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02:28, 14th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Bringing my game live...

Posted by RupertBrown
member, 13 posts
Thu 12 Sep 2024
at 19:13
  • msg #1

Bringing my game live...

So I have a game nearly ready to go, got some interest in the proposals thread and I don't know how to bring this thing to life.  I keep seeing the term RTJ, but I don't know what to do with that.  How do I get people to join my game?  How do I make it public?  Should I make it public?  I've put a lot of work into this and I don't know how to get it across the finish line... help!
member, 68 posts
Thu 12 Sep 2024
at 19:18
  • msg #2

Bringing my game live...

RTJ request to join,

Usually you put an advertisement in the looking for players, include some things about the game, what you might want in players, posting expectations, and whatever else you want to tell players to entice them to join your game.

All games are public by default, if you want to make them private, make all threads except one any group other than 0.
member, 313 posts
Hopepunk with a shovel
Thu 12 Sep 2024
at 19:52
  • msg #3

Bringing my game live...

In case the FAQs are harder to find for people on their intelligent telephones, the game setup step-by-step is over here: /help/?t=faqs&page=createagame

You could also put a link to the game on your interest check thread to close it, if that's where you're seeing interested players. They would then send you RTJs (which would show up as PMs) and you could go to 'Manage Players' on the GM Menu and add them from there.
member, 3205 posts
Thu 12 Sep 2024
at 21:07
  • msg #4

Bringing my game live...

   as mentioned here... the  very top of the   page , will have  the  hyper link to your game..they click on it  ,takes you to your  game.

  HOWEVER...people go out of thier  way , not to read stuff... i have a few posts on the ad site, even though i tell them not  to post there... I include a link to my games at the  bottom of the ad.

 The  RTJ, yiu can set up, but  it  works  just as easy if they send you a PM..
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