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08:44, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

OOC Thread - 21.

Posted by FusilierFor group 0
GM, 7425 posts
Your Guide
Tue 2 Feb 2021
at 04:42
  • msg #1

OOC Thread - 21

I suspect everyone except Varis will have assumed as much, but everyone else who was wounded during the bandit operation is now fully healed.

Rodriguez will heal in 24hours.
Michael Kessler
player, 2234 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 17:24
  • msg #2

OOC Thread - 21

LOL...has anyone looked at the new addition to the character list?
Henry 'Hank' Voight
player, 559 posts
Call Sign: Devil Dog-02
Wed 3 Feb 2021
at 18:53
  • msg #3

Re: OOC Thread - 21

Michael Kessler:
LOL...has anyone looked at the new addition to the character list?

I did not notice until you pointed it out
Henry 'Hank' Voight
player, 560 posts
Call Sign: Devil Dog-02
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 23:21
  • msg #4

Re: OOC Thread - 21

I hope to post for Hank tonight or tomorrow.
GM, 7427 posts
Your Guide
Sun 7 Feb 2021
at 21:09
  • msg #5

Re: OOC Thread - 21

Just a heads up, the area surveillance will be done off-camera, summarized. I'll still roll for things though.
GM, 7429 posts
Your Guide
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 09:04
  • msg #6

Re: OOC Thread - 21

It's currently 1215hrs, and all PCs are at the compound.

The map has been updated to reflect the results of the recce. I still have to add a detailed section for the actual objective, which will be coming shortly, so standby on that.
GM, 7430 posts
Your Guide
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 10:00
  • msg #7

Re: OOC Thread - 21


43/46 Straganiarska is the target's address, which is indicated on the map with an icon. It's a four level townhouse (ground floor, two middle floors, and an attic space). All windows are boarded up or shuttered, and it has a proper front door which is on the street. If there's a back/side door, it went unseen from the street view that the recce had. The roof is intact, sloped in some parts and flat in others.

Also indicated on the map, is a cluster of adjacent buildings. These appear to be in use, forming a sort of small compound. In prewar times they were multi unit garages for parking a car or personal storage. There's a little driveway/paved open area in the middle, which has it's open side facing the road gated off with an iron fence and topped with concertina wire.

Nobody was seen, but there was at least someone home. There was random banging and small noises coming from the garage area and smoke was emitting from a makeshift exhaust sticking out through one of the townhouse's boarded up windows.

player, 1463 posts
CaporaleMaggior (It)
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 10:40
  • msg #8

Re: OOC Thread - 21

Fuse it looks a little like the parking area has a connection with that blocked off sidestreet on the right. Between the 2 garages where that white car is parked. Bushes? Or is it fully sealed off and the parking area only has 1 way in or out? Or do we know?
GM, 7431 posts
Your Guide
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 10:45
  • msg #9

Re: OOC Thread - 21

In real life it's a metal fence with a hedge.

For the game, and from Ferro and Marta's street view perspective, it appeared to be blocked off completely. So there is only one intended opening for that enclosed parking area between the garages (the XXXXXX markers/iron fence with wire).
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:46, Wed 10 Feb 2021.
Michael Kessler
player, 2238 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 18:52
  • msg #10

Re: OOC Thread - 21

I doubt very much if I'll have a chance to post anything IC today.

What does everyone want to do?

Do you want to carry on with the plan to hit the safe house tonight? (Current events may mean that the local militias are distracted)

Or do you want to do anything to follow up on the latest developments? (And if so, what?)

If you can say here that would be handy. If you don't have an opinion one way or the other can you still answer to say that you don't have an opinion?
Per Kolstrup
player, 1420 posts
Oversergent (Den)
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 19:15
  • msg #11

Re: OOC Thread - 21

My vote is to hit the safe house. We have concrete intel, a plan, and the means to do carry it out. We don't really have any of that for the matter of Nowak's coup.

Tomasz Andropov
player, 333 posts
Pvt (USSR) Mechanic
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 19:37
  • msg #12

Re: OOC Thread - 21

I'm worried about stripping the compound of the unit when there's a potential civil war about to erupt. The fort isn't that far from our base and we could be leaving it undefended.

That said, people have sunk time into the operation at the house so if people want to do that, I'll support it.
Henry 'Hank' Voight
player, 565 posts
Call Sign: Devil Dog-02
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 19:46
  • msg #13

Re: OOC Thread - 21

Safe house.  Good Intel & plan.
Jose Rodriguez
editor, 662 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 21:31
  • msg #14

Re: OOC Thread - 21

I'd be in favor of hitting the Safe House as well. Honestly, the internecine fighting could hurt or help us. On one hand, the militias are probably at a heightened readiness state and more prepared to interdict us if something happens. On the other hand, they may be buttoned down at the moment in their own neighborhoods, not wanting to get involved if there's fighting happening that doesn't directly involve them. In any case, we know this is something we have to do sooner or later, so may as well get to it.

