The Director:
In reply to Rudjam (msg # 13):
I think that Jan did a brilliant one :)
As I said in my PM to the GM, I felt it was a bit sub-standard due to time constraints from work. I'd have loved to have some time to really refine it more as I felt it was a bit waffly in places and could have kept it's pace a little more. The reveal at the end was a little too soon, and I wasn't able to get the best "feel" for the Blackmoor setting as I had hoped.
The Director:
As usual, on the 1st of October I take the chance to step back and look at how this Living World campaign is developing. As part of this exercise I also look at some numbers, and the number of posts is of course the first to be reviewed.
First year: 2,500 posts
Second year: 3,000 posts
Third year: 3,800 posts
Fourth year: 2,800 posts
Sixth year: 1,900 posts
Seventh year: 3,400 posts
Total: 17,400 posts
Any comments on your side?
It's definitely consistent, and I'd be interested to see which characters were active in the "low" years and who was active for the "highs". Still can't believe I've been a part of this game since 2019!!