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OOC Thread 7.

Posted by FusilierFor group 0
Luis Ortega
player, 195 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 13:58
  • msg #976

Re: Corpse robbing!

Just so what I've posted IC is clear:

Termonen - guard position by road

Michaels - guard position on roof of grain elevator

Ortega, Ferro & Steinhoff - search team 1 checking the garage and security building

O'Brien, Morgan & Williamson - search team 2 checking the two grain elevators

Aleksandar - talking to the woman to find out if any of Lada's dead guards have families local to us

Young & Low Blow - finding somewhere to bury the dead

Catchings, Fox, Meyer, Benucci, Friedmann, Babicevs & Mulcahy - having wounds checked etc by Catchings
Eikki Termonen
player, 410 posts
Alikersantti (OR-4)
Finnish Sissi
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 14:59
  • msg #977

Re: Corpse robbing!

Anyone going to interrogate the prisoner Michaels and Eikki brought in?
Luis Ortega
player, 196 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:06
  • msg #978

Re: Corpse robbing!

Eikki Termonen:
Anyone going to interrogate the prisoner Michaels and Eikki brought in?

Read the note at the end of my last IC post as Ortega - he's assuming that JJM will do it.

And Varis, Frank and Oskar don't have much else to do once Mike's looked at their wounds.
Eikki Termonen
player, 411 posts
Alikersantti (OR-4)
Finnish Sissi
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:08
  • msg #979

Re: Corpse robbing!

It'd be nice if somebody actually had the skill too.
Luis Ortega
player, 197 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:18
  • msg #980

Re: Corpse robbing!

Eikki Termonen:
It'd be nice if somebody actually had the skill too.

I'll be amazed if we've got any character amongst us who's got even a point in Interrogation skill as I don't think that anyone has the right kind of background to have access to the skill.

Anyway, how hard can it be <G>:

 - JJM asks the prisoner a question.

 - The prisoner refuses to answer.

 - Varis stands on the prisoner's wounded leg.

 - Repeat....
Eikki Termonen
player, 412 posts
Alikersantti (OR-4)
Finnish Sissi
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:26
  • msg #981

Re: Corpse robbing!

Anyone can torture. The skill is in sifting through what they say, and pickup up on certains points of truth.
Hate to say it, but I think this is a job for Lt Boswell.
GM, 2501 posts
Your Guide
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:37
  • msg #982

Re: Corpse robbing!

Remember, not every skill has been declared by the PCs.
Luis Ortega
player, 198 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:39
  • msg #983

Re: Corpse robbing!

In reply to Eikki Termonen (msg #981):

Agreed (even though he'd disappeared before I first joined the game).

Update on the tasks that we need to do during "downtime":
 - interrogate prisoners
 - bury the dead
 - explore the compound more thoroughly
 - deal with the intact canisters of gas and the damaged ones (just in case one of them just has a minor leak)
 - repair the hole we cut in the wire
 - get details of the vehicles with batteries removed
 - inventory the gear/equipment in the compound to work out what is useful
 - check the bandages on anyone who was wounded prior to the battle (doesn't Oskar need stitching up again?)
 - recharge batteries
 - find out what happened to Lt. Boswell
 - find out details of Wright's mission and details of the "rewards"
 - find out more about the missing ammo ship
 - build up stocks of non-perishable food
Can anyone thing of any others?
Luis Ortega
player, 199 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 15:39
  • msg #984

Re: Corpse robbing!

Remember, not every skill has been declared by the PCs.

Well if there are any volunteers please post IC.
Francis 'Frank' Benucci
player, 646 posts
Sergeant /U.S. Rangers
Fireteam #1/ 'Found One'
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 18:55
  • msg #985

Re: Corpse robbing!

I will get a post up tonight to help out.
Eikki Termonen
player, 413 posts
Alikersantti (OR-4)
Finnish Sissi
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 01:04
  • msg #986

Re: Corpse robbing!

US AN/PRC-139 Tac Radio added to my character sheet from the list of recovered items.