Agreed with Mark that the fort is fairly close - on the map it looks like about 5km by either boat or road. With that said, we should still have the LoSA troopers and Kaminski's people on site at the compound during the raid. Maybe we can advise them to keep an extra eye out to the north/northwest while we're away?
Jose Rodriguez
editor, 664 posts
Spec 4 (US) Infantry
Wed 10 Feb 2021
at 21:52
  • msg #15

Re: OOC Thread - 21

And here's the proposed sketch of the makeshift sangar Jose is proposing for Siennicka (please excuse my terrible artwork).

I'm not a stickler for materials, and figure near anything can be used - 2x4s for the corner pillars, walls could be sandbags, flak boards, whatever so long as it might be able to stop a bullet. Roof can be sheet metal or anything else that might make sense. Random debris spread to the sides just enough to limit the bridge road to cars passing in single file and provide some limited (albeit low) cover to those hiding behind it. Finally, I figured the opening of the sangar would be on the side facing the compound, or southeast.
This message was last edited by a game editor at 21:55, Wed 10 Feb 2021.
player, 1465 posts
CaporaleMaggior (It)
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 02:09
  • msg #16

Re: OOC Thread - 21

Safehouse. It's ready to go, the other not so much. We might know more about the latest developments by the time the safehouse is done with and just slide into that.

I also like the idea of the militias being possibly distracted. I never thought of that. Although the militias are also mobilizing and at a heightened state. It could work against us. I'm still for the safehouse though.
Tomasz Andropov
player, 335 posts
Pvt (USSR) Mechanic
Thu 11 Feb 2021
at 12:34
  • msg #17

Re: OOC Thread - 21

I agree, it's a case of game vs real life, PCs have invested time in the op, we do it and if the world rolls over us, so be it. Makes for a more interesting game, I just wanted to throw my concerns out there.

Looks like we're doing it.
Michael Kessler
player, 2241 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 23:20
  • msg #18

Re: OOC Thread - 21

OK, I’ve juggled things around a bit on account of the back door so current assignments look like follows:

Entry squad

Andropov – driver
Babicevs – gunner (?)
Fischer – commander / overall street commander

Street Squad 1
Pike, Auttenberg, Anna

Street Squad 2
Czerny (Tactical commander), Aleksandr, Grant, Marta

Back Door
Walsh, Lines

If anyone is not happy with where they’ve been put speak up (preferably IC) and Kessler will accommodate – the eagle eyed amongst you will note that I’ve tried to put as many PC’s as I can into the assault squad - @Mark, if you want Andropov in the assault squad shout and I’ll make it happen (oh, and btw Mark, we’re not talking about rugby…)

With regard NVG’s if those in the assault squad can confirm whether they have a set or not (preferably IC). Anticipating that some people don’t, there is one set in stores (McCarthy’s). I know Kessler has a set and I think Ferro does. That being the case if Kolstrup. Voight, and Rodriguez all need a set Kessler will assign the set in stores to Kolstrup as he’s the most senior and longest serving person in need. I think that’s fair and realistic. If Kolstrup has a set then Voight and Rodriguez will need to work it out between themselves. Have a race, arm wrestle, draw cards with the dice roller. Or just do first come, first served. If we’re still short, you’ll need to try and borrow a set from someone in the street team. If you do need a pair please try and sort it out yourself before you come to see Kessler.

Ditto if the assault team can advise on whether they have suppressed weapons or not. I haven’t gone through the stores to see what’s available. If someone else can take ownership of sorting out weapons IC that would be good. @Fuse, the MP5 that Kessler is referring to is from the Warmia loot – OOC 20 Msg 508 refers).

I think that’s all, although I have a feeling that I’ve forgotten something but I’m going to bed now.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:31, Sat 13 Feb 2021.
Henry 'Hank' Voight
player, 567 posts
Call Sign: Devil Dog-02
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 23:47
  • msg #19

Re: OOC Thread - 21

In reply to Michael Kessler (msg # 18):
I understand the pecking order with the gear and availability but, I will post IC this evening.

I think that suppressed MP-5 might have been in bad shape?  However, we've got a couple of hours to tune it up.

No Night vision or suppressed weapons for Hank.  Will post this later as wwll.
Michael Kessler
player, 2243 posts
Hauptmann (Ger)
Sun 14 Feb 2021
at 10:32
  • msg #20

Re: OOC Thread - 21

In reply to Henry 'Hank' Voight (msg # 19):

There's a suppressed Skorpion listed on the stores thread.

Also according to the stores thread at least one person in the street team has a sent of NVG's as well.

Like I said earlier, if more than person has a need and there's only one of each item you'll need to sort it out amongst yourselves.

@All, just a reminder, if you do need kit if you have a look at the stores thread it should give you a good idea of what we have (and in some cases who has it).
Tomasz Andropov
player, 336 posts
Pvt (USSR) Mechanic
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 11:15
  • msg #21

Re: OOC Thread - 21

Tom'll be fine in the BTR, thanks.

If we're looking at tuning up the MP5S, Tom has decent Gunsmith.

He also has a suppressed Skorpion that can be used by the assault team if it's needed.
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