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01:49, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Origin: Drugged.

Posted by Dr. Victor HelixFor group archive 1
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 15 posts
Changing the world
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 15:53
  • msg #1

Origin: Drugged

OOC: The point of this origin story is to get familiar with the system as well as your character. We are going to go into detail uncovering what happened that possibly made you the way you are. Feel free to let me know if facts/people/places need to change.Keep in mind this event takes place before you have your powers 24 hours after your exposure to your abilities

IC: You wake up a little bit tired from the night before trying to remember where you are at and what happened but you are unsure. You struggle wake up hoping that everything was just a bad dream. a dream that didn't happen or something that you could wish away. As much as you try you can't.
Gabrielle Santos
player, 5 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Thu 19 Oct 2023
at 20:00
  • msg #2

Origin: Drugged

OOC: I'm assuming this is the scene I summarized in my app about her waking up on a park bench all hulked out? Going with that at least. Lots of copy paste, hope you don't mind too much! With some edits to change the voice a bit.

Gabi Santos didn't know where she was. She woke up slowly, her mind full of questions, where she is and what happened to her, but she's unsure.

She tried to remember. OK, she was out with friends for the first time in ages. She usually begged off to study or work but this one night they had finally convinced her to join them for a night out, prying her away from her laptop. She remembered a dimly lit bar, echoing with laughter, music, the clinking of glasses, what was the name of the place? OK that was beyond her right now.

What she did recall is that she was actually having a good time for the first time in ages. She had one drink, then another, and for a moment, the weight of responsibility seemed to recede. Laughter came easily, and her friends danced around her, living in the moment, literally having the best time of her life. But she recalled, that last drink wasn't like the rest. Someone must have slipped something into her drink! Oh god! Where was she??

A surge of panic swept over Gabi as she sat up. She was outside. Her clothes were in tatters. Oh no! She'd been assaulted! Maybe raped? Except... it wasn't just her clothes.

She shook her head and held it in her hands for a second. It was still dark, but the the morning sun was transforming the eastern sky into a pink bloom. Something was very wrong. Her disoriented mind struggled to grasp what had happened. It wasn't just her clothes! Panic coursed through her veins as she realized she'd grown. A lot. Her clothing strained and mostly failed to contain a newfound physique laden with hundreds of pounds of super humanly powerful muscle. She staggered to her feet, a good foot and a half taller than she had been, standing like a colossus among the trees and the early morning joggers staring at the striking scene in the park, cell phone cameras recording.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 24 posts
Changing the world
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 19:24
  • msg #3

Origin: Drugged

A few people gasp at the sight in front of them as they walk by you. One man specifically comes up to you.

"Miss do you need some help?"
, he says as he raises his phone to make a call.

You can only assume he is calling the local police trying to figure out what is happening. People behind him are gathering as you continue to watch in horror as people begin stopping what they are doing to look at you.
Gabrielle Santos
player, 17 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Fri 20 Oct 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #4

Origin: Drugged

OOC: How by the book are we playing these intros? Like if I wanted to snatch this guys phone and crush it inadvertently, is that a roll?

"NO!" she shouted louder than she intended, mortified to be attracting a crowd on her mostly undressed state. She snatched for the phone intending to prevent any pictures being taken, but mostly just panicking.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 26 posts
Changing the world
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 14:06
  • msg #5

Origin: Drugged

OOC: No. If you need to roll. I can tell you but for now you are good. Simply rolling playing it out. Generally only, if it's a contested type thing will it happen. If you snatch it then there's less likely a chance someone can fight back, especially now.

IC: The man looks at you with wide eyes. "Why would you do that? Someone call the police.". He backs away from you freaking out a bit by your quick grab and smash. Other people you can see start dialing.

What do you do?

Gabrielle Santos
player, 19 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #6

Origin: Drugged

She looked on in awe as her fingers crushed metal and glass without really even trying.

