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Read me first! RTJ, setting, ruleset, character creation...

Posted by The DirectorFor group public
The Director
GM, 61 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2017
at 02:55
  • msg #1

Read me first! RTJ, setting, ruleset, character creation...

In Blackmoor’s long and troubled history, many would-be heroes have quested to find the power and riches long rumored buried in the harsh, cold north. Innumerable stories tell of these great adventurers’ bravery, heroism and skill. Despite their best efforts, however, Blackmoor remains a troubled land. Monsters roam unchecked, terrorizing the innocent, and enemy armies advance on all borders.
More young adventurers have to become strong enough to protect their homeland.
The Kingdom of Blackmoor once again will call on its protectors to save it from complete domination. Will you be ready to answer the call? Can you find the strength to help heal the wounds of a weary land?

The future of the Kingdom is in your hands.

* * *

This is a Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign run with Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e ruleset (Advanced Fighting Fantasy Quickstart Guide is freely available here: ).
This campaign is made of independent one-off adventures and each of them can be completed in a short timeframe (weeks rather than years as often happens). Each adventure will be managed by using a different group. There is no obligation to play all adventures in a specific order, although there may be some "restricted" adventure where only more expert adventurers are allowed or where at least some of the adventurers must have completed a previous, connected game.
Adventures will usually start with three to five characters (exceptions will be flagged accordingly). Some specific adventure may be run more than once, for different groups. Multiple adventures may be run at the same time, occasionally.

As a player, you can RTJ the general campaign and create one or more characters, then each character will be able to join one or another adventure (group) and develop, using carefully the experience points earnt while adventuring (if somehow they manage to survive, of course).
A player can normally have only one character in a specific adventure and can't play it with another character if it is run again (there may be exceptions, but they will be openly declared).

All adventurers taking part to this campaign are young and good-willing, often looking forwad to become Heroes of Blckmoor like the Great Svenny. The Blackmoor campaign is in general not suitable for "pure evil" characters, although "cheeky rascals" and "black sheeps with a golden heart" can come along with no problem.
However, on some particular occasion (to be flagged) there will be the chance of playing a "baddie" in strict collaboration with the Director, in the purest Blackmoor tradition.

If you played another Blackmoor game with another GM, perhaps using another ruleset in another place (whether on line or tabletop) and you would like to hang on to your character, well, reach out to me and we will find a way to adapt your character to this campaign!
My aim here is just to celebrate Dave Arneson and his creation.

* * *

If you want to join the campaign (i.e. group 0), I will ask you only to pick a "player" name (of course, if you already decided which character name you want, you can go directly for that). You will have no other particular obligation.
However, if you want to join a specific adventure (i.e. a specific group requiring characters, see the end of this thread), you will have to create a character (with a character name) and, above all, to agree to the following two requirements:

1) At least one post a day. If you have occasional issues with this, I expect you give me a notice. I can understand that unexpected issues can sometimes happen, but if you can't keep up with this pace I will not wait for your posts and in the short term I will manage your character to avoid breaking the flow of the adventure. If over ten days pass without notice, I will remove you from the game.

2) I need your commitment to participate until the end of the adveture you join. It is a single adventure and won't take years to finish, but rather weeks or months at most.
If anyway you want to drop out, don't disappear but let me know. I will appreciate it.

Note: you can find the same follow up contents also here:

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:38, Wed 01 Sept 2021.
The Director
GM, 69 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2017
at 01:56
  • msg #3

Setting information: Blackmoor

Dave Arneson introducing Blackmoor

One day, a little over thirty years ago, I discovered that I was bored. The campaign that I was running had become a drag. It was consumed with these long tedious battles and constant bickering over historical details. These most recently uncovered details would mess up next week’s battle. Curses on all such books!
Why not just use one source and be done with it? CLICK! Graph paper, pencil, the old 20-sided dice we never used, some really poorly sculpted plastic monsters… I began to imagine a dungeon. My mind raced… I began to draw.
Maybe I can fill it with critters and gold! This dungeon needs a name? Hmm, it’s a dark place in the wilds of wherever. Ahh! Blackmoor! By Sunday night the first six levels of the dungeon were done and the gaming table in the basement had been transformed into a small medieval town with a castle. A dungeon seemed like a good idea since it would keep the players from running all over the place. We still needed some more details… Ah! I drew a map of the town and the country around it. These last details took me most of the rest of the week to complete. I was really excited about this idea.
Now everyone could be a hero like in a book but without a tight (and often dumb!) plot. They could do just about anything that they wanted to do, for better or for worse. In that short time, Blackmoor was born. The campaign setting now known as Blackmoor was done within the month with additional details added as needed. Both the setting and the rules continued to grow over the weeks. Most, but alas not all, the guys liked the game and wanted to keep playing. So the next few weeks were spent fleshing things out and trying to maintain the structure. In a very real way I have continued to “flesh things out” over the last thirty years.
I continue to run the Blackmoor campaign in the games I judge at conventions and in my classroom. Over the years some 5,000+ people have adventured in Blackmoor in excess of 1,500 game sessions. The roads are well traveled but the adventures never end. (Orlando, 2004)

My humble introduction to Blackmoor

The above is Dave Arneson's preface to the Blackmoor campaign by Zeitgeist, one of the last Blackmoor official publications, the one that I will use as main reference for this campaign.
I started this game as a tribute to Dave Arneson for his birthday, i.e. Dave Arneson Game Day, on the 1st of October 2017.
Blackmoor setting, the historical first fantasy campaign, today is still as gritty and enigmatic as it was at the time and its value added is given by the generations of players that shaped it during the years with their adventures.
Besides dedicating this campaign to the memory of Dave Arneson, I would like to dedicate it to all the players that will discover Blackmoor through this campaign: enjoy it and, please, forgive my shortcomings.

What do characters know about Blackmoor at character creation

All the characters are young people coming of age and come from remote, backwater villages, so they don't know a lot of Blackmoor and will have to learn by exploring the land. The following information represents, in practice, all they know at the beginning of the game.
Blackmoor used to be the northernmost province of the huge and decadent Thonian Empire, but, when Blackmoor was under attack from the Afridhi tribes, the Empire didn't send help at all, so the heroic Baron Uther Andahar, after defeating them, declared Blackmoor an independent kingdom. The Thonian Empire sent troops to stop the rebellion, but King Uther won and the Thonian Empire signed a truce.
The young kingdom had to keep fighting many more external and internal enemies, from Skandaharian raiders to the minions of the Egg of Coot, an enigmatic being bent on grabbing as much magic and magic users as it can, to scheming magic users, just to name a few. At the end, a handful of heroes made the difference and repelled all invasions. For this reason, adventurers are highly respected in Blackmoor and adventuring is actively fostered at all levels. A bit all over Blackmoor the coming of age of young people is marked by a period of adventuring far away from home and youngsters too scared or too lazy to hit the road are not considered "marriage material".
There is also a tacit agreement between experienced adventurers not to tell too much detail to youngstars or novice adventurers, just to avoid spoiling their explorations and discoveries.

Blackmoor is not densely populated and is surrounded by enemies of all sort: Afridhi tribes in the west, Skandaharian raiders from the north, all sort of non-human tribes, such as orcs and goblins, raiding all over, the constant threat of the Thonian Empire from south, as it never really accepted Blackmoor independence, plus even darker enemies and faceless traitors ready to take advantage of any weakness shown by the young kingdom.

Races of Blackmoor

Many races and empires have risen to glory and fallen into dust throughout Blackmoor’s long history, many.
The legacies of these peoples continue in present-day Blackmoor. Many races are found in the charted and uncharted areas of the Kingdom, and each of these races is rich in history and lore.

The primary races that can be selected as character races are Humans (High Thonians, Thonians, Peshwah, Skandaharians and Afrihi), Elves (Cumasti and Westryn), half-elves, half orcs, halflings, docrae, dwarves and gnomes. Please contact the Director if you are interested in playing other races.
In general, a majority of humans + half-humans is expected in a generic group of adventurers.
Each race originally hails from a different region, but there are now some places where a bit all the races can be encountered and this is the case of most characters' birthplaces.

The Afridhi are a dark-skinned people with flaming red hair. They are slightly shorter than other humans, only 5 feet on average, but make up for their vertical shortcomings with great physical power.
The Afridhi are a frightening race of humans who hail from the most inhospitable parts of the Goblin Kush Mountains, far away in the west. Powerful warriors, the Afridhi have survived for centuries in these cold mountains by force of will and discipline.
During last few generations, the Afridhi expanded their lands far away from the Goblin Kush, fuelled by rising religious fundamentalism linked to the monotheistic cult of Zugzul. During the rise of fundamentalism among the Afridhi, all of them not feeling enthusiastic about it had to run away to avoid being either killed or enslaved. Some of them escaped to the Duchy of Ten and to Blackmoor and settled down in quiet places, away from the limelight and trying hard not to be confused with the Afridhi worshipping Zugzul, for example wearing different clothes from usual Afridhi ones, with Zugzul symbols laced all over. While they have lots of issues with racism, they are now not too different from all other inhabitants of Blackmoor, apart from the fact that they are all atheists (and therefore they can't have Priestly Powers), as a reaction to the fundamentalism they had to run away from, but being an atheist is usually not an issue in Blackmoor.

The Docrae are a race of small humanoid beings (that may humans struggle to distinguish from Halflings) with a long and troubled past. Old legends mark them as a race of fun-loving and curious folk, each with the appetite of two men. Some say that they are curious and enjoy comfortable homes near their large and long-lived families. Yet these legends are mostly relics of the past. Even before the Afridhi invasion, other races preyed upon the Docrae, enslaving them and manipulating their trusting nature to their own ends. Many Docrae escaped from the main Afridhi invasion force and headed north in search of an area where they could live peacefully and separately from those who would do them harm.
Today the Docrae are a hardy and wise folk who have cultivated their warrior nature from the need to protect themselves and their families from exploitation or violence. Despite their small physical stature, Docrae are formidable opponents and are masters of ranged and melee weaponry. While not as strong as their human counterparts, Docrae use their dexterity and cunning to deliver critical strikes capable of besting much larger opponents.
While Docrae are wary of outsiders, they have begun to open their settlements to other races again. A sense of relative safety has come to the Docrae, and some of them have fearlessly rekindled the traditional celebrations of their heritage. The Docrae have found a kindred relationship with the men of Blackmoor, who have proved themselves trustworthy. These humans are welcomed in Booh and given better treatment than members of other races. The Docrae have learned to make a living selling their wares, and also offer lodging for travelers on the War Road.
While they are willing to do business with other races, Docrae are slow to befriend them. If a member of another race saves a Docrae’s life, he becomes a member of the Docrae clan and remains so until death.
Physical Description: Docrae stand about 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh between 35 and 40 pounds. Their skin is very similar to that of humans, and their hair is normally black and straight. Docrae usually have black or brown eyes, though green eyes are not unknown. Docrae men braid their hair into intricate patterns, often attaching small jewels or similar decorations to their braids as signs of their strength and status in Docrae society. Docrae women wear their hair straight and reasonably short. Docrae society prohibits women from braiding their hair unless they have earned the right to do so through a brave or heroic act.
Docrae wear comfortable and practical clothes. Docrae warriors are always ready for battle and wear strong armor while on patrol.

