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09:45, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

OOC Thread - 22.

Posted by FusilierFor group archive 0
Michael Kessler
player, 2906 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Thu 25 May 2023
at 12:36
  • msg #976

Re: OOC Thread - 22

In reply to Fusilier (msg # 975):

Sorry, I'm swamped with work at the moment. Things should pick up at the weekend, at which point I'll be on annual leave for two weeks (which is why I'm utterly swamped at the moment - too much to wrap up / hand off and not enough time to do it).
GM, 8158 posts
Your Guide
Sun 28 May 2023
at 01:00
  • msg #977

Re: OOC Thread - 22

It's not really important, but if you are interested I've edited the last turn msg#60 to reveal the last paragraph which only Varis was privy to.

I've also ended the patrol. I didn't think it was necessary to game out the return and there's nothing else that would come of it anyway. Hope you're all ok with that. Everyone is together now.
Michael Kessler
player, 2908 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Wed 31 May 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #978

Re: OOC Thread - 22

I’ll post tonight - I’ve been away the last couple of days and only have internet access via my phone. Will probably also be a bit hit and miss over the weekend - I’m flying to the US on Friday and have quite a lot on (amongst other things I’m going to see something called baseball, which I’ve been told is kind of like cricket…)
GM, 8159 posts
Your Guide
Wed 31 May 2023
at 15:55
  • msg #979

Re: OOC Thread - 22

There is a fairly significant wildfire event happening where I live. My posting will be a bit sporadic until around the weekend probably.
Varis Babicevs
editor, 2378 posts
Sgt (Latvia)
Wed 31 May 2023
at 17:30
  • msg #980

Re: OOC Thread - 22

In reply to Fusilier (msg # 979):

Whoa. Stay safe.

GM, 8160 posts
Your Guide
Sat 3 Jun 2023
at 21:10
  • msg #981

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Just doing some admin while I work on the turn, and noticed that some battery powered items are in need of replacement batteries. For example, Varis' radio is good for 5 hours and Rodriguez's radio has only 3 hours of use. Kessler's night vision goggles are good for now, with 8 hours of use, but this will soon be below the length of a full night of use. Just letting you know.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:10, Sat 03 June 2023.
Henry 'Hank' Voight
player, 1064 posts
Call Sign: Devil Dog-02
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 12:43
  • msg #982

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Sorry for the late reply.  I had Henry charge his radio before the last patrol as he has no NOD's.

Something else I missed?  He had taken spare clothing for the last patrol, which is now wet, again.
Per Kolstrup
player, 1800 posts
Oversergent (Den)
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 18:05
  • msg #983

Re: OOC Thread - 22

In reply to Henry 'Hank' Voight (msg # 982):

I think he means that some of our batteries no longer hold a full charge, so even when they are 100% recharged, they don't provide power for as long as when they were newer.

Jose Rodriguez
editor, 1062 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 19:00
  • msg #984

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Well, that would explain why Jose's radio keeps going out.
GM, 8162 posts
Your Guide
Mon 5 Jun 2023
at 21:53
  • msg #985

Re: OOC Thread - 22

In reply to Per Kolstrup (msg # 983):

Yeah, that it what I was getting at. The performance of everyone's battery powered equipment degrades over time and it might be good to look at getting more/new batteries.

In reply to Henry 'Hank' Voight (msg # 982):

I know Voight borrowed some clothes for the patrol. What I meant in the PM is what clothing does he normally wear? I was browsing people's inventories and for Voight, for example, don't see an entry that could include normal day-to-day pants or boots.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:03, Mon 05 June 2023.
Jose Rodriguez
editor, 1065 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 20:22
  • msg #986

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Welcome, witch_hunter007!
Mohammad 'Reza' Nassir
player, 5 posts
Technician (USSR)
Thu 8 Jun 2023
at 21:38
  • msg #987

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Its good to be here!!! Thank you.
Henry 'Hank' Voight
player, 1067 posts
Call Sign: Devil Dog-02
Fri 9 Jun 2023
at 02:49
  • msg #988

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Welcome Tom!
Mohammad 'Reza' Nassir
player, 6 posts
Technician (USSR)
Fri 9 Jun 2023
at 15:54
  • msg #989

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Hey brother. Looking forward to playing with you.
Michael Kessler
player, 2912 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Sun 11 Jun 2023
at 12:05
  • msg #990

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Sorry, busy weekend here then back to work tomorrow so probably won’t be able to post until tomorrow night.

In the meantime if anyone does have any suggestions as to how to best approach this mission that would be appreciated - I don’t have much beyond head up to the submarine then drive into town with Nowak and see what happens.
Michael Kessler
player, 2913 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 16:22
  • msg #991

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Can I confirm that we do have one working Humvee?
GM, 8167 posts
Your Guide
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 17:02
  • msg #992

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Michael Kessler
player, 2915 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 17:18
  • msg #993

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Thanks. I presume nobody had any better ideas so we'll need to just run with my less than totally thought through plan. I do have a fear now that Monolith are going to mortar the rowing clubs to bits when we don't show but that bridge is already burnt so to speak.