I presume both Eikki and Michaels will be relieved at some point? It's bad practise to leave sentries in place unrelieved for more than about an hour (their minds tend to drift from boredom). Trained snipers on the other hand (who do still get bored)...
Francis 'Frank' Benucci
player, 647 posts
Sergeant /U.S. Rangers
Fireteam #1/ 'Found One'
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 01:25
  • msg #987

Re: Corpse robbing!

OK on the Ak's thanks for the help.  Sticking with the AK-74.

OK, Ortega wants Frank to get checked out by Catchings.  When he's cleared, which direction do you want him to go before I post to make it simple?
Francis 'Frank' Benucci
player, 648 posts
Sergeant /U.S. Rangers
Fireteam #1/ 'Found One'
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 01:47
  • msg #988

Re: Corpse robbing!

Disregard my last post here.  I decided to actually read Ortega's post all of the way through.
Eikki Termonen
player, 415 posts
Alikersantti (OR-4)
Finnish Sissi
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 02:18
  • msg #989

Re: Corpse robbing!

Couldn't resist. ;)
Caleb Mulcahy
player, 331 posts
Spec4-Infantry (US)
Callsign "Found-3"
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 08:22
  • msg #990

Re: Corpse robbing!

Fuse, sorry for being out of the loop. Set up a new business and spare time is rare. Will aim to catch and post tomorrow.
Steve (Will) Williamson
player, 16 posts
Private First Class
Cav Scout (US)
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 08:50
  • msg #991

Re: Corpse robbing!

Will is the gunner on the Bradley i think?  So i think Will will look over any maintenance issues with the gun/missile/whomever the mechanic is and see if he needs a hand.

I'm kinda new to the game, so it could be we dont have the Bradley with us?  If so young Will will do as directed (sentry duty, run errands).
Luis Ortega
player, 200 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 09:00
  • msg #992

Re: Corpse robbing!

Eikki Termonen:
I presume both Eikki and Michaels will be relieved at some point? It's bad practise to leave sentries in place unrelieved for more than about an hour (their minds tend to drift from boredom). Trained snipers on the other hand (who do still get bored)...

Of course.  Fuse has indicated that some time (days I think) will pass so it was only really relevant to roleplay through the initial sentry assignments.

Steve (Will) Williamson:
Will is the gunner on the Bradley i think?  So i think Will will look over any maintenance issues with the gun/missile/whomever the mechanic is and see if he needs a hand.

I'm kinda new to the game, so it could be we dont have the Bradley with us?  If so young Will will do as directed (sentry duty, run errands).

We don't have the Bradley anymore and once we work out if any of the vehicles in the compound are worth having then Will and Felix (the most recent Bradley driver) and anyone else with mechanical skills will certainly be looking at vehicles.

We need to secure the compound first however so Will (as one of the few unwounded people) is stuck in grunt mode for the moment.  Sorry.
Steve (Will) Williamson
player, 17 posts
Private First Class
Cav Scout (US)
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 09:22
  • msg #993

Re: Corpse robbing!

No problems.  Will is enthusiastic about even the mundane jobs.
Luis Ortega
player, 201 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 10:05
  • msg #994

Re: Corpse robbing!

Hopefully amongst Lada's vehicles are some that we can make use of!

He was running a business that repaired vehicles so hopefully there's something decent.  I doubt that he'll have anything like an APC but he might well have some trucks and jeeps etc.
Luis Ortega
player, 202 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 11:52
  • msg #995

Re: Corpse robbing!

Based on Ferro's IC post I've added a task to do at the bottom of the list of tasks that we need to do during "downtime":
 - interrogate prisoners
 - bury the dead
 - explore the compound more thoroughly
 - deal with the intact canisters of gas and the damaged ones (just in case one of them just has a minor leak)
 - repair the hole we cut in the wire
 - get details of the vehicles with batteries removed
 - inventory the gear/equipment in the compound to work out what is useful
 - check the bandages on anyone who was wounded prior to the battle (doesn't Oskar need stitching up again?)
 - recharge batteries
 - find out what happened to Lt. Boswell
 - find out details of Wright's mission and details of the "rewards"
 - find out more about the missing ammo ship
 - build up stocks of non-perishable food
 - recover and decontaminate all gear left by the forklift
Can anyone thing of any others?