The dwarves of Blackmoor are an industrious and proud people. For generations they have created beautiful and awe-inspiring crafts, as well as immense cities of stone. Dwarven cities are wondrous to behold, yet outsiders seldom see them. Rumors say that the entire City of Blackmoor could fi t within the Regent of the Mines’ mighty stronghold. As the chief miners in Blackmoor, the dwarves play an important role in procuring the precious metals gold, platinum, and mithral.
Dwarves are proud of their heritage as well as their handiwork. They are quick to boast about themselves and their people. Fond of good drink and fi ne food, dwarves are often drawn to the art of cooking. They are fiercely loyal to their kin and slow to befriend outsiders. At times, a dwarf may dub a foreign companion “Dwarf-Friend” — creating a lifelong bond between the dwarf and his ally. This bond transcends simple mortality and often passes on to such a friend’s family and heirs.
It is not uncommon for dwarves to adopt the immediate members of a Dwarf-Friend’s family.
Physical Description: Dwarves stand 4 to 4 1/2 feet high. They are very broad and muscular and weigh as much as Thonians despite their height difference. Female dwarves are noticeably lighter in frame but are just as tall as their male counterparts. Dwarves in Blackmoor have manyvariations in their in skin tones due to their proximity to wild magic; dwarf skin ranges from very dark brown to light honey. All dwarves have dark brown or black eyes. Facial hair is a source of tremendous pride in dwarven culture. Males wear full beards, grooming them in elaborate braids and decorating them with rings and pendants. Females do not normally have facial hair. Male and female dwarves wear their hair simply. Dark red hair is common, brown slightly less so. The occasional dwarf has black hair; this is more frequent among females than males.
Dwarven dress is simple, consisting of plain woolens with little adornment. Dwarves are long-lived by human standards, first reaching adulthood at age 75. Dwarves are considered elders when they approach 400 years of age.

The Elves of Blackmoor are divided between the Cumasti elves and the Westryn Elves. Once a single elven culture, an alliance with humans resulted in a betrayal and curse that caused an irreparable divide between the elves of eastern and western Blackmoor. Numerous efforts have been made to restore the culture to a single elven race, but to no avail.
Blackmoor’s elves are as diverse and changing as the many tribes of man. Due to their low birth rates and the loss of much of their ancestral lands to humans, orcs, and other humanoids, elves are beginning to die out. They have begun looking into magical avenues to extend their race’s longevity and to help slow their attrition rate.
The Cumasti elves have a long and rich history. Their race dates back to prehistory as one of the fi rst good races to walk the world. They possess an inspirational ability to perform great works of magic, art, and music. Until modern humans came to the world, elves ruled the lush forests and plains. The elves aided men in establishing themselves as a good race but the humans ultimately betrayed them.
The betrayal of the Cumasti split their society into two opposing factions. Cumasti loyalists sought to mend the wounds left by the human betrayal, believing that humans choose their paths as individuals, not as a collective race.
The other elves, later to be called the Westryn elves, retreated from the world, scarred by the human betrayal and vowing never to trust any other race again.
Cumasti are intelligent and willing to experience life in all its facets. They follow the traditions laid down for them so many centuries ago by the first elves to walk the world. They love nature and all that it offers.
Cumasti are trusting and friendly, living to experience the diversity of the peoples with whom they share. They hold no hatred for any good race, though they find dwarves too dirty and crass for their refined sensibilities. They view each person as an individual whose deeds are weighed on a scale larger than the elf’s ability to judge.
The serious and rarely smiling Westryn elves are the sourest bunch of grapes on the good races’ vine. Westryn elves have large chips on their shoulders and are extremely xenophobic. They rarely trust any race outside of other elves, and those few individuals that they do trust have won that prize only after a hard-fought struggle. Westryn are quiet but quick to anger, are blunt and brusque with other races.
The “Black Curse,” as the Westryn call it, has made it impossible for the Westryn to produce viable offspring with any other race. This fact coupled with a policy of isolation has alienated them from other races and cultures.
Physical Description (Cumasti): Cumasti elves are short and slender. They stand between 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh between 80 and 130 pounds. Cumasti men are typically heavier and taller than Cumasti women. Cumasti have light-colored hair, ranging from honey to ash blonde, and have eyes of rich green, deep blue, or soft brown. Other races view Cumasti as nearly ethereal — hauntingly beautiful and graceful. Cumasti skin tones are light, even after hours in the sun.
Cumasti reach maturity at 100 years old and live for over 800 years.
Physical Description (Westryn): Westryn are slightly taller than their Cumasti cousins. They stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, with no difference in height based on gender. They are powerfully built and swarthy — are not slight or of pale complexion like the Cumasti. Westryn eyes range in color from dark green to deep lue, and their hair varies from greenish-blonde to shimmering raven black.

Establishing themselves as learned engineers and skilled craftsman, the Blackmoor’s gnomes earn their living working cooperatively with High Thonians and dwarven engineers. Gnomes love to solve puzzles and their mental and manual agility make them welcome company.
Gnomes are an open and trusting people whose lives revolve around their work. While kind to each other and their patrons, gnomes are easily annoyed by individuals who needlessly distract them from their precious work. The definition of need is of course up to the gnome in question. As such, gnomes are often chided for their blunt behavior.
Nobles who need their skills tolerate them, but revel when they are free of them. Left to themselves and their work, gnomes are pleasant. They work hours at a time on their precious gadgets and are driven to complete every project they start.
Physical Description: Gnomes stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet high. Their skin is light to dark brown, depending on their current home and the amount of sunlight to which they are exposed. Gnome hair is fair, and their eyes bluish. Gnomes favor short hair, and their men wear beards as a sign of status. They wear very practical clothing that sports pockets and belts for holding tools; they seem to be able to produce any needed item from these pockets

Blackmoorian half-elves are relatively rare since they come only from the union of a Cumasti elf and a human. Halfelves often feel lost, not knowing where they fit in. They wander the world, looking for a home where they can live in peace. Humans use the term “half-elf” to describe this race. Cumasti call them Ni’ssillin (“Lost Ones”) and Westryn call them Do’rioa (“Cursed Blood”).
Half-elves are a very accepting people. They do not judge individuals, even half-orcs, by their race. They realize that circumstances can sometimes create strange outcomes. Because of this, they tend to take their time when making decisions and are outwardly slow to warm up to others.
Physical Description: A half-elf has the same basic height and weight as her human parent but exhibits the fine features of her elven parent. She has light-colored hair and skin, but not to the same extent as her Cumasti parent. Halfelves are built like humans, appearing in a similar array of body types. Their slightly slanted eyes are a feature unique to half-elves, and their eye colors range from blue to brown and always contain fl ecks of gold or silver. Their ears are slightly pointed, but their other features are soft and rounded.

Halflings are the most welcome of visitors throughout Blackmoor. They bring stories and goods to trade and are free from other races’ mistrust. Halflings are uniquely able to obtain secret information, a trait which has made them important friends in dangerous lands.
Halflings are kind and friendly folk who love to tell stories and eat. They are known throughout the land for their ability to entertain. While they are friendly, they are also skilled traders and drive hard bargains, using their natural charisma to infl uence their dealings with others. Halflings are industrious and quickly adapt to the customs of the lands in which they settle.
Physical Description: Halfl ings stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall and weigh in at a portly 50 to 75 pounds. Halflings have dark hair and eyes. They wear practical and unassuming clothing to prevent provocation from those who would think to take advantage of their diminutive stature. Halflings live long lives, reaching maturity at 45 and becoming elders at 175.

On the Blackmoor frontier’s far reaches, orcs raid human settlements in search of wealth and food. These raids have in turn generated offspring in the form of halfpoint orcs. Half-orcs who do not exhibit clear and distinct human traits are often allowed to remain within the orc culture.
Orcs slaughter those who are obviously part human or who fall out of favor. Some half-orcs manage to escape and spend the remainder of their lives hunted by both men and orcs, which forces many half-orcs to live away from civilization, in small bands or on their own. Often they seek some sort of belonging with others and adventure for the respect and acceptance that can come from the skilled use of a battle axe.
Half-orcs have little patience with others, a trait that may be the result of years of abuse and rejection. They love to fight and greatly value what friendship they can find. They enjoy good food and drink and are always open to reveling. They tend to overcompensate for the lack of positive attention they received over the course of their segregated, hunted lives.
Physical Description: Half-orcs stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and weigh between 210 and 270 pounds. They have grayish skin tones and large skulls with protruding foreheads that highlight their orc heritage.

High Thonians
The High Thonians are members of the highest, most powerful human social caste within Blackmoor’s borders.
While High Thonians tend to come from advantaged backgrounds, not all of them have the stomach for politics or fi ghting. Many use their family names and backgrounds to pursue science and other academic matters. Several teachers at the University of Blackmoor are High Thonians from important families High Thonians are studious people and excellent entertainers. They spend their time learning and finding new and interesting ways to entertain themselves and their wealthy friends. Noble Thonians spend their money freely to impress others or to purchase necessary parts for their inventions. They are kind and gentle to others but are venomously possessive of their expansive libraries and eccentric inventions.
Physical Description: High Thonians stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh from 135 to 265 pounds, with men noticeable taller and heavier than women.
Their skin is fair; their hair tends to be blond or brown. To demonstrate their excellent grooming, most High Thonian men do not wear beards. High Thonians are long-lived by human standards, with life spans reaching well over 100 years. Some attribute this longevity to breeding, but others suspect a magical source.

