Cyberpunk RED adjusted to play in Night City 2020

I'm still working through the role abilities, but I am thinking of adjusting them to suit the setting, possibility incorporating some aspects of both games, possibly making them more like how some of the skills in RED (for example, Maker and Medtech, even Combat Awareness) generate a role-specific skill point pool that applies to different specialisations.
I'm also thinking of possibly adding back some of the interesting skills from CP2020, and also thinking of a rule where, while most skills have the Default relevant STAT, that there could be scope for different Stats to be chosen if it makes sense. For instance, where a skill is being used more about knowledge of the topic rather than practical application, possibly INT could be used as the relevant stat. Or another example that was inspired by watching the Acquisitions Inc Mike Pondsmith CP2077 game - if a character wanted to use Intimidate skill, but had a low BODY stat, they could use COOL stat instead, which flavors their Intimidation to be more about a battle of personalities, maybe something like the Standoff type rules, whereas another character who has a high BODY stat might go for more the physicality intimidation using their Body stat?
I'm also thinking of possibly reintroducing Attractiveness as a separate Stat to COOL, which applies to skills that make sense for Attractiveness, like Seduction, Personal Grooming, Wardrobe & Style. Also, there were interesting rules around where critical injuries could impact on Attractiveness, and there were rules around getting reconstructive surgery to up Attractiveness skill. Of course, there could even be times where it might make sense for a Low Attractiveness to actually work positively, like say Intimidation using low Attractiveness, as like attempting to gross someone out or just really leverage their uncomfortability? Or maybe even if there was a situation where two romantic rivals are vying for the attention of someone, they could try to intimidate the other using Intimidate skill with High Attractiveness, while also attempting Seduction on the mutual target using Attractiveness?
It could sound kind of complicated, but I'm thinking of ways that stats/skills, which are definitely an important part of the game mechanic can be adjusted to make it more fun, flexible, narrative and character-driven.