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18:41, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020.

Posted by Biotech
member, 21 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2024
at 07:02
  • msg #1

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

I like Cyberpunk RED but also really like the developed Sourcebook for Night City 2020.

Of course, I could just go back and play Cyberpunk 2020 in Night City 2020, but I'm considering how to reap the benefits of some of the streamlining in RED, such as combat in particular. Of course, I'll probably have to give Netrunning some thought, as the RED rules are good, but obviously they are designed to reflect a change in the way the NET is interfaced with, post-DataKrash.

I'm also toying with, based on some blog posts I read online, to look at trying to role-free version of CP2020, which basically allows Medical Tech and Interface to be skills bought by any character, and there is a system of advantages/disadvantages, together with Lifepath, that allows characters to pick up points that reflect elements of the "special abilities" (especially such as Nomad's Family, Fixer's Streetdeal and Corporate's Resources abilities). Many of the Special Abilities do basically reflect some level of "advantage" to regular skills, so I think it could be workable, and it creates a greater degree of flexibility for characters?

Anyway, thought I'd throw out my thoughts, and see if anyone has experience with running a game set in 2020 Night City but using the RED rules. I'm thinking besides the Netrunning being a bit different, it is likely that the economy (how much things cost, how available they are) that could be adjusted to suit 2020 pre-scarcity.
member, 120 posts
I am at GMT +8 hrs
Mon 25 Nov 2024
at 12:29
  • msg #2

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

My CP RED game is basically CP RED in the CP2020 version of Night City.  As you said, the NC Sourcebook for 2020 is great.  While I am optimistic about the possibility of playing vice GMing, I'm less enthused by some of the house rules you are talking about.  Call it cautiously optimistic.
member, 22 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2024
at 22:11
  • msg #3

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

Maybe I should just stick with the regular roles/skills but look at making the life path a little more interesting and similar to the CP2020 style.

I’ve been looking into Cities Without Number which looks interesting.
member, 349 posts
The Doctor.
Wed 27 Nov 2024
at 16:17
  • msg #4

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

Are you looking for an alternate game system, or just little tweaks here and there?
member, 23 posts
I am at GMT+10 (Brisbane)
No daylight savings here.
Wed 27 Nov 2024
at 21:08
  • msg #5

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

I was looking at this, but adjusting it to use the RED rules: Most of it seemed pretty straightforward but found the Advantages/Disadvantages aspect a little confusing, especially when it came to Brotherhood/Contacts/Resources (basically the ability of any character to spend Skill Points to gain the benefit of the special abilities of Nomads, Fixers and Corporates). So now leaning toward stripping back the lifepath to be more just story rather than mechanics as it was in 2020, so more like RED but flavoured to reflect 2020, and probably just going with Roles rather than the alternative no-roles system.

On the flip side I have been looking at Cities Without Number, which actually looks like quite a well put together system for a Cyberpunk style game, not sure if there are other good systems that could work.

Of course, I could try just going back to CP2020 rather than RED. The main goal is to use whichever system but build on the setting as developed quite well in the Night City sourcebook.

Thinking of something quite sandbox, playing off the player/character goals, as expressed through character lifepaths, while I would be “playing” Night City as a living character, something like that.
Prince of Boredom
member, 31 posts
Wed 27 Nov 2024
at 22:09
  • msg #6

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

I'm still rather new to the Red rules, but I think I prefer them over the 2020 rules. I generally prefer the roles skills more, and I especially like the ability to "multiclass" that wasn't present in 2020. Maybe you can remove the requirement to have the role skill at 4 before multiclassing as a way to get that increased flexibility?
member, 24 posts
I am at GMT+10 (Brisbane)
No daylight savings here.
Wed 27 Nov 2024
at 22:41
  • msg #7

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

I'm still working through the role abilities, but I am thinking of adjusting them to suit the setting, possibility incorporating some aspects of both games, possibly making them more like how some of the skills in RED (for example, Maker and Medtech, even Combat Awareness) generate a role-specific skill point pool that applies to different specialisations.

