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19:59, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

I have forgotten how to create a second OOC character.

Posted by Malakhon
supporter, 2040 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #1

I have forgotten how to create a second OOC character

It's been a while since I was on RPOL.

As a GM, I always like to give players an OOC character to talk amongst themselves. I tend to add the prefix ZZZ. and use the "Z" Group. This puts their names at the bottom of the "Cast of Characters" because it default sorts to alphabetically. I usually privatize them so that they are not required to use their forum user name, and allow them to change the name after the game starts. They can be anything - it's just a name that distinguishes them from their character.

However, I have forgotten how to do that and wanted to confirm.

Use Case:

On click of "Add User Existing" I am brought to a table.

Here I can select existing players from the drop down. All of them already have characters I created when I added them via their RTJ

The system returns a table with the relevant character name, groups, and allows me to add several characters at once.

Do I need to add their "Primary" Character again to the first row, assign the groups of 0,1 (0 is for any one lurking/not a player, and a 1 is for the general game play) and click "Primary Box?

and then add the ZZZ. OOC character to the next row?

My concern is wiping out their existing character avatar choices and posts by creating a "new" Character in the first row that has the same name as their existing character.
This message was last edited by the user at 15:45, Mon 11 Mar 2024.
subscriber, 650 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 15:54
  • msg #2

I have forgotten how to create a second OOC character

From the GM menu:

Edit Characters -> Add (Existing) -> Select Player from Drop down + ZZZOOCWhatever in 'Character Name' + Assign Groups = Done

That's all you need to do to add OOC characters for players that you've already accepted and provided with a primary PC for playing. =)

Edit: It is worth noting that Group Z is kind of a timeout Group, though, so it's a bad choice for if you want players to be able to read and post an OOC chat with their OOC characters. Group Z members can only read Group Z threads, and cannot post at all.
This message was last edited by the user at 15:57, Mon 11 Mar 2024.
supporter, 2041 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 19:01
  • msg #3

I have forgotten how to create a second OOC character

Thank you. I thought for sure I used to do that.

Should I just go ahead and create a post for group 1 for OOC chat for the players an just let them use their mains? What's the norm/best practice most GMs do?
member, 263 posts
Prefers roles to rolls
Based in UTC+1
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 19:08
  • msg #4

I have forgotten how to create a second OOC character

I tend to pop all OOC threads on Group 5 (for no special reason) and then let folks post with their main, especially if they’re only playing a single character
supporter, 2042 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 20:04
  • msg #5

I have forgotten how to create a second OOC character

That's what I'll do - just to keep it simple. That way players don't have to select a OOC character, etc.

Thank you! this thread can be closed - I understand now what I need to do.
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