Not so long ago, a tribe of humans settled the Plains of Hak, bringing their horses with them. This tribe is known as the Peshwah. The Peshwah are gentle and nomadic souls who enjoy the feel of life from the back of their horses. Until they met the Afridhi, they knew no war or serious conflict.
As the Afridhi drove these peaceful people in front of them across the plains, spilling their blood and killing their fathers and sons, the Peshwah grew hard and fierce — proving that even a horse will turn to face the lion. After good races halted the Afridhi’s advance, the Peshwah once again settled into their windswept homeland. This time though, they have a purpose: the vengeance pounding in their collective heart.
Peshwah are a well-meaning people. They have pleasant natures and are willing to help their own kind without asking for anything in return. Peshwah mistrust outsiders, including the other human races, but they are rarely hostile toward them. The burning racial anger they hold in their hearts is for the Afridhi alone.
Physical Description: After riding across the wind-swept Plains of Hak for generations, the Peshwah have become a dark-skinned people. Though of human stock, Peshwah are shorter and stockier than their northern Blackmoor brethren. Their features are hard, and culminate in large, straight noses. Their hair is dark brown or deep red, curly hair is uncommon.

Skandaharians are a race of tall, pale-skinned, blue-eyed, blond-haired sea rovers. From their secret homes in the frozen north, they sail in long ships to raid the coasts of the Thonian Empire. In more recent years, they have concentrated on Blackmoor instead, which they unsuccessfully tried to invade during Blackmoor’s rebellion against the empire. Many Skandaharian warriors died in that fiasco, and many barbarian raiders carry a burning hatred of Blackmoor because of their humiliating defeat. However, other Skandaharians and their descendents settled in quieter parts of Blackmoor (very often near the coast) and started a new life in the Kingdom.
Skandaharians are often noted for their greed, destructiveness, and cruelty... in this regard, they are often compared unfavorably with orcs. However, Skandaharians hailing from Blackmoor are not that different from other citizens.

Thonians are the everyday citizens in Blackmoor and its surrounding vicinity. The noble caste rules them, and many take jobs as servants in High Thonian houses. Many long for better lives and strive to find wealth and power.
Thonians are very much normal humans. They are well-tempered but sometimes show disdain for their lot in life. Thonians do not share in the privilege or money that they see all around them. Thonians also are angered that they cannot join the nobility, regardless of their financial status, without a direct appointment from the king. The are family-loving people who try to better themselves.
Physical Description: Thonians stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh 125 to 250 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Their skin is dark, and their hair is black or brown. Thonians do not share the longevity of their High Thonian rulers. They achieve adulthood at age 16 and typically live into their 70s.

The Blackmoorian calendar

The North holds to Blackmoor’s Royal Calendar, also known as the King’s Calendar or Uther’s Calendar. The Blackmoorian year consists of twelve months, with between 28 and 32 days in each month. These days are separated into ten-day increments called (believe it or not) “tendays”. In a year there are 37 tendays and, consequently, 370 days.

The months of Uther’s Calendar, with their equivalent Gregorian calendar months, are as follows.

Blackmoorian monthGregorian monthDays per month

This campaign starts on the year 1030 on 24 Dumimia (Autumn Equinox).
Unless stated otherwise, each game is considered to take a tendays.

Deities of Blackmoor

In Blackmoor most people respects a wide pantheon of deities, but Blackmoorians in general are not religious fanatics. They are rather tolerant and religion for them is not exceedingly important, but some of their enemies, such as, for example, the Afridhi, are definitely fanatics.
Each settlement will have a specific patron (or more, if it is particularly big) and sometimes individuals choose a specific and appropriate patron as well (optional for all characters apart from Priestly characters that are of course required to choose a patron).

See below the most known deities in Blackmoor.

Deity nameHoly symbolPortfolioWorshippers
AerosA cluster of intricate lines, beginning at a common point and spreading outwardAir, knowledge, timeElves; farmers, knowledgeseekers, sailors
BaldinA harp superimposed on a sunLight, music, poetry, the sunBards, poets, musicians
Brr'bb'tA toadTransfomation and destructionAmphibians, swampers
CalelrinA dagger piercing an open eyeAssassination, dark places, evil, lies, and secretsPeshwah; assassins, greedy merchants, evil rogues, and evil arcane spellcasters
ChamberA black, wingless dragon coiled around a large black swordInvention, fire, and secretsDragons and dragon cults
CharisA candle-like, little flame in the darknessInvention, intelligence, insightGnomes
DealthA black veilMagic, travel, tricksElves; those seeking to avoid misfortune or wish misfortune on others, wizards
DhumnonA gold coin split by a swordCommerce, contracts, nobilityDwarves; adventurers, merchants, nobles
ElgathEntwined chimera heads on a disc crossed by three arrowsArchers and the huntArchers, hunters, and religious wokan
FaunusA crown of thorns (often simplified as a circlet of ivy)Plants and animalsElves; farmers, hunters, rangers, some wokan
FerrosAn anvilCreation, strength, and metalElves; inventors, smiths, miners
FiumarraA lit candleFireElves; anyone dealing with fire, wizards
FronausA white kite shield crossed by two blue longswords and capped by a golden crownJustice, law, and nobilityHigh Thonians; knights, lawyers, paladins, petitioners
GorrimAn open eye made of carved black stoneDeath, earth, the underworld, wealthDwarves, Gnomes; death cults, murderers, and thieves
HadeenA stylized composite bowArchery and nobilityPeshwah; archers and nobles - note that Hadeen is a deceased deity and therefore doesn't grant priestly powers anymore
HakA horse riding through the night skyHarvest, horses, the sky, stars, and windPeshwah
HellaA crumbling black tower over a red skullDeath and the underworldEvil priests, the power-hungry, and evil death cults
HemgridAn axe splitting a mountainEarth, mountainsDwarves, Gnomes; miners, soldiers
HenrinA silver longsword thrust into the groundGuards, loyalty, the militaryThonians; the downtrodden, peasant knights
HershA pair of dice on a silver coinCommunication and luckGamblers and thieves
HydrosA crashing waveWaterElves; farmers, healers, sailors, anyone afraid of bad weather
IdThe voidThe dark and ancient forces of ChaosDeformed and mutated creatures
InsellagethA gold, wingless dragon coiled around a crystal ballDragons, magic, mystical power, and knowledgeDragons and dragon cults
KadisA large pick dug into a mountainEarth and the mountainsTenians; miners and smiths
KelaA gold compass and a rolled parchmentCrafts, smithingDwarves; craftsmen, explorers, merchants, smiths
KhoronusA gold longsword crossing a silver lanceCourage, strategy, and tacticsTenians; commanders and soldiers
KoorzunA white warhammer on an open black bookHome, magicDwarves; sages, wizards, some wokan
Med-aA golden dragon coiled around a steep, black mountainWisdom, power, domination over the unwiseDragons and dragon cults - very mysterious deity, thought deceased
MierocThree differently shaped gearsEngineering, smithing, warDwarves; inventors, engineers, generals
MwajinA white cloud raining coinsCommerce, sea, and the windAdventurers, merchants, sailors
OdirA shortspear wreathed in motes of magical energyKnowledge, magic, and warAny
OrdanaAn outstretched female handKnowledge and protectionElves; midwives, mothers, protectors, teachers
PacuunA bastard sword over a yellow sunsetLight, sun, and travelAdventurers, travelers, undead slayers
PathmeerThree wavy lines emanating from an open mouthKnowledge, secrets, travelDwarves; rogues and spies
PhelliaA red spider spinning a magic web around a black heartLove, magic, and vanityWizards, some wokan
RaelralataenA black disk with a white balanceDeath, law, and justicePeshwah; knights, lawyers, nobles
SacwhynneA blue longsword crossing a white buckler made of ice with a golden crownDuels, ice, and warBlackmoorians; duelists, nobles
ShauA dwarf holding a greataxeTactics, trust, warDwarves; females, guardians, warriors
Sollusbrown scythe on a field of red wheatAgriculture, fertility, harvest, the sunBlackmoorians; farmers, some wokan
SylvianA tree branchWild placesElves; hunters, lumberjacks, woodcrafters
TemrinA hourglassTimeBlackmoorian traditionalists - note that Temrin is a deceased deity and therefore doesn't grant priestly powers anymore
TerraA mountainLaw and earthElves; explorers, judges, miners, stone-carvers
ThanatosA diseased hand grasping for the moonDecay, disease, famine, timeBeastmen, cults of disease and famine, evil wizards
The PygmalionA triangle pointing downPeace, motherhood, happinessThe (very secretive) cult of The Pygmalion - it is debated if she deceased very long time ago or if she was only temporarily trapped - it is unknown if she actually grants priestly powers
TillaA blue short sword surrounded by a yellow haloDocrae civilizationDocrae
TsarthaA wingless, gray dragon coiled around an oak leafHealing, justice, and motherhoodDragons and dragon cults
TyrhmAn axe covered in iceCold and warSkandaharians, Frost Giants; conquerors, hunters
Uzu KulA trident, sometimes a KrakenOcean abyssSailors, Skandaharians
VolkethA black dagger piercing a heartThieves, trickery, and murderAssassins, spies, thieves
YoosefA red owl perched on a yellow bookThe earth, enlightenment, and protectionPeshwah; mystics, rangers, sages, wizards
ZugzulA flaming eye wreathed in a circle of woven axesConquest, death, fire, and warAfridhi

Blackmoor's current baronies

NewgateGreat Svenny
GlendowerBascom Ungulian
The LakesRissa Aleford
DragoniaPeshwan na Shepro
ArchlisWolper Gannet
MausPiter Rall
BramwaldBram Tagus

Other dominions in Blackmoor

Lord of the CumastiMenander Ithamis
King of the WestrynUnknown to the wider public
Dwarven Regent of the MinesUberstar Khazakhum
Regent of the Halflings of the Northern MarchesTimothy Curlytop

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:42, Sat 02 Sept 2023.
The Director
GM, 70 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2017
at 02:05
  • msg #4

Ruleset information: Advanced Fighting Fantasy

The original Blackmoor campaign is associated with the development of Dungeons & Dragons, but in time it was played with lots of different rulesets.
As I hope this campaign will be a decent Blackmoor introduction for players that don't know this setting yet, I also hope it will be a decent Advanced Fighting Fantasy introduction for players that don't know this ruleset yet.

Please note that I will not follow strictly Advanced Fighting Fantasy ruleset, but I will use simpler rules for character generation (see below) and one specific house rule in combat: while melee attacks require opposed rolls (as per standard ruleset), ranged attacks require rolls against a standard target (that is always 15), after adding or subtracting relevant bonuses or penalties. Once hit, armour will be managed as per standard ruleset.

