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15:13, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

Descramble all Language lines in archived threads.

Posted by Zahariel
member, 8 posts
Wed 18 Sep 2024
at 22:05
  • msg #1

Descramble all Language lines in archived threads

I had the expectation, when I "Archive" a thread, that everything would be revealed: all players and visitors would have the same view of the thread as the GM. For Private and Secret messages, this is the case; these are automatically revealed to everyone in an archived thread. However, Language lines (for languages that the character isn't marked as knowing) are still scrambled, even in archived threads. While I admit that the documentation doesn't address this question specifically one way or the other, it was contrary to my expectation.

Therefore my proposal is: EITHER cause Language lines to be revealed in archived threads, the same as other hidden communication; OR update the documentation to more clearly call out that they won't be. Obviously I'd prefer the former solution, because I actually would like to use foreign languages to elicit interaction from particular characters in the moment, while still allowing the other players to see what happened later on if they choose. But I realize my opinion might not be universal.
subscriber, 713 posts
Wed 18 Sep 2024
at 22:10
  • msg #2

Descramble all Language lines in archived threads

I'll give this a +1... long as the documentation for Archiving makes it 100% clear that anything private or scrambled will be revealed to EVERYONE once a thread is Archived.
member, 123 posts
Software Tester
Sydney, Australia
Thu 19 Sep 2024
at 00:26
  • msg #3

Descramble all Language lines in archived threads

+1 to this request.

As I understood it, the whole function of Archiving a thread (as opposed to just simply Closing it) was to reveal all such hidden elements: Private Lines, Secret Lines, and Language lines.  In that context, this sounds like a bug, or a forgotten feature.
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