Help on the Sticky List
Your Sticky List
Your Sticky List is a personalized list of games and forums that you either read or participate in. For a logged-in user, the Sticky List will appear on the Main Menu, on the top half of the screen. It's also possible to use a pop-up Sticky List in a separate window.
Opening the List
To open your Sticky List and see everything on it, go to the Main Menu.
There, your Sticky List is displayed on the top half of the screen. To open this list in a separate window, use either the "Jump" link at the top right of the Main Menu, or the "PopUp your Sticky List" link at the bottom right of your Main Menu's Sticky List display.
In the case of the pop-up Sticky List, it's important to remember that it will not function alone; the window used to bring it up must remain open, and on an RPoL page for it to work properly. Closing that original window or using it to navigate away from RPoL will cause the Sticky List window to stop functioning properly.
Adding Games and Forums to the List
The most common way of adding games and forums to your Sticky List is to read a thread in that game or forum. Reading a thread always automatically adds the game or forum containing that thread to your list.
Alternately, you can use the "Browse the Games" link just under the Sticky List to search for games or forums. To add one to your Sticky List from this area, just click the small plus-sign next to its name in the listing.
Removing Games and Forums from the List
There are two ways to remove games or forums from your Sticky List. On the Main Menu, use the small minus sign next to the game or forum name to remove the list. (Note this sign is fairly small, so hover the mouse over the icon until the "remove" tool-tip is displayed to be sure to get it.)
It's also possible to remove a game or forum from your List using the "Manage the games you monitor" area of your "User Preferences". Simply select the names you wish to remove (holding down the Control while selecting will allow multiple choices at once), and then click the button for "Clear the Selected Message Indicators".
A word of caution: once a game or forum has been removed from your Sticky List, the only way to get it back is by visiting it again and reading a thread in it, or by using the plus-sign next to its name on the Main Menu. RPoL does not track games you are a member of to assist you in replacing a cleared Sticky List.
Finally: you will be unable to remove certain games or forums from your Sticky List. Any game you own will be un-removable, as will any public forum which is considered to be required reading by all users.
Configuring your Pop-Up Sticky List
Your Pop-Up Sticky List can be configured to automatically refresh, and to play an audio alert whenever it finds you have new messages to read. To do this, first pop up your Sticky List (using either the "Jump" link or the "PopUp your Sticky List" link on the Main Menu), and then check the appropriate boxes.
Again, it's important to remember that this pop-up list will not function alone. The window used to bring it up must remain open, and on an RPoL page for it to work properly. Closing that original window or using it to navigate away from RPoL will cause the Sticky List window to stop functioning properly.
Closing the List
To close your pop-up Sticky List, simply use the "close" link provided on it.
Last updated: 15:04, Mon 08 Dec 2008.
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