In general, you should be able to play this campaign with no problem by using just the Quickstart Guide that is freely available here:
Specific areas requiring the full ruleset (mostly spell lists and uncommon magic styles) will be highlighted below.

Character creation
Every novice adventurer starts with the following values in their Characteristics:

those starting Characteristics are then increased from a pool of 8 characteristics points, with the following caveats:
SKILL: maximum 3 points can be added
STAMINA: maximum 4 points can be added and each point added increases STAMINA by 2
LUCK: maximum 3 points can be added
MAGIC: maximum 7 points can be added

After adding up the Characteristic points as mentioned above, you can add Racial modifiers:
Humans, Halflings and Docrae: +1 LUCK
Dwarves, Gnomes and Half-Orcs: +2 STAMINA
Elves (Cumasti and Westryn) and Half-Elves: +1 MAGIC
If you would like to play other races, please contact the Director for the related modifiers.

Every character can choose ONE Talent amongst the following:
Ambidextrous: fight with two one-handed weapons (at least one must be a dagger or short sword). When hitting a single opponent, you can do two damage rolls (one for each weapon and each of them will have an armour roll) while fighting with two opponents you can do an attack roll for each of them.
Animalfriend: no natural animal will attack you unless magically controlled.
Arcane: you can choose this Talent only if you have at least one point in a Magic special skill (Excluding Magic - Sorcery and Chaos Magic, that are more difficult to control). If you roll a double 6 when casting a spell, then you can roll 1d6 and, if the result is 1-4, the spell fails but you don't need to roll for catastrophic side effects.
Armour Training: +1 to all armour and shield rolls.
Attuned: you need at least one point of Magic Lore Special Skill. You can identify the main properties of a magic item you hold in your hand. The more powerful is the item the lower is accuracy.
Blessed: you need at least one point of Magic - Priestly special skill. You can use one extra divine power per day without extra cost.
Combat reactions: you can't be ambushed successfully and you don't suffer usual penalty when outnumbered up to 3 to 1. If outnumbered 4 to 1, the enemies gain a +1, if 5 to 1 they get +2, if 6 to 1 (maximum outnumbering for similar sized creatures) they get +3
Crack Shot: +1 bonus when rolling for damage with ranged weapons
Dark Seeing: see at night and underground (monochrome and up to 20m - not available to Humans
Familiar: hero has a normal, small animal as familiar, that can fllow simple orders
Fast Healer: recovers 2 extra STAMINA every day
Fleet Footed: hero moves 3m in battle round instead of usual 2m, +4 on escaping rolls if on foot and moves up to 50% faster than normal for his race
Focus: to get this Talent you need to be able to cast spells, but not Sorcery nor Chaos Magic. You can endow a "suitable" item (usually a gem) by permanently sacrificing up to three points of MAGIC to your spellcasting Focus and receive up to +3 bonus to all spellcasting attempts and associated rolls (including casting failures and catastrophic outcomes) when casting while using your Focus. You can progressively sacrifice more MAGIC point to get a progressively stronger Focus. Sacrificed MAGIC points can not be recovered magically, but only by getting more Experience points. Creating a Focus takes time (a tenday for each MAGIC point sacrificed) and you can have only one Focus at the time. Your Focus is personal and using somebody else’s Focus requires passing a test of LUCK or go straight to the Oops table. Foci are highly considered in Blackmoor as their use was invented by Skelfer Ard, the White Wizard, to end the Mages Wars long time ago.
Hawkeye: +3 in all awareness checks that involve vision
Holy: you need a least a point of Priestly - Magic special skill. Once per day a priestly power has double effect
Knighted: this Talent can't be chosen by the player, but it is the consequence of attaining the knighthood after an official act of a King or Lord. Your minimum social class becomes 7 (whether or not you misbehave, but if you are stripped of your knighthood due to bad deeds typically you are back to social class 0). When elevated to knighthood, you receive any of the following, if you don't have them already: a melee weapon of good quality (often a Longsword), a Lance for mounted combat, a Chainmail Cuirass, a Large Shield and a Battle-trained Warhorse. If they are lost, they sould be replaced normally. People expects a special behavior from knights and often petition them for help against evil. If the character doesn't have enough XP when receiving knighthood, they have to go on quest secretly and come back only when they have enough experience to become full knight.
Learned: special bonus of +2 to all Knowledge tests, even if the hero has no point in the appropriare Knowledge Special Skill
Light Sleeper: never surprised when asleep
Lucky: can repeat one failed LUCK roll every day, spending a single LUCK point for both. Second roll must be accepted. - available only to Humans
Natural Mage: you need at least one point of Magic - Wizardry or other styles of magic, apart from Magic - Sorcery or Chaos Magic, that are too difficult to control. You don't need to roll to cast a spell that has a cost lower than your points in the relevant Magic special skill.
Natural Physician: you need Healing special skill. A normal Healing roll cures 3 STAMINA, a double 1 restores 6 STAMINA and a double 6 only inflicts 1 damage.
Physical Empowerment: in one turn of meditation you can convert 2 STAMINA into 1 Magic Point.
Robust: eating a meal restores 3 STAMINA instead of 2 and sleeping restores 5 STAMINA instead of 4. Two meals and one sleep a day.
Silvertongued: all Con, Bargain, Etiquette or Leadership rolls have a +3 bonus
Solid Defence: if defensive or dodge options are chosen in combat, the hero receives an additional +2 bonus
Status: the character is part of a noble family. Minimum social status is 8 and you have a monthly allowance of 4d6 gold pieces without having no real duty apart from getting in touch with the character's family r their agent. This Talent can't be chosen by the player, but it's the consequence of a King or Lord elevating the character or a relative to a noble title. If the character doesn't have enough XP to get this Talent, the character will get the same privilege, but next advancement requiring XPs for that character must be the acquisition of this Talent. This often turns characters (especially non playing characters into lazy personalities.
Strongarm: +1 damage roll when brawling or using hand weapons
Survivor: can find food in the wild. In 2 hours can provide food, water and shelter just sufficient for one person for one day
Trapmaster: +2 bonus to all rolls when traps are involved. It is usually used in conjunction with Trap Knowledge Special Skill
Weaponmaster: can use every melee weapon without specific training. For every 3 points of the hero's best melee weapon special skill (rounded up), he can have one point in every other melee weapon special skill if he has no special skill in that
Templar: you have to be devoted to a specific deity. You can cast one (and only one) appropriate priestly spell once per day as if you had Devotion = 5. You don't need MAGIC points etc. to do this
Dark Veil: Something in your past shades your soul from the sight of demons and undead spirits, unless you take an aggresstive action towards them. A specific demon or spirit will be forever able to see you if you attack it once.
Natural Leader: hirelings under hero's sight make +4 morale checks and out of hero's sight but still under his direct command a +2
Magic Resistance: you are completely unaffected by all magic costing one point, whether good or bad
Clearsight: recognize illusions unless they are coming from deities
Entrepreneur: when running a business for profit (may it be a shop or a mecenary band) you get +2 on profit rolls
Packhorse: Hero can carry 20 normal items instead of 10, with +2 more for each point of Strength
Master Tactician: instinctive understanding of military tactics (+2 to related rolls)
Lighting Strike: in any combat where the hero is not surprised, his opponent does not cause damage if he wins the first round (normal rolls, but no damage is done by the opponent on the first round). This applies to the very first round of a combat, not the first round against an individual opponent, and only one opponent is affected

Special Skills
You can choose one Special Skill at (2) and two Special Skills at (1). Special Skills can increase up to (6), but can never be more than half the related main characteristic, rounded down (for example, if your SKILL is 9, a related Special Skill can be at most (4)). A Special Skill at (1) indicates a basic training, at (2) is full training, at (3) you are an expert, at (4) a master and higher scores indicate higher mastership levels.
You can pick amongst the following (they are mostly self explanatory):

Combat Special Skills:
Armour: allows you to wear heavier armour without penalites (see armour section below) but it does not improve your Armour rolls
Igneolite (Firepowder) Hand Weapons (pistol can be carried pre-charged with a lead ball and can target one person, bunderbuss can not be carried pre-charged as it rains pellets onup to three persons staying within a couple of meters from each other - loading takes one full round if not under attack or three round if under attack)
Mounted Combat
Strength: helps in strength feats like knocking down doors, bending metal bars, etc.
Thrown: throwing daggers and the like
Battle Tactics
Siege Weapons

Movement Special Skills
Dodge: out of combat you can dodge failing rocks, traps or runawy horses.

Stealth Special Skills
Awareness: helps spotting enemies, traps, secret doors etc. it does not only apply to sight, but also hearing, tasting, touching and smelling
Disguise: use of clothing, make up and other props to appear who you are not. It includes acting.
Sleight of Hand: pick pockets, steal small items in plain view, secrete small items etc.
Sneaking: used to avoid being seen and heard
Trap Knowledge: identification and disactivation of traps

Knowledge Special Skills
Animal Lore
Con: persuading people
Combat Whistles: it is a secret code that is communicated by whistling and is battle oriented. It is traditionally tought only to Afridhi.
Crafting: choose a specific craft
Etiquette: behave´properly in all echelons of society
Terrain Lore: a specific environment has to be chosen (Forest Lore, Desert Lore, Mountain Lore, Sea Lore, Underground Lore, etc.)
Healing: patch up wounds, treat diseases and poisons. A successful healing roll cures 2 STAMINA, a double 1 restores 4 STAMINA and a double 6 inflicts 2 damages (due to a medical mistake...)
Leadership: it only applies if those commanded have a reason to obey the hero, it boosts morale
Secret Signs: use of a secret code of used by underground societies. It can be talked, communicated with body signs, handshakes or marks. It is normally shared between Sorcerers and Chaos Wizards, but occasionally also theives and assassin can access it.
Smoke Signals: use of a secret code of distance communication through smoke puffs. It is traditionally tought only to Peswah.
Religion Lore: you need at least one point of Magic - Priestly Special Skill. Only available for the specific deity venerated.
Engineering: used to design buildings, plan earthworks, undermine castle walls, design siege engines, build emergency bridges, cranes and the like
Navigation: can be used to travel effciently from one place to another
Stewardship: effectively run an organization / business
Other appropriate and specific Knowledge Special Skills / Lores can be generated by the Director after a discussion with the Player.

Please note that Knowledge Special Skills related to specific local knowledge (specific lands, cities, people, religions, etc.) are not available, as all your Chracter knows at the beginning of the game is written in the Setting information section and can be expanded only by first-hand exploration.

