Players Wanted Ads
The current method.
Make a game, get all your front matter ready, get ready to post an ad, write out your ad or copy paste, hit post, get told you don't have the looking for players flag set, lose the text for your ad, start over.
Better ideas.
1. Have the flag automatically set when you post or bump your ad.
2. Make not having the flag an error like all the others so that you can keep your post but go back in another tab to set the flag.
3. Have the error page ask if you want the flag set and let you push the button right there.
4. Only put games with their flags set in the games drop down.
I know it's sort of a minor inconvenience. But if I were the type to write out a long involved pitch that wasn't just a copy past of my game intro. I would be devastated because I have never once set that flag correctly before posting and I would lose everything every time.