Part 1: sorting threads by group
When it comes down to it, while an Alphabetical sort might be handy, group sorting really only helps the DM. As a player you only see groups you're in. Of course, i suppose if you're playing a lot of characters in a game, sorting threads by group is a way to sort characters by group.
You're assuming that Group is only used to differentiate between different character parties. Sometimes it's also used to clump together different action segments, or older portions of games that may have been rebooted, or even things that are happening in different places. Many times, characters are in more than one group because their roles overlap, such as when a game's Werewolves are all in Group 1 and their CIA agents are in Group 2, but a player has a Werewolf CIA agent.
For someone who wants to be able to sort (as in the thread discussing having a thread directory) all of the threads that include a certain location - like a Circus - those threads could all be put in Group C (for Circus!) to keep them together without having to re-name their thread titles to all go together alphabetically. Changing groups behind the scenes is more subtle (and less likely to interfere with player memory) than changing thread titles.
And of course, if both 'Sort by Group' and 'Sort Alphabetically' were checked, you could sort alphabetically within the group!
Note, too, I am specifically only asking for the ability to sort threads that players are NOT able to post in, just to give GMs the option keep the 'past history' of the game a little neater and easier to reread when you need to locate something that happened previously. For some games, that's a non-issue. For other games, trying to find anything that happened previously can be a right mess, because they have years and years of threads to go through.
part 2: closed threads falling to the bottom.
This already happens automatically. Closed threads aren't able to be used anymore (except by the GM) so they fall because they don't get new posts.
Only if ALL non-closed threads get new posts more-recently than a thread was Closed.
I have plenty of games that have old, unclosed, threads that are scattered around closed threads. The point is to be able to manually close a thread and force it to the bottom, below open threads, regardless of whether or not other threads see new posts.
Part 3: Notices being closed
Aren't notice threads already closed?
Notices are currently only Closed if you also set them to be Closed.
The suggestion to have Notices be automatically locked for non-GMs (instead of having to check the box to make them also Closed) is just to have an easy way to prevent the sorting from being unable to tell whether a thread should be considered 'Closed' or a 'Notice' by eliminating the need to make a Notice also Closed.