Fuse - I'm sure that you're aware of this but just in case you're not we need a new OOC thread at some point soon.....
Francis 'Frank' Benucci
player, 650 posts
Sergeant /U.S. Rangers
Fireteam #1/ 'Found One'
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 11:53
  • msg #996

Re: Corpse robbing!

Eikki Termonen:
Couldn't resist. ;)

no worries!

Also, Frank is going to switch out a 5/45-round magazine (RPK-74) and takes a FULL 45 round magazine from the pile of gear just found.

GM - Done
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:10, Thu 22 Sept 2011.
GM, 2502 posts
Your Guide
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 12:08
  • msg #997

Re: Corpse robbing!

(Does not included anything from the compound or items already removed by PCs)

3x AK74
2x Wz88 Tantal
1x AK-105
1x RPK-74
1x Skorpion vz. 61
6x 45rnd. magazines
2x 1x Makarov
1x M1911A1

30x 30rnd. 5.45mmB Magazines
6x 45rnd. 5.45mmB Magazines
4x 20rnd. 9mmM Magazines
3x 2x 8rnd. 9mmM Magazines
1x 7rnd. .45cal Magazines
790x 5.45mmB rounds
90x 9mmM rounds
7x .45cal rounds

5x Frag grenades
3x CS grenade
3x Stun grenade
3x HC Smoke grenades
2x Demo charge (burn fuse)
3x Rescue/Signal flare
1x IR chem light

4x Kevlar vests
1x Soviet flak vest
2x Polish steel helmets
9x Webbing sets (mix of USSR/Polish/American/E.German)
1x NVG pouch with shoulder strap
1x NVG pouch attaches to Soviet webbing
1x US AN/PRC-139 Tac Radio
1x 9mmM Silencer
6x Gas masks
2x Decon packs
4x Chem detector papers (disposable)
1x Garrote
2x Combat knives
4x Bayonets
5x Field Dressings
2x Swim fins set (found on the beach)
2x Snorkel and mask (found on the beach)

20m Climbing rope
1x Grappling hook
1x Crowbar
1x Sledgehammer (small)
1x Wire Clippers
2x US Angle Neck Flashlight
1x Small mag light
2x Compass
1x Whistle
1x Pack Cigarettes (Postwar)

The usual assorted worn clothing (mostly USSR/Polish military with some German/American) which includes gloves, boots, balaclavas or knit caps, warm undershirts, etc.

All weapons are in very good condition.
Luis Ortega
player, 203 posts
Sergeant First Class
75th Rangers (US)
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 12:42
  • msg #998

Re: Corpse robbing!

Luis Ortega:
Fuse, thanks for this list - who doesn't have a kevlar vest?  Is it just Janusz, Alexandar and Low Blow?  Does Felix have a set?  Also do Williamson & Morgan have vests?

Felix, Morgan and Williamson - HAVE
Janusz, Alexandar and Low Blow - NOT HAVE

Fuse - do all of them have helmets?
GM, 2503 posts
Your Guide
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 12:48
  • msg #999

Re: Corpse robbing!

In reply to Luis Ortega (msg #998):

Only Aleksandar has a helmet.
Robert Mitchell
player, 1022 posts
British Infantry
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 12:48
  • msg #1000

Re: Corpse robbing!

The usual assorted worn clothing (mostly USSR/Polish military with some German/American) which includes gloves, boots, balaclavas or knit caps, warm undershirts, etc.

Fuse, when Mitch gets back from St. Mary's I assume that it's ok for him to replace his combat jacket and shirt (that have probably been cut to pieces judging by the number of wounds he had) from this gear?

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