Languages: all civilized beings in Blackmoor speak the same common language (Thonian) and they get this Special Skill "for free" at (4) on top of the others (you don't even need to add it to the character sheet as it is implicit for everybody), but other intelligent races (such as Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Docrae, Gnomes, etc.) have a unique language as well (half races, such as half-elves or half-orcs of course don't have a specific language but can choose Elvish or Orcish etc.) and this can be chosen instead of one of the two Special Skill (1) at character creation to attain the native language at (4).  After this point, characters are assumed to be learning the language from scratch and would have to purchase this language Special Skill as if it was a normal Special Skill with XP.  Peshwah, Skandaharians and Afridhi have their own languages, but if they hail from Blackmoor their "standard" language is the common (Thonian) and, if they want to speak also their specific languages they have to acquire the associated Special Skill in the aforementioned manner. It is recommended that Elves choose Elvish language, Gnomes choose Gnomish language etc. but it is not mandatory and this can be justified in the character background.

Magic Special Skills
All magic users in Blackmoor are supposed to get registered at the Wizards Cabal, although the Cabal never achieved 100% registrations and several magic users are therefore illegal, including the characters at the beginning of the game.
Please note that most detail related to these special skills (including spell lists etc.) can be found in the full rulesets. The Quickstart Rules, however, cover sufficiently Magic - Wizardry, that is actually the most practical magic style for new players. For other magic styles or more wizardry spells beyond the ones in the QuickStart Guide you will need the published ruleset.
Magic - Minor: the number of cantrips initially known is equal to three times your initial Magic Minor Special Skill points.
Magic - Priestly: choose a deity from the Setting information section and then contact the Director to get the related priestly powers
Magic - Sorcery: due to the unstable nature of magic in Blackmoor, sorcerers are very feared. They do not learn how to harness the magical energies that flow through the world, but are instead born to such energies. From an early age, these men and women exhibit signs of their ill-fated heritage (it is therefore impossible learning from scratch Magic-Sorcery if it isn't chosen at character creation, but of course Magic-Sorcery special skill level can be improved by spending experience points). Some have marks on their bodies in the shape of powerful beasts or dragons; others are born with pupil-less white eyes that still see. When a sorcerer reaches early adolescence, a great explosion of power manifests around her. Rumours tell that such manifestations can easily destroy entire villages. Moreover, the sorcery spell ZED (7) is said to have even worse effects on the very fabric of reality. Because of this unpredictable power, sorcerers are feared and hunted, even by their own families and friends. Sorcerers don't choose their condition and they are not necessarily evil (although the majority are or become evil due to their persecution), but when they fail to cast a spell, they have to pass a LUCK test to avoid becoming Chaos Wizards, cause a disastrous release of energy and inevitably turn evil (if their attempt is a critical failure, Oops table can be used directly before progressing to Chaos Magic, with no LUCK roll). For these reasons, choosing this Special Skill for a playing character can be very challenging.
Magic Lore: you can identify a spell being cast (all magic styles), a magical potion and even a creature of magical origin. Penalties can vary depending on how common that magic is.
Second Sight: you can see magic, magical effects and magical creatures (including spirits, ghosts etc.)
Magic - Mask Magic: uncommon style
Magic - Conjuration: relatively uncommon style
Magic - Tattooing: uncommon style
Magic - Battle Magic: uncommon style
Magic - Enchanting: relatively uncommon style
Magic - Naval Sorcery: uncommon style, more popular among Skandaharians and their descendants. See Magic - Sorcery for side effects
Magic - Wizardry: this is the only magic style easily accessible in practice to players using only the Quickstart Guide.
The initial total number of spell levels known at the beginning (where the level of a spell is considered the standard number of MAGIC POINTS required to cast it) is equal to MAGIC characteristic score and, if you don't have the full ruleset, you can chose among the spells described at page 16 of the Quickstart Guide. In case of doubt contact the Director.
Your MAGIC POINTS are equal to twice your MAGIC characteristic + Magic Wizardry Special Skill score.
Spell casting is quite like any characteristic test only using your MAGIC score instead of your SKILL and in general will use a daily reserve of MAGIC POINTS.
Hector casts a Fire-Bolt (a spell that he previously learnt) at a GOBLIN. Hector has a MAGIC score of 8 and Magic-Wizardry of 2 meaning he has to roll 10 or under on a roll of 2d6 to successfully cast his spell. He rolls a 4 and a 5, so he makes it. It also means that he has a daily reserve of 20 MAGIC POINTS.
A spell whether successfully cast or not drains Magic Points from the caster equal to the value of the spell (in the case of Fire-Bolt, 1 Magic Point, so the current total of MAGIC POINTS would go down to 19).
Spell casting rolls that come up double 6 mean something has gone seriously wrong; the spell fails and the wizard rolls 3d6 on the Oops Spell Failure table (it can go DRAMATICALLY wrong...).
The roll can be improved by preparing and concentrating for few rounds before casting (+2 per each round), if the surrounding is quiet (+3), but can be penalized if the caster is target of a melee attack (-2) or even just by a ranged attack (-1).
If the wizard wears an armour, then additional MAGIC POINTS must be expended for each spell cast. For example a leather cuirass will require an extra MAGIC POINT and heavier armour will require progressively more and more.

If you have chosen Magic - Wizardry, you can start with a spell point for each MAGIC (main characteristic) point. For example, "Breathe" will cost you two spell points in this calculation.

You start the game with ONE weapon of your choice, appropriate for your character and related Special Skills.
You can choose among the following:

Arrow - Longbow   :2333345
Arrow - Shortbow   :1223334
Battleaxe   :3333445
Crossbow Bolt   :2233445
Dagger       :1122223
Club       :1222334
Greatsword       :2334456
Handaxe       :2223334
Javelin       :2333345
Lance       :2233445
Mace       :2333334
Morning Star     :1223445
Polearm    :2333445
Quarterstaff    :1233334
Short Sword  :1223334
Sling  :1122234
Spear       :2233345
Sword   :2333345
Throwing Dagger       :1112223
Warhammer    :2333334
Pistol    :1223345
Bunderbuss    :1122334
Improvised Weapon       :1112223
Unarmed (human sized)       :1111123
Unarmed (large sized)       :2222345
Bite/claw - Small       :2233334
Bite/claw - Medium      :2333445
Bite/claw - Large       :3344567

Armour is essential for many adventurers, protecting against arrows, swords, claws and other hazards. Armour is heavy and cumbersome, can be difficult to use and can interfere with the effectiveness of some magic, although most heroes will wear the best armour they can use and afford.
The table below identifies the level of protection provided by each type of armour, however the hero must be trained in wearing the armour, or will suffer penalties. The hero should compare his Armour Special Skill total (Armour Special Skill + SKILL characteristic) to the listed values:

TotalArmour that can be effectively worn
6 or lessSmall Shield
7Leather Cuirass / Large Shield
8Leather Hauberk
9Chainmail Cuirass or Breastplate
10Chainmail Hauberk
11Plate Armour

If a hero has an insufficient total to comfortably wear that armour, but decides to wear it anyway, then the difference between the required total and that hero's actual total is deducted from all physical SKILL tests, including combat.
If a shield is used, then the protection provided for that particular result should be added to that provided to the armour worn. Only one armour roll is done whether a shield is used or not.

Leather Cuirass :----112
Leather Hauberk :-111112
Chainmail Cuirass :---1223
Chainmail Hauberk :-122223
Breastplate :---1234
Plate Armour :1122334
Small Shield:----112
Large Shield:---1112
Monster Light Armour:0001112
Monster Medium Armour:0011223
Monster Heavy Armour:0122334

If you want it, you start the game with the best armour that you can wear with no penalties, but only an armour OR a shield can be selected.

Pocket money and other equipment
You weren't sent adventuring out in the outside world without due equipment: you carry with you a substantial amount of gold (50 GP, so you won't need to fight to death for a blanket or a glass of warm milk), suitably comfortable clothes, a backpack and a bedroll. You start the game with enough food for three meals and a waterskin to refill at the wells on the road.
This is a handsome equipment and lots of money for the standards of your village. The gold in particular comes from the village treasure and you know you are expected to return at least twice as much when you will be back, so that younger adventurers after your times will be able to leave the village without fear of starvation on the way.
You have also the map of Blackmoor that you can see in the Game Map tab.
Make sure you note all this in your Character Sheet.
Your backpack can contain up to ten "bulky" objects (for example, scrolls, rings and similar small objects do not count towards the ten objects. The bag that you use for keeping your coins can contain up to 50 coins and do count towards the ten objects (for this reason it is considered that an adventurer can carry up to 500 coins). You can carry over ten "bulky" objects only if you have the Packhorse Special Skill (described above).

When you get out of your village you have nothing else with you: this may seem too basic an equipment for a young adventurer, but that's the traditional equipment in Blackmoor and it worked for many young adventurers before you. If you want to buy something else you need to find an IC opportunity to do it or you can wait for the end of your first adventure, when you will have a fair chance of accessing a market.

Spending Experience Points
The experience points earnt adventuring can be "invested" in the following improvements (time and teachers will be required to turn experience in personal improvements).

Increase SKILL
 Costs 20x new score in experience points

Increase MAGIC or LUCK
 Costs 15x new score in experience points

Increase STAMINA
 Costs 5x new score in experience points

Increase Special Skill
 Costs 10x new score in experience points

Increase Magic Points
 Costs 5x new score in experience points, Magic Points can not exceed (MAGIC + Magic, Wizardry) x 2

Learn new Special Skill
 Costs 20 experience points
To learn a new Special Skill requires a teacher with at least 3 points in that Special Skill

Acquire new Spell
 Costs 20x Magical Point cost
To learn a new Spell requires a teacher who knows it

Gain new Talent
 Costs 200 experience points
Subject to Director's approval

One Hero may not have more than 12 SKILL, MAGIC or LUCK and STAMINA may not exceed 24, regardless of race. Special Skills may not exceed level (6) and may not be higher than half the characteristic ther refer to (rounded down), but there is no limit to the number of additional Special Skills that can be learnt, apart from the XPs required.
Once you have sufficient Experience Points, improving your characteristics will take approx a tenday for each point improved, three tendays for getting a Talent. Please double check this with the Director every time you spend your XPs on improvements as times may change or you may need to find (or hire) a teacher, especially when you approach higher levels or you choos to learn e a rare discipline.