"Sorry! I'm ... sorry I didn't mean... " she stammered an apology, putting her hands up defensively. But then she started to get angry as the shock wore off. Why would she do something like that? Why would someone stick their phone in her face when she was clearly having some issues here?!

"Just ... Leave me alone! All of you leave me alone!" she shouted louder than she planned, panic setting in.

She got up from the bench, trying to strategically make sure her shredded clothing covered at least some parts of her. She kicked off her ruined shoes. Then she took off running as fast as she could away from the crowd, heading for her dorm room and home. Her body felt strange running, powerful but awkward, clumsy, like she wasn't used to it. But at least she could still run!
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 33 posts
Changing the world
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 17:50
  • msg #7

Origin: Drugged

After some ducking and weaving through crowds and on lookers not sure why you are running. You make it to your dorm where you friend is awaiting you.

"Gab... Gabi, is that you?" Lily stammered, her eyes wide with astonishment.
Gabrielle Santos
player, 21 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 18:48
  • msg #8

Origin: Drugged

Gabi walked in and shut the door behind her, careful to not pull the doorknob off, remembering that man and his phone. She went to the closet and got a blanket to wrap herself in, incredibly self-conscious for her room mate to see her almost naked and looking like this!

She sat down on their now tiny looking couch and put her face in her hands.

"Yeah... Oh Lil, sorry I was hoping you wouldn't be up yet. I ... I don't know what happened! I was out last night, there were drinks and .. I woke up in a park looking like this! What am I going to do? I'm some sort of freak! You better.. you better keep your distance, don't get too close to me. I crushed some guys cellphone like it was cardboard, Lily! I don't know what to do!"
This message was last edited by the player at 18:48, Mon 23 Oct 2023.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 37 posts
Changing the world
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 17:48
  • msg #9

Origin: Drugged

Just as you are talking to Lil you get a text that pops up on your phone.

"They already know about you and are on the way. You need to get out of the apartment."

You have no idea who the person is the number seems unknown.
Gabrielle Santos
player, 23 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 20:05
  • msg #10

Origin: Drugged

"Oh God! Oh God, Lil!" she showed the text to her roommate as she very carefully handled her phone so as not to crush it too. She tried to calm herself and replied to the text quickly, "Who is this? Who are they? What is happening??"

"I have to go! Where am I going to go? I'm practically naked! Lil! Can you... um get me a big towel or no, just... do you have any safety pins for this blanket? I can make it work. But ... where am I going to go? You better come too! If they come to this apartment they're going to have questions for you, come on we'll figure it out."

She grabbed any cash she had - precious little, knowing she probably shouldn't use cards if someone is tracking her. She rifled through her few valuables, her laptop, maybe she could pawn it? She pinned her blanket around herself under her arm pits and looked at Lily pleadingly, begging her to come with.

"We have to go, now! Come on," she didn't hold out a hand. She didn't want to hurt Lily.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 40 posts
Changing the world
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 20:13
  • msg #11

Origin: Drugged

Lil says, "Wait. Give me a few seconds. I am pretty sure I have some clothes either from my brother when he stayed over or some spandex both should work."

She leaves the room pretty quickly but keeps talking to you from the other room.

Your phone buzzes again this time the message is more puzzling, "That's not your friend. You need to leave now! Don't say anything, look around the apartment you only have seconds."
Gabrielle Santos
player, 24 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 20:22
  • msg #12

Origin: Drugged

Oh this time it was easy. Trust Lil or trust some anonymous text message. Easy.

"Leave me alone!" she texted, almost putting her finger through the screen, then called to Lily, "We need to hurry!"
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 42 posts
Changing the world
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #13

Origin: Drugged

The buzz of the phone of the phone goes off in your hand as soon as Lil come back giving you the clothes.

"Is that creep still bothering you?", she says.

The text now reads, "She's a shapeshifter. Ask her something only Lil would know."
Gabrielle Santos
player, 26 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 16:57
  • msg #14

Origin: Drugged

Oh come on! Shape shifter?? Still, it was a good suggestion...

