Help on Main Menu Links
There are several links on the Main Menu. Their purpose and some tips for usage are below. Note that some of these links may not be available if you are not logged into RPoL with a verified account.
The Links area provides several links to other role-playing sites. Content on these sites may vary, so be warned that RPoL has no control over what they host.
The News link provides access to information on recent RPoL happenings.
The rPoll area is a place we occasionally ask for our users' opinions on various RPoL matters. When a new rPoll is available, each user will be able to vote in it once.
The Jump link is a fast way to move between forums. It will "pop up" the user's Sticky List, and any game or forum listed there can be clicked to hop directly to that forum. By default, this pop-up list will close however it can be retained by un-checking the box for "close on select". This pop-up Sticky List can also be set to refresh automatically, and to play an audible alert when new posts are available.
The Chat link leads to a java-based chat application that will connect to RPoL's chatroom. The chatroom can be a friendly place for users to meet one another.
The chatroom is a simple IRC chatroom, and users can connect with a stand-alone IRC client, or with other bundled clients, using its address: irc://
RPoL does not maintain the code for the java client, nor do we maintain the IRC server on which the channel is hosted, and we cannot assist with technical problems with such.
The rMail link leads to the rMail menu. From there, it's possible to read your rMail or send new rMail. When new rMail is available, the link on the Main Menu will turn blue.
The FAQs link leads, appropriately enough, to RPoL's list of FAQ documents. This is a great resource for learning the ropes at RPoL.
The Help link leads to RPoL's Help files. Note that RPoL's help files are context-sensitive, which means that opening Help from the Main Menu gives general RPoL help, but opening Help from a Game Menu will present different default help files.
Login to Participate
This link will be visible if a user is not logged in or does not have an RPoL account. Click this link to log in, or, for a new user, to create a new account.
Relog and Logout
These links are very useful for those who either share a computer with others in their household, or who use a public computer. The "Relog" link will allow a different RPoL user to log in from the next screen, while the "Logout" link will do just that -- log the user off RPoL.
Note the "Remember me" check box beneath the log-in page. This box tells RPoL to store information about your account on your computer so that the next time you return, you will not have to log in again. Never use this setting if you share a computer with others or if you use a public computer because it would allow others to use your account. (You, alone, are responsible for what is done with your account.)
User Preferences
The User Preferences link leads to an area where verified users can change some account settings. The following settings are available:
- "Edit Profile" allows a user to change their Biography lines.
- "Change your user details" allows a user to change their Password and registered email address. Changes here must be verified by email with the user, so ensure any email address entered is valid.
- "Update Details", and the drop-down list and radio buttons above it, allow the user to set certain preferences. Color scheme may be set using the drop-down list (this changes the display colors of RPoL for the user). Choosing to set "View Portraits" to "On" will cause Portraits to be displayed in games, while setting it to "Off" will suppress them. Setting "rMail Enabled" to "On" will allow you to send and receive rMail, while setting it to "Off" will both block others from sending you rMail and suspend your ability to send it.
- "Manage the games you monitor" allows you to remove games you no longer wish to monitor from your Sticky List so that you stop receiving New Message Indicators for them.
- "View your personal feeds" will show you the links necessary for subscribing to RPoL using an RSS Aggregator.
Start your own game
Clicking this link will take you to the "Game Creator" menu. For more information on creating a game, see that
Search for a game
The "Search for a game" link takes you to the Search dialog. Here, choose whether you're searching by Game Name or GM Name, then enter that name (or a portion of it) in the text box to the right. It's also possible to leave these fields blank and search only by Genre(s). Below, check the appropriate boxes. (Use "Active" for active games, "Inactive" to include games which have not had posts in quite a while, and "Deleted" to include games which have been deleted by the GM. The box for "Only games requesting players" will restrict the search to only those games which have their "Requesting Players" flag turned on.) Next, choose which Genre(s) you wish to search in and how the results should be sorted, then click "Search".
The result will be a list of games which fit the submitted criteria. If the game is Active or Inactive, a link to the game will be provided. If the game is Deleted, and the user searching is also the game's GM, a "resurrect" link will be provided to bring the game back to life.
Only Show Active Games Seeking Players
Clicking this link will cause the Main Menu to only display games which are not Inactive, and which have their "Requesting New Players" flag on. When this setting is active, the link will change to read "Show Any Game", and clicking on it will return the Main Menu to displaying all available games.
Show Any Game
If a user has chosen to display only Active games which are seeking players on the Main Menu, this link will display to the Main Menu Sticky List's bottom left. Clicking it will change the display so that all games are shown instead.
PopUp your Sticky List
This link will cause your Sticky List (the list of games you monitor) to "pop up" in a new window. Clicking a link in this new window will take you to that game or forum in your original window. By default, this pop-up list will close once a link is clicked, however it can be retained by un-checking the box for "close on select". This pop-up Sticky List can also be set to refresh automatically, and to play an audible alert when new posts are available.
Mail the Admin/WebMaster
If all else fails, and there is no other recourse, this link will take you to a page from which you can email jase, the site Admin.
Last updated: 20:35, Sun 08 June 2008.
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