Social scale and living "out of the limelight"

Being an adventurer in Blackmoor is the most powerful, although risky, social mobility opportunity.
At the beginning of your career, like all young adventurers, are at social scale level 1 and at the end of each adventure, you may (or may not) be "promoted" by the Director to an upped social class, depending on your achievements and how your fame is rising. This will be more and more relevant if and when you will start thinking about joining the ranks of nobility. Be careful anyway that you may also go down in the social scale, depending on the situation and on your decisions.

Social scaleExample positions
0Beggar, mercenary or criminal
1Peasant or soldier - novice adventurers (XP=0) are assumed to start at this social level
2Farmer or watchman - low-experienced adventurers (XP=1-300) are typically at this social level or above
3Craftsman, sergeant, merchant or monk
4Clerk or witch - mid-experienced adventurers (XP=301-1000) are typically at this social level or above
5Master craftsman or physician
6Town mayor, captain, priest or head of a minor guild - high-experienced adventurers (XP=1001-5000) are typically at this social level or above
7Knight, senior priest or head of a major guild
8Lord or high priest
9Baron or Prince - living myth adventurers (XP=over 5000) are typically at this social level

Please note that your time is in part "under the limelight", i.e. in the thick of the adventure, that can last few minutes, few hours or few days, and in part "out of the limelight", for example, as most adventures last a fixed tenday time unit, all the days that are needed to make up the tenday after you completed the adventure.
These days are assumed to be days of travelling or resting, sometimes in civilized areas, some other times in the wilderness.
If you decide you want to pass these days in (reasonably safe) wilderness, you don't need to spend any money for your upkeep, but either you bought enough food for two square meals a day before going in the wilderness, either you have the Survivor Talent (or Hunting Lore Special Skill, etc. as appropriate). If you pass your time “out of the limelight” in the wilderness, you normally can’t make any social progression.
If you instead decide that you want to pass your time "out of the limelight" in a civilized area, you need to pay for your food, accommodation, etc. in a socially acceptable way (for example, if the high priest wants to save money by begging and shoplifting, this will definitely tarnish his reputation, while for a peasant or a criminal this won’t be further detrimental).
In order to keep things simple and straightforward, your "standard" upkeep will be one gold piece per day for each step in the social scale (all other expenses, from mounts to clothing, from dominion upkeeps to weapons, are on top of this). If you fail to pay for your "social upkeep" in full, you fall to the social level associated to the amount that you pay. If you want to re-gain your previous social rank, you have to pay to the level of the rank above you for double the time you passed at a social level beneath you.
You can also pretend that you are at a social level above you by spending more money. In this case test for LUCK, adding all relevant social modifiers that you can persuade the Director to accept on that specific circumstance (Etiquette, Con, Silvertongued, Heraldry Lore, etc.) and subtracting the number of extra social steps you are trying to "climb", and, if the roll passes, everybody around you will believe that you come from a higher social class than you effectively are, otherwise they will laugh at you. This is because if you spend money, it doesn't mean that you have the good taste to spend them appropriately as a higher social status person would do it. Anyway, whatever the result of the roll for that tenday you will play with a point of LUCK missing, due to the LUCK roll.

You can find the same contents also here:

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:39, Mon 17 Oct 2022.
The Director
GM, 71 posts
Wed 29 Nov 2017
at 02:06
  • msg #5

Past adventures

The ComeBack Inn Group G Z, status: completed this game could be run again for a group of novice adventurers (0XP) without impacting seriously any other plot.
For decades, the infamous ComeBack Inn has been a haven to adventurers. It is rumored that all true Blackmoorian adventurers discover themselves within its strange and mysterious walls.
Though none speak of it openly, it is rumored that adventure is but a few steps away. What will you find within the ComeBack Inn?

This is an introductory adventure for novices.
Characters involved: Fang the Butcher (solo game)
In game dates: from 20 Asum to 29 Asum 10311030

* * *

Innuendo Group H Z, status: Over!
When the fog rolls in to Heronport, strange creatures skulk in the shadows.
When the fog rolls into Heronport, strong men quake before a nameless dread.
When the fog rolls into Heronport, someone dies...

This is a solo adventure for an inexperienced, but curious, character on the road between Maus and Jackport.
Characters involved: Fang the Butcher (run as a solo adventure.)
In game dates: from 08 Chrislina 1031 to 17 Chrislina 10311030

* * *

Losing Focus Group K Z, status: over!
Wizards in Blackmoor spend tireless years in deep concentration and study to earn both respect and focus required to maintain membership in the Wizards’ Cabal.
Can you help one such Cabalist whose focus seems to have become lost?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, introducing the city of Vestfold.
Characters involved: Fang the Butcher (solo game)
In game dates: 28 Chrislina to 09 Yovenouom 10311030

* * *

Trouble for Noble Hearts Group O Z, status: over! - this adventure can be run again for another group or even as another solo adventure
What trouble waits for Noble Hearts? Loss and Madness? Murder?

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers
Characters involved: Fang the Butcher (solo game)
In game dates: 10-19 Yovenouom 10311030

* * *

The ComeBack Inn Group 1 A Z, status: complete this game can be run again for a group of novice adventurers (0XP) without impacting seriously any other plot.
For decades, the infamous ComeBack Inn has been a haven to adventurers. It is rumored that all true Blackmoorian adventurers discover themselves within its strange and mysterious walls.
Though none speak of it openly, it is rumored that adventure is but a few steps away. What will you find within the ComeBack Inn?

This is an introductory adventure for novices.
Characters involved: Drohkil Driknik, Moondale, Atra, Harus the Hopeful.
In game dates: from 24 Dumimia 1030 (Autumn's Equinox) to 03 Eaiwe 1030

* * *

Innuendo Group 9 Z, status: Completed! this game may potentially be run for other players
When the fog rolls in to Heronport, strange creatures skulk in the shadows.
When the fog rolls into Heronport, strong men quake before a nameless dread.
When the fog rolls into Heronport, someone dies...

This is a solo adventure for an inexperienced, but curious, character on the road between Maus and Jackport.
Characters involved: Hrava (run as a solo adventure.)
In game dates: from 04 Eaiwe to 13 Eaiwe 1030

* * *

Ties that bind Group A, status: Completed!
You have been cordially invited to meet with Simmone Walcrest, high lady of the Walcrest family, to discuss a beneficial monetary proposition. Bodyguards are needed for a diplomatic mission to Bramwald.

This is an adventure for inexperienced characters in Newgate.
Characters involved: Grumdar, Rubrik the dwarf, Drohkil Driknik, Moondale, Raikos Valdeni (no more places available)
In game dates: from 04 Eaiwe to 13 Eaiwe 1030

* * *

Losing Focus Group 6 Z, status: Complete! This adventure is however available for being run again for a different party!
Wizards in Blackmoor spend tireless years in deep concentration and study to earn both respect and focus required to maintain membership in the Wizards’ Cabal.
Can you help one such Cabalist whose focus seems to have become lost?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, introducing the city of Vestfold.
Characters involved: Raikos Valdeni (solo game)
In game dates: from 14 Eaiwe to 23 Eaiwe 1030

* * *

Swamp Flies Group 7 Z, status: Completed! This game could be run again for another group.
The buzz in the village of Boggy Bottom is that folks have gone missing. Can you squash these rumors or determine where the missing have flown off to?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, introducing the Great Dismal Swamp.
Characters involved: Andor Sandcast, Drohkil Driknik, Grumdar
In game dates: from 14 Eaiwe to 23 Eaiwe 1030

* * *

A night out under the stars Group 2 Z, status: Complete! this game in theory could be run again for another party of adventurers, maybe changing name of the village and its location.
Problems arise for a small town on the edge of the Redwoods. Are you big enough to help the little people in need? Especially, when the request comes from the tavern keeper whose Inn you woke up in. But weren't you just camping out under the stars last night?

This is an adventure for inexperienced characters going to Maus.
Characters involved: Draziz Doranz, Hrava and Mistydale
In game dates: from 24 Eaiwe to 01 Hotien 1030

* * *

Redwood distractions Group C Z, status: Complete! This adventure was available for a second run with another group and this already happened with Group 3
The southern border of the Redwood has again become infested with orcs. The elves have dispatched hunting parties to drive them off, but with no success. A dark shadow is falling over the woods.

This is an adventure for inexperienced characters going to Jackport or anyway passing by the Elf Road.
Characters involved: Andor Sandcast, Stormrider, Kiran, Thraka
In game dates: from 24 Eaiwe to 01 Hotien 1030

* * *

The Unwanted Group 8, status: Completed!
A plea for help arrives from The Unwanted. The call requires journey to the devastated ruins of the former Duchy of Ten. No commoner would dare set foot on that cursed soil since the invasion of the Afridhi. Will you rise to the call?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, introducing the The Duchy of Ten.
Characters involved: Tilsen, Rudjan and Sigrun
In game dates: from 02 Hotien to 11 Hotien 1030

* * *

Redwood distractions Group 3 Z, status: complete! This adventure has been run another time withgroup C!
The southern border of the Redwood has again become infested with orcs. The elves have dispatched hunting parties to drive them off, but with no success. A dark shadow is falling over the woods.

This is an adventure for inexperienced characters going to Jackport or anyway passing by the Elf Road.
Characters involved: Draziz Doranz, Hrava and Mistydale
In game dates: from 12 Hotien to 21 Hotien 1030

* * *

Innuendo Group D, status: Complete!
When the fog rolls in to Heronport, strange creatures skulk in the shadows.
When the fog rolls into Heronport, strong men quake before a nameless dread.
When the fog rolls into Heronport, someone dies...

This is a solo adventure for low experienced, but curious, character on the road between Maus and Jackport.
Characters involved: Rudjam (run as a solo adventure.)
In game dates: from 12 Hotien to 21 Hotien 1030

* * *

The Inn between the Worlds Group B Z, status: Complete - this adventure MAY be available to be run again
Into a time of black despair, there steps some strange adventurers who clutche strange swords and wear the most curious shaped armor - and who claim that Blackmoor sank beneath the ice millennia ago!

This is an adventure for experienced characters starting in Blackmoor City.
Characters involved: Galendra, Mavro, Badwin deLongar
In game dates: from 22 Hotien to 01 Jekumal 1030
NOTE: this game is clearly longer than the other ones of this campaign, please remember this!

* * *

The Inn of Lost Hope Group 4, status: Complete! This adventure is available to be run again with another group!
People say that this inn once was very popular and visited by the most important adventurers of Blackmoor. Now it is abandoned and it is said to be haunted... but full of riches!