"Yes! Some guys can't take a hint. Like that guy Kurt you came home with last week, is he still texting you?"

Lil had never brought a boy home to their dorm room. Plus she was gay. She knew this was Lily, she was sure of it, but still, let's see how she handled that weird question.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 43 posts
Changing the world
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 19:35
  • msg #15

Origin: Drugged

Lil looks at you puzzled a bit while she is walking away to look for other clothes.

"As a matter of fact, you know. He stood me up, the pig. Can you believe that?", she says walking into the next room.
Gabrielle Santos
player, 27 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Thu 26 Oct 2023
at 20:08
  • msg #16

Origin: Drugged

Her heart sunk, her panic rose and she just ran, not saying a word, clutching her laptop her phone and the blanket around her and little else, out the door and to the stairwell, then down and out.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 48 posts
Changing the world
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 13:48
  • msg #17

Origin: Drugged

OOC: She gave you some clothes so you can put those on. She seems to be doing something in the back you are unsure of.

As you run out of the room and back out the door you can hear shouting from the apartment you were just in. Then you hear something that sinks your heart even more. Lil's voice changes to sound of that of a man and you hear, "Lost the target. See's on the move."

Just as you are making it down stairs you get a text again, "Bottom is covered with Helix guards. They are coming up your going to need to try a fire escape."

You look down the stairs and see guards rushing up to your location. Up above the sound of shuffling is happening as the thing comes down that pretended to be Lil.

Two doors on this floor one to the left and one to the right.

What do you do?
Gabrielle Santos
player, 29 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 14:45
  • msg #18

Origin: Drugged

Suddenly the texts on her phone were from her best friend. She had to trust him or her or it or whatever it was. Fire escape. Check. She moved for it, clutching the blanket she had and tugging at Lily's brother's clothes (or whoever they belonged to). Could they have a tracker in them? She went up to a door, tried it. If it was locked she put her shoulder to it, wondering if all this new muscle would help her break down a door.

OOC: Would I know which door leads to the fire escape? Otherwise I just pick left at random.
Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 49 posts
Changing the world
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #19

Origin: Drugged

OOC: Fire escapes are normally on both sides of the building. Go ahead and make a roll. Athletics against the door. You can use any of your backgrounds you feel fit the situation or bonuses from your power.
Gabrielle Santos
player, 30 posts
reluctant powerhouse
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 16:00
  • msg #20

Origin: Drugged

She slammed into the door to her left.

Bad roll, can I use physique instead of athletics? Physique's overcome says:

Overcome: You can use Physique to overcome any obstacles that require the application of brute force—most often to overcome a situation aspect on a zone—or any other physical impedance, like prison bars or locked gates. Of course, Physique is the classic skill for arm-wrestling matches and other contests of applied strength, as well as marathons or other endurance-based challenges.

Seems most appropriate.

If so, super strength gets me a +5 total to the roll. If it's athletics it's a measly +1.

Also, she has drawback "Don’t Know Your Own Strength." Not sure if that applies or if you can compel it?

09:56, Today: Gabrielle Santos rolled -2 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 0, -1, -1, 0.  break down door +3 if physique +1 if athletics.

Dr. Victor Helix
GM, 50 posts
Changing the world
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 16:07
  • msg #21

Origin: Drugged

OOC: Ahhh your right.

IC: Gabrielle breaks the door with ease as the hinges fly off the door splintered frame. The door self gives way and falls down making a lot of noise. Luckily it seems no one is home because there is no one to greet you as you make you way into the living room. You see a window with a fire escape which you manage to open with ease.

Behind you are the sounds of footsteps getting closer. You can hear shouting, "Second floor secure. Third floor secure."

It would be a matter of minutes before they find you. You climb out of the window and onto the fire escape. Looking around you can see that there appears to be men down below also climbing the fire escape.

Your phone buzzes, "Roof now! You need to jump across to an adjacent roof top. Hurry, air support will be incoming shortly."
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