth date on numerous occasions
                                    when asked for that information.

westcoastviking         04-2012     No adult access, at least until subscriptions are
                                    available, due to account security issues, and
                                    breaches of site rules in attempt to get around ban.

WinterRanger            01-2018     No longer allowed to participate in Adult games due to
                                    discrepancies in age statements.

xenoformer2             04-2015     No Adult access until further notice due to age statement

xXbrokenXx              04-2013     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced
                                    due to issues with following site rules, including:
                                    creation of an account for another user, use of that account
                                    to RtJ to an Adult game, faking an age statement for
                                    another user, knowingly adding a user to an Adult game with
                                    a false age statement, and declaring that they would do all
                                    of the above again.

Yaaraer                 03-2014     No Adult access until at least April 29 2014, due to
                                    inconsistent/invalid age statements across multiple games.

Zeldi Emberclan         02-2007     No adult access until subscriptions are introduced.

Zionis                  08-2011     No access to adult games until subscriptions are
                                    introduced due to repeated failures to  obtain
                                    adequate age statements in games.

ziuku                   11-2015     Providing false age information when applying to Adult

Zmeeb                   11-2016     Providing false age information when applying to Adult

ZoneDancer              03-2012     No access to adult games until subscriptions are
                                    introduced due to their giving inconsistent age statements
                                    in games, and issues with account security.

zubocro                  11-2015    Providing inconsistent age statements when applying to
                                    Adult games.

Zvagl                    08-2016    Providing inconsistent age statements when applying to
                                    an Adult game.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:06, Tue 09 Apr.
GM, 58 posts
Wed 10 Jun 2009
at 21:15
  • msg #17

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Thread updated June 10th 2009.
GM, 99 posts
Mon 18 Jan 2010
at 20:33
  • msg #18

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Thread updated January 18th 2010.
GM, 191 posts
Tue 17 May 2011
at 05:15
  • msg #19

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Thread updated May 17th 2011.
GM, 270 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2011
at 19:01
  • msg #20

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Thread updated, 03 August 2011.
GM, 206 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2011
at 14:55
  • msg #21

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated, 11 August 2011.
GM, 211 posts
Sat 10 Sep 2011
at 19:06
  • msg #22

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 10th September 2011.
GM, 215 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2011
at 19:50
  • msg #23

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 27th September 2011.
GM, 272 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2011
at 17:24
  • msg #24

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 06 December 2011 with users rosesofapathy and panda_bear_luver.
GM, 278 posts
Mon 27 Feb 2012
at 17:56
  • msg #25

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 27 February 2012 with Howler01.
GM, 248 posts
Sat 17 Mar 2012
at 08:00
  • msg #26

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 17 March 2012 with Fouche.
GM, 252 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2012
at 21:36
  • msg #27

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 23 March 2012 with ZoneDancer.
GM, 257 posts
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 08:25
  • msg #28

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 07 April 2012 with slippshade.
GM, 264 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2012
at 11:07
  • msg #29

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 17 April with Aticus and Cherrie.
GM, 311 posts
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 13:23
  • msg #30

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 8 November, with Adamas Fulmen, who no longer has Adult access..
GM, 329 posts
Tue 22 Jan 2013
at 09:46
  • msg #31

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 22 January, with tkolter.
GM, 349 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2013
at 08:47
  • msg #32

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 20 April with xXbrokenXx and CJElmo.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:18, Mon 22 Apr 2013.
GM, 351 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2013
at 12:18
  • msg #33

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 22 April with packersfan.
GM, 363 posts
Wed 5 Jun 2013
at 18:28
  • msg #34

Re: Adults Who Are Not Allowed in Adult (at all)

Updated 5 June with Raldax.
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