Anyone else getting a 504 Gateway Time-out

I've been getting 504 errors too, earlier on today, though it's mostly just running slow at the moment when viewing individual threads within games/forums. The numbers at the bottom of the page show generation time is fine, it's rendering time that's the issue, which I think jase once suggested could be browser related, but I'm getting the same delay in both Firefox and Edge on Windows 10 PC, all with latest patches.
I just ran a traceroute checking and and it's definitely running slow betwixt my computer and rpol when compared to google, though it's timing out at a few of the interim steps, not at either end. From what little I know of such things, that suggests to me that it's a problem in one or more of the servers it's passing through en route.
jase hasn't advised of any recent code updates to rpol, and if the issue is occurring across browsers (/OS ?) that suggests it's not the browser either ... which leaves either the servers en route as traceroute says (or possibly the server that rpol sits on, though I can't see why that'd cause delays en route).
Which I guess means it should magically get better - fingers crossed ! ;>