I'm also thinking of possibly adding back some of the interesting skills from CP2020, and also thinking of a rule where, while most skills have the Default relevant STAT, that there could be scope for different Stats to be chosen if it makes sense. For instance, where a skill is being used more about knowledge of the topic rather than practical application, possibly INT could be used as the relevant stat. Or another example that was inspired by watching the Acquisitions Inc Mike Pondsmith CP2077 game - if a character wanted to use Intimidate skill, but had a low BODY stat, they could use COOL stat instead, which flavors their Intimidation to be more about a battle of personalities, maybe something like the Standoff type rules, whereas another character who has a high BODY stat might go for more the physicality intimidation using their Body stat?

I'm also thinking of possibly reintroducing Attractiveness as a separate Stat to COOL, which applies to skills that make sense for Attractiveness, like Seduction, Personal Grooming, Wardrobe & Style. Also, there were interesting rules around where critical injuries could impact on Attractiveness, and there were rules around getting reconstructive surgery to up Attractiveness skill. Of course, there could even be times where it might make sense for a Low Attractiveness to actually work positively, like say Intimidation using low Attractiveness, as like attempting to gross someone out or just really leverage their uncomfortability? Or maybe even if there was a situation where two romantic rivals are vying for the attention of someone, they could try to intimidate the other using Intimidate skill with High Attractiveness, while also attempting Seduction on the mutual target using Attractiveness?

It could sound kind of complicated, but I'm thinking of ways that stats/skills, which are definitely an important part of the game mechanic can be adjusted to make it more fun, flexible, narrative and character-driven.
member, 121 posts
I am at GMT +8 hrs
Thu 28 Nov 2024
at 07:38
  • msg #8

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

Prince of Boredom:
I'm still rather new to the Red rules, but I think I prefer them over the 2020 rules. I generally prefer the roles skills more, and I especially like the ability to "multiclass" that wasn't present in 2020. Maybe you can remove the requirement to have the role skill at 4 before multiclassing as a way to get that increased flexibility?

This is not that important as every character begins with one Role ability at 4, so already able to multi-class.

I'm also thinking of possibly adding back some of the interesting skills from CP2020, and also thinking of a rule where, while most skills have the Default relevant STAT, that there could be scope for different Stats to be chosen if it makes sense. For instance, where a skill is being used more about knowledge of the topic rather than practical application, possibly INT could be used as the relevant stat. Or another example that was inspired by watching the Acquisitions Inc Mike Pondsmith CP2077 game - if a character wanted to use Intimidate skill, but had a low BODY stat, they could use COOL stat instead, which flavors their Intimidation to be more about a battle of personalities, maybe something like the Standoff type rules, whereas another character who has a high BODY stat might go for more the physicality intimidation using their Body stat?

This is also already an aspect of RED, though it is more implied in the book.  One of the DLC supplements that has Q&A I believe explicitly states it.

I wouldn't mind bringing back Attractiveness, but you would have to increase the number of Stat Points everyone gets to accommodate one more stat.
Prince of Boredom
member, 32 posts
Fri 29 Nov 2024
at 14:36
  • msg #9

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

Prince of Boredom:
I'm still rather new to the Red rules, but I think I prefer them over the 2020 rules. I generally prefer the roles skills more, and I especially like the ability to "multiclass" that wasn't present in 2020. Maybe you can remove the requirement to have the role skill at 4 before multiclassing as a way to get that increased flexibility?

This is not that important as every character begins with one Role ability at 4, so already able to multi-class.

Yeah, my point was if you get rid of the requirement, people can multiclass at creation. So you could make a nomad/netrunner from the outset, for example.
member, 27 posts
I am at GMT+10 (Brisbane)
No daylight savings here.
Fri 13 Dec 2024
at 01:51
  • msg #10

Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

Thought I might as throw in a response to this for the purpose of generating some interest - but one interesting thing in 2013 rules was the basic lifepath began with a character either having a "normal" childhood in a safe suburb, vs being a streetkid, vs being a nomad brat - it seems like it should make sense that maybe a character's key role is a netrunner, but with their nomad pack background, they would end up having some skills that are more nomad-like (driving, vehicle tech...)... this even raises the question of whether "role abilities" that are more status oriented in reality, like the old Nomad Family skill, could be something that a character could have more based on background rather than strictly a "Role"... that character that grew up in the nomad pack may not technically be a "Nomad" but because they grew up in the Pack, but did the Netrunner thing for their pack, they should still have some kind of "family" skill, ability to call on resources/support from their pack...
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