This is an adventure for novice or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Whisper, Gifre de Camp, Raana Whisperwind
In game dates: from 32 Jekumal 1030 to 09 Asum 1031

* * *

The Redwood Scar Group 5 Z, status: complete!
A new terror has risen deep in the forest, making the powerful elves tremble in fear within the borders of their own forest kingdom. A group of hardy adventurers must find and quell this evil power before its shadow covers the once mighty Redwood Forest!

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, to be run as a follow up to Redwood distractions - it is warmly suggested to have at least one of the characters that went through Redwood distractions in the group.
Characters involved: Andor, Kiran, Stormrider, Thraka.
In game dates: from 32 Jekumal 1030 to 09 Asum 1031

* * *

Raiders of the Desecrated Temple Group F, over!
A roadside temple where an ancient relic was guarded has been raided! Will you go and help?

This is an adventure for novice or low experienced adventurers. It can be played also as a solo adventure.
Characters involved: Kaapstad, Rudjam
In game dates: from 10 Asum 1031 to 19 Asum 1031

* * *

Blood Wind Group E, status: over
The High Hak is a deadly place for even its hardiest of residents. Peshwah nomads tred carefully for the land is riddled with treachery. Among these nomads, trust is not given lightly, but in this harsh environment, adventurers will quickly learn the true need for trust.

Characters involved: Gifre DeCamp, Tin, Bran, Graden, Melian
In game dates: from 10 Asum 1031 to 29 Asum 1031

* * *

Leaving the Nest Group I Z, status: over
The burdens of the City of Blackmoor were eased by prior-adventurers, or were they? New adventurers answer the call to investigate a rash of terrible crimes on the home front. Getting in deep, they find something very strange lurking under the city.

This is an adventure for novices or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Stormrider, Feanor, Raana Whisperwind
In game dates: from 20 Asum 1031 to 29 Asum 1031

* * *

Mere Flights Group: R Z status: over! This adventure is available to be run again for a different party!
While the town of Lake Gloomy lurks within the thick, dark wetland known as the Great Dismal Swamp, it is a regal place where cleanliness is taken very seriously. So why then does the town seem so dirty these days?

This is an adventure for low-experienced adventurers, to be run after Swamp Flies.
Characters involved: Raana Whisperwind (solo game)
In game dates: from 30 Asum to 07 Chrislina 1031

* * *

Secrets and Lies Group N, status: over!
One who was searching has himself become lost. Those in need are paralyzed with fear. The Church of Henrin seeks assistance. Can you answer the call and see through the lies.

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Rudjam, Kaapstad, Draconis Alexander
In game dates: from 30 Asum to 07 Chrislina 1031

* * *

The Gates of Stormkiller Group Q,  status: over!
Every Winter Baron Zvenzen sends a trusted knight on sentry in the forbidding weather of Stormkiller Mountains, to avoid surprise attacks from the army of the Iron Duke. This year's volunteer, Sir Grall Morgan, one of the bravest Baron’s knights, hasn't yet sent any report back.

This is an adventure for novices or low-experience adventurers.
NOTE: this game is longer than the other ones of this campaign, please remember this when you apply!
Characters involved: Tilsen, Eilrys, Sigibert Riverhopper, Fang the Butcher
In game dates: from 30 Asum to 07 Chrislina 1031

* * *

The Inn between the Worlds Group J, status: over!
Into a time of black despair, there steps some strange adventurers who clutch strange swords and wear the most curious shaped armor - and who claim that Blackmoor sank beneath the ice millennia ago!

This is an adventure for experienced characters starting in Blackmoor City.
Characters involved: Garl Ligoosh, Stormrider Sureheart, Yavanna
In game dates: from 30 Asum to 27 Chrislina 1031
NOTE: this game is clearly longer than the other ones of this campaign, please remember this!
NOTE: at the end of this game, there is a gossip that people from the future came to Blackmoor!

* * *

The Floating Dungeon of Varrak Aslur Group L Z, status: over!
Varrak Aslur was one of the infamous participants to the Mage Wars, centuries ago, and was one of the first Sorcerers of Archlis to be dispatched. Since then, the ruins of his keep have been explored many times with no problem. Until now.

This is an adventure for low/mid-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Stormrider, Feanor, Dolgan Glittercave
In game dates: from 08 to 17 Chrislina 1031

* * *

Tower of Salt Group M, status: over!
The Zah are mystics. The Peshwah say their vision pierces the veil of time and flesh and penetrates past, future and spirit. Is your old friend Sulla the Chosen of Hadeen? Is he the one destined to find the artifact that unites the Twelve Tribes and leads them to victory against the Afridhi? Only a trip to the Tower of Salt to consult with the wisest of the Zah will indicate what is possible, what is true, and what your destiny might be.

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers, to be run as a follow up to Blood Wind - it is necessary to have at least one of the characters that went through Blood Wind in the group.
Characters involved: Graden, Melian, Gifre De Camp
In game dates: from 18 Chrislina 1031 to 27 Chrislina 1031

* * *

Tales from the Old Land Group P, status: over!
Since Uther’s last battle against the Skandaharians, the Northern Downs have become a quiet little backward realm, where the simple men of the North can lead a pleasant life. But what is that? A vile power is rising to disturb the peace!

This is an adventure for low/mid-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Jan Tarran, Feanor, Stormrider
In game dates: 10-19 Yovenouom 1031

* * *

Things to Come Group S, status: over!
The Church of Henrin calls on you for aid. Something wicked moves against the church and Blackmoor. The village of Black Oak was infected with a foul and noxious rot. Can you seek out the cause of the infection and purge it from the land?

This is an adventure for low to medium experienced adventurers.
Much better if at least some of the adventurers played before Secrets and Lies.
Characters involved: Kaapstad, Rudjam, Graden, Bila Rantunga
In game dates: 10-19 Yovenouom 1031

* * *

The ComeBack Inn Group 2 Z, status: over
For decades, the infamous ComeBack Inn has been a haven to adventurers. It is rumored that all true Blackmoorian adventurers discover themselves within its strange and mysterious walls.
Though none speak of it openly, it is rumored that adventure is but a few steps away. What will you find within the ComeBack Inn?

This is an introductory adventure for novices.
Characters involved: Poe Bravedark (solo game)
In game dates: from 10 to 19 Nuol 1031

* * *

The Shard of Anathema Group 1, status: over!
The small village of Anathema celebrates yearly the traditional Ritual of Bounteous Harvest. to ensure that the crops will go large and the cattle will grow fat. This is the biggest event of the village and it even attracts visitors from outside. The good luck that this ritual is said to bring to all participants is the reason why you decided to attend it.
Unfortunately, this year celebrations risk to be spoilt by a bad omen.

This is an adventure for novice or low experience characters
Characters involved: Rudjam, Graden, Rennias Greystone</s>
In game dates: from 10 to 19 Nuol 1031

* * *

Swamp Flies Group T, status: over!
The buzz in the village of Boggy Bottom is that folks have gone missing. Can you squash these rumors or determine where the missing have flown off to?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, introducing the Great Dismal Swamp.
Characters involved: Sigibert Riverhopper, Ryia, Jan Tarran, Stormrider
In game dates: 30 Nuol - 09 Kavain 1031

* * *

The ComeBack Inn Group 6, status: over!
For decades, the infamous ComeBack Inn has been a haven to adventurers. It is rumored that all true Blackmoorian adventurers discover themselves within its strange and mysterious walls.
Though none speak of it openly, it is rumored that adventure is but a few steps away. What will you find within the ComeBack Inn?

This is an introductory adventure for novices.
Characters involved: Marcus, Rennias Greystone, Graden, Rudjam
In game dates: 10-19 Kavain 1031

* * *

Cry at Dawn Group 3, status: over!
The peaceful coastal town of Heronport is just the spot to relax after hard days on the road. When corpses disappear and impending danger comes to light, it becomes clear that a hero’s work is never done.

This is an adventure for medium experienced adventurers.
This adventure must be played after Innuendo, but not necessarily by the same players.
Characters involved: Stormrider Sureheart, Garl Ligoosh, Gifre de Camp
In game dates: from 30 Kavain to 07 Tihumia 1031

NOTE: after the end of this game, news spread that the town of Heronport has been raided and plundered by the Skandahar, the Lord Mayor has been killed, together with almost all the City Guards and the town was set afire. It will be rebuilt, but it will take time and many of its citizens fled to Maus and to other better defended settlements.

* * *

Beyond the Towers Group U, status: over!
Faced with strange bandits, horrid plagues, and monstrous foes, can the heroes survive the horrors of the swamp, unlock the hidden treasures of a crumbling ziggurat, and live to tell the tale?

NOTE: this game is longer than the other ones of this campaign, please remember this when you apply!
This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Sigibert Riverhopper, Jan Tarran, Riya, Stormrider, plus also Sarak and Sharak
In game dates: 10 Kavain to 07 Tihumia 1031

* * *

Swamp Flies Group 2, status: over!
The buzz in the village of Boggy Bottom is that folks have gone missing. Can you squash these rumors or determine where the missing have flown off to?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers, introducing the Great Dismal Swamp.
Characters involved: Marcus, Rennias Greystone, Graden, Rudjam, Atra, Moondale, Halafarin Sarzorwyn
In game dates: 30 Kavain to 07 Tihumia 1031

* * *

The ComeBack Inn Group 9, status: over! this game could be run again (and again) for a group of novice adventurers (0XP) or (very) low experienced adventurers without impacting seriously any other plot.
For decades, the infamous ComeBack Inn has been a haven to adventurers. It is rumored that all true Blackmoorian adventurers discover themselves within its strange and mysterious walls.
Though none speak of it openly, it is rumored that adventure is but a few steps away. What will you find within the ComeBack Inn?

This is an introductory adventure for novices.
Characters involved: Hansendotti Anvilbreaker, Skartalla Silvertongue, Jan Tarran, Sigibert Riverhopper
In game dates: 08-17 Tihumia 1031

* * *

A night out under the stars Group B status: over!
Problems arise for a small town on the edge of the Redwoods. Are you big enough to help the little people in need? Especially, when the request comes from the tavern keeper whose Inn you woke up in. But weren't you just camping out under the stars last night?

This is an adventure for inexperienced characters going to Maus.
Characters involved: Vanomir and Aumanas Lorarie
In game dates: 28 Tihumia - 7 Fukakas 1031

* * *

The Croaking Fane Group 5, status: over
You stumbled upon a strange fane in the Great Dismal Swamp... will you dare exploring it?

