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Reading Messages and Threads

Reading a thread is simple enough.  A thread is a grouping of messages related to the same topic, sorted chronologically (by date).  The newest 25 messages are initially shown, listed from oldest to newest for ease of reading.  Older messages (again in groups of 25) are available via the page links that are displayed, if needed, at the top and bottom of each page.

If you are a player in the game and you are allowed to post to the thread, there will be a link at the bottom of the page that allows you to compose a response.  If you are not a member of the game then this link will be replaced by a "Request Access" link, allowing you to privately contact the GM of the game and ask to join the game.

GMs have a few control mechanisms available to them while viewing a thread to allow them to control some aspects.

Public Thread Functions
BumpUpdates the thread date to the current time and date
CloseStops any more players posting to the thread
ArchiveMakes the thread publically viewable with all private lines
DeleteRemoves the thread from the game
D/LDisplays a plain text version of the thread so you can copy, paste and save it

Private Thread Functions
DeleteRemove this thread for you
PurgeRemoves this thread for everyone
D/LDisplays a plain text version of the thread so you can copy, paste and save it

More information?  Try;

Private message threads
Requesting Access
Posting a message

Last updated: 09:39, Wed 06 Sept 2006.
Direct link: http://www.rpol.net/help/?t=help&page=g_reading