I've left the composition of the BTR squad vague. I'm presuming that Ward and Nassir will be happy to join rather than sideline their characters but @Heffe, I'm not really clear whether Rodriguez is fit to come along?

Anfropov will drive the BTR. IIRC the KPV is busted so we don't need a gunner?

@Fuse, when you get a chance can you give me some sort of idea of how many people (approx) are available for base defence while we're away? Then I can decide whether or not to to bring Aleksandr and Augenberg. Or if any of the various Poles we've picked up (I'm thinking Jerzy and his LOD crew want to volunteer to come along?)

Also I presume we still have the two motorbike outriders (?) that we acquired earlier so they can come too.
Jose Rodriguez
editor, 1066 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 17:54
  • msg #994

Re: OOC Thread - 22

I was originally thinking he'd stay due to his wounds, but given the circumstances it might be easier just to have him go - at least that way what happens with the base and civilians can be handled "off-stage", so to speak.

Regarding the civvies for that matter, and the docs and defending guards, we should consider recommend that they leave the compound in the event that Monolith does try to mortar it into oblivion. Kaminski probably won't be thrilled, but I'm not sure what else to do here since the mortar team couldn't be located. As for the food situation, that will have to wait until after the mission is over.

One other thought - are we still expecting the wounded to be brought to the compound imminently? If so, we could be loading a bunch of wounded allies into a location that's at risk of coming under fire, which doesn't seem ideal.
Jake Ward
player, 34 posts
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 18:01
  • msg #995

Re: OOC Thread - 22

I'm happy for Ward to come along, but it's probably best for him to be asked instead of told to come along IC - perhaps along the lines of employment as opposed being shanghaied.  There's a different standard of care that comes with one vs. the other.  ;)
GM, 8168 posts
Your Guide
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 20:55
  • msg #996

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Compound Security:

- Mad Dogs (unassigned): 9
- Kaminski & his people: 3
- LoSA Squad: 2
- School Civilians: 8
- LOD Protection Detail: 3
- Valeska & her people: 3

Total: 25

Note 1: The total includes some wounded but no seriously wounded
Note 2: Jerzy's LOD team are staying with Tymoshenko & Co.
Note 3: Valeska will assist so long as she's here
Note 4: Wounded from Nowak's forces are due to arrive and may have able bodied fighters
GM, 8169 posts
Your Guide
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 21:11
  • msg #997

Re: OOC Thread - 22


I'm not sure how much you've been following, but some brief context to help out...

We've been playing Gdansk as a fractured city with multiple factions with no real central government/ruler.

The factions often didn't get along, working together only when an external threat (ex: Soviet troops or significant pirate threat) emerges.

One faction led by Halina Nowak got themselves a nuclear submarine (it can't submerge and it has no weaponry but it has a functioning reactor). She's using it as a means to seize power in Gdansk. Some factions chose to support Nowak and some chose to resist. The player group chose to support her.

A coup (of sorts) is currently on Day 2 with pro-Nowak forces very close to victory.

One enemy group, a free-company called Monolith, are still holding out however. They proposed a prisoner swap but the player group believe that it's a rouse. They believe Monolith is trying to distract the group while Monolith ambushes Nowak as she transits from the coast (where her submarine is) into the city. The player group is 'officially' going along with the prisoner swap, but 'secretly' they are going to try to thwart whatever it is that Monolith is up to.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:13, Tue 13 June 2023.
Jose Rodriguez
editor, 1067 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 21:53
  • msg #998

Re: OOC Thread - 22

On that note, I should probably write some recaps for the more recent chapters.

For Tom, if you have an interest in reading about more of the backstory, there are chapter recaps for Chapters 1-20 in the wiki, here:

Even just the summary of each chapter (each is only a sentence or two) would probably be mostly enough to give you a solid background on what's happened through the course of the game.
Mohammad 'Reza' Nassir
player, 8 posts
Technician (USSR)
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 22:04
  • msg #999

Re: OOC Thread - 22

Thanks for the heads up. I am enjoying the complexity of the story for sure. It will take me some time to become fully immersed but I am liking what I am reading.

We are still finalizing some character things but Reza is a fun character concept for me. I should be able to bring him to life and also make you guys laugh a lot.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

But I am curious are there players playing several different characters? Are these NPCs or are they full blown characters serving to flesh out the group?
Jose Rodriguez
editor, 1068 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Tue 13 Jun 2023
at 22:25
  • msg #1000

Re: OOC Thread - 22

In reply to Mohammad 'Reza' Nassir (msg # 999):

Regarding the character questions - it's a combination.

Some players have 2 characters, some have 1. Some NPCs are former PCs that have come and gone over the years.

If it helps, here's my understanding of where things currently stand in this chapter. Sincere apologies if I've left anyone/any characters out.

Michael Kessler, Marta Nalecz, Chris Walsh: udxr226
Varis Babicevs, Per Kolstrup: Raellus
Ferro: Jinnysong
Jose Rodriguez: Heffe
Henry 'Hank' Voight: Corkman
Jake Ward: Spartan
Mohammad 'Reza' Nassir: witch_hunter007

Everyone else: NPC'd by fusilier
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