This is an adventure for low-experienced adventurers.
Characters involved: Graden, Skartalla, Rudjam, Rennias Greystone, Jan Tarran
In game dates: 28 Tihumia - 7 Fukakas 1031

NOTE: after the end of this game, news spread that a huge frog-like monster has been seen swimming in the waters of the Great Dismal Swamp and in isolated villages the cult of the ancient deity Brr'bb't is rejuvenated as people prays him to keep that huge monster away from them.

* * *

The Inn of Lost Hope Group: G status: over!
People say that this inn once was very popular and visited by the most important adventurers of Blackmoor. Now it is abandoned and it is said to be haunted... but full of riches!

This is an adventure for novice or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Graden, Rudjam, Rennias Greystone, Jan Tarran, Willow Barcadis
In game dates: 18-27 Fukakas 1031

* * *

The Weird Wood Group: C status: over!
Welcome adventurers! Pull up a chair and let me tell you of the Battle of the Brothers, the cursed swords they wielded and the dangers of that wood.

This is an adventure for novice or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Aumanas Lorarie, Veruna Shae Longasil and Grumdar
In game dates: 18-27 Fukakas 1031

* * *

Mere Flights Group: G status: over!
While the town of Lake Gloomy lurks within the thick, dark wetland known as the Great Dismal Swamp, it is a regal place where cleanliness is taken very seriously. So why then does the town seem so dirty these days?

This is an adventure for low-experienced adventurers, to be run after Swamp Flies.
Characters involved: Rennias, Jan Tarran, Graden, Rudjam, Willow
In game dates: 06-25 Kuilan 1031

According to some rumours, Afridhi are thought to be kidnapping people in Blackmoor to take them to the Duchy of Ten as slaves.

* * *

Sorcerer's Tomb Group: H status: over! However, the adventure has not been completed and it can be taken over by another group.
There are secrets buried under every hill and stone in the Kingdom of Blackmoor. Uncovering one such secret has placed the halfling settlement of Pebbletown in grave danger. Will you risk the perils of the sorcerer's tomb to save the halflings?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers. Better if you played before A night out under the stars and/or Losing Focus and/or Innuendo.
Characters involved: Aumanas, Grumdar
In game dates: 16-25 Kuilan 1031

* * *

Sorcerer's Tomb Group: I status: Over!
There are secrets buried under every hill and stone in the Kingdom of Blackmoor. Uncovering one such secret has placed the halfling settlement of Pebbletown in grave danger. Will you risk the perils of the sorcerer's tomb to save the halflings?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers. Better if you played before A night out under the stars and/or Losing Focus and/or Innuendo.
Characters involved: Aumanas Lorarie, Aleks
In game dates: 26 Kuilan - 05 Duminia 1031

After this adventure is over, the Wizards Cabal communicates to all local branches of the Cabal that an evil and dangerous Sorceress that has been in a Time Stasis for over a century has been released by mistake between Maus and Jackport. Any information leading to her capture will be handsomely rewarded. Do not approach her unless you are very well equipped against Sorcery magic: better leaving that to expert agents of the Wizards Cabal.

* * *

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:08, Sat 14 Dec 2024.
The Director
GM, 3388 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 07:47
  • msg #6

Ongoing adventures

The Well of Souls Group 7, status: ongoing
The Well of Souls: that what Zugzul bade the Afridhi call the evil artifact that he had taught them to make. Thus said the deity of the Afridhi, Zugzul the One.

This is an adventure for mid-experience adventurers that played before The Inn between the Worlds or that come from another gaming world.
NOTE: this game is longer than the other ones of this campaign, please remember this when you apply!
Characters involved: Garl Ligoosh, Stormrider Sureheart, Gifre deCamp
In game dates: 18-27 Tihumia 1031

* * *

Trial of the Frog Group: L status: ongoing!
You are travelling through the Great Dismal Swamp in search of fortune, when two big yellow eyes suddenly pop open amid the foliage, revealing a camouflaged, humanoid tree-frog about one metre tall. "I wish to fulfil my dream of becoming a hero by finding the legendary Iristone." he says. Will you help?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Grumdar (solo adventure)
In game dates: 26 Kuilan - 05 Duminia 1031

* * *

Left and disappeared Group: G status: ongoing!
You are asked to go to the town of South Pim to locate a father's missing son, who has ventured from the city walls on the advice of his friend. Are the two young men lost, feverish, or just mad? Guess you'll need to investigate to find out.

This is an adventure for low to medium experienced adventurers.
Better if at least some of the adventurers played before Swamp Flies and/or Mere Flights.
Characters involved: Rennias, Jan Tarran, Graden, Rudjam... and also Primrose
In game dates: 26 Kuilan - 05 Duminia 1031

* * *

The Weird Wood Group: 4  status: preparing to start!
Welcome adventurers! Pull up a chair and let me tell you of the Battle of the Brothers, the cursed swords they wielded and the dangers of that wood.

This is an adventure for novice or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: Aleks, Aumanas Lorarie, Egwin
In game dates: 06-15 Eaiwe 1031

* * *

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:55, Sat 28 Dec 2024.
The Director
GM, 3389 posts
Sat 13 Jun 2020
at 07:48
  • msg #7

Future adventures

Please note that further groups/adventures may be opened depending on how the games develop and on characters' actions.
Do NOT think that the options below are the only options available (we have a hundred, catering for all tastes and level, and also some of the completed adventures can be re-run for different groups and players), they are just the ones that seem more logic and suitable to me at this moment in time, so feel free to approach me if you are thinking about some kind of challenge in particular. Usually each adventure is for three to five adventurers, but occasionally I may make exceptions.

The ComeBack Inn status: to be started
For decades, the infamous ComeBack Inn has been a haven to adventurers. It is rumored that all true Blackmoorian adventurers discover themselves within its strange and mysterious walls.
Though none speak of it openly, it is rumored that adventure is but a few steps away. What will you find within the ComeBack Inn?

This game is the perfect introduction to Blackmoor and can be run again and again for any group of novice adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

Exile status: to be started
Everybody knows that going through the doors of the Comeback Inn sometimes can take you very far away, even beyond your wildest expectations.

This is an adventure for novices or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

The Inn of Lost Hope status: to be started! This game was run twice, but can be run again for other groups.
People say that this inn once was very popular and visited by the most important adventurers of Blackmoor. Now it is abandoned and it is said to be haunted... but full of riches!

This is an adventure for novice or low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

A Matter of Perspective status: to be started
People view things differently, while some may see a mountain as a source of wealth and prosperity, others see it as a place of safety and security. But when those two views collide who is right? What happens when innocents are caught in the middle?

This is an adventure for low-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

The Taskmaster's Tower status: to be started
You went to a village to enjoy a famous festival, but there's something wrong with the local Taskmaster's Tower...

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

The Haunted Lighthouse status: to be started
The need for shelter and the lure of adventure has brought you into this eerie place. The keen instincts that have kept you alive tell you something about this place is not right.

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

The cold spell status: to be started
What is behind the strange cold weather spell plaguing the little village of Budaford Rapids?

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

Midwinter Visitation status: to be started
A strange assignment to guard for a ten-day a tollhouse on a stone bridge in a backwater area in the middle of nowhere: will it be payed relax, or...

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers to be run during a month of cold weather.
Characters involved: none

* * *

The Oktagern Affair status: to be started
The seeds of rebellion in the Duchy of Ten are beginning to take shape against Zugzul’s fiery grip. Could a band of adventurers be the spark the resistance needs to truly fight fire with fire?

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers, to be run as a follow up to The Unwanted - it is suggested to have at least one of the characters that went through The Unwanted in the group.
Characters involved: none

* * *

Funeral for a Hero status: to be started
Plumes of white smoke can be seen over the Redwood, a sign that a friend (and a hero) has passed away. The time has come to say our final farewells. But wait something is a miss!!

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers, to be run as a follow up to The Redwood Scar - it is warmly recommended to have at least one of the characters that went through The Redwood Scar in the group.
Characters involved: none

* * *

You Shall Know Them By Their Deeds status: to be started
Among the Peshwah, to say a thing, is to do a thing. To break one's word is to become less than whole. To bear false witness is a mortal sin. But the Cult of Calelrin worships the Peshwah god of lies and wields deception and deceit with the same grace and skill the finest swordsman uses with good steel. Who is their next target? Who are they? What schemes have they made? What do they plan for the Chosen of Hadeen?

This is an adventure for medium-experienced adventurers.
At least one of the characters MUST have played honourably Blood Wind and/or Tower of Salt.
Characters involved: none

* * *

The Strangler of Blackmoor Castle status: to be started!
Lucious of Kralc, during a reception at Blackmoor Castle, announces that he will soon be knighted, when a masked man comes in, shouting: "I shall make your life a hell on earth, until you give me what is rightfully mine!" Soon after, a man is found strangled, with a strange symbol carved on his forehead.

This is an adventure for low/medium-experience adventurers with a social status at least at 4.
At least one of the characters MUST have played The Shard of Anathema, obtaining the note: Gratitude of Anathema.
Characters involved: none

* * *

Kissing Day status: to be started
Once more Baron Hubal needs your help. But this time the need is more personal. A member of the Baron's bodyguard has deserted him and he wants you and some others to find the body guard and be sure he is OK. And to investigate the reasons for the desertion.

This is an adventure for mid-experience adventurers. At least one of them must have worked previously for Baron Hubal.
Characters involved: none

* * *

Heart of the Iron God status: to be started
Who will be able to stop the destruction caused by the mighty Colossus?

This is an adventure for medium-experienced adventurers.
Characters involved: none

* * *

Scaled Vengeance status: to be started
Knowledge as old as the land can offer guidance, but can also corrupt. The answer to one question forces the proffering of another, taking the inquisitive to places sometimes dark and strange. Desperate Peshwah have searched a great many years for the knowledge to restore their fallen deity Hadeen. Peshwah na Sulla now calls upon you again to walk a dangerous path in search of answers.

This is an adventure for medium-experienced adventurers.
At least one of the characters MUST have played honourably Blood Wind and/or Tower of Salt and/or You Shall Know Them By Their Deeds.
Characters involved: none

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Temple of the Frog status: to be started
Green Death: that's what the old hands call the Great Dismal Swamp. For centuries, large armies and smaller parties have disappeared altogether inside its vast, dripping, claustrophobic corridors. Among those who have dropped from sight in this arboreal hell is Alissa Aleford, one of Blackmoor's most important leaders.

This is an adventure for mid/high-experience adventurers.
NOTE: this game is longer than the other ones of this campaign, please remember this when you apply!
Characters involved: none

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This message was last edited by the GM at 21:18, Wed 01 Jan.
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