As per Konrad's instructions, Clarence and Kasparov pull back across the bridge, passing Minh at the mid-way point. She ignites the fuze and follows them at a run. The group slide down the embankment and shelter beneath one of the destroyed Ural trucks lying about where'd they'd been shoved off of the raised road causeway at its base. A few seconds of anxious waiting are suddenly interupted by a tremendous boom.
Those on the tug are surprised by the blast. Fortunately, Minh had done a good job placing and fuzing the charges, and there is little in the way of aerial debris from the blast to worry about. They duck instictively, feeling a pressure wave washing over them a split second later. Curiosity gets the better of them and they peer over the Krolowa's gunwhales to see the the damaged section plunge out of a cloud of thick gray smoke and dust. Each end of the section- east and west- is still anchored in place as the middle drops away, much like a giant steel and asphalt trapdoor. A perfect causeway has been cut in the bridge and no sizeable pieces of debris have dropped into the river to obstruct the channel that runs beneath it.
North of the bridge, Yazzie, Tucker, and 'Chopper' Hicks have and even better- and safer- view of the blast and the resulting passageway. It's an impressive sight.
After a few minutes during which everyone calms their nerves and congratulates each other for a job well done, Anneka, still a bit miffed at the lack of warning, sends Snowy in the newly motorized assault boat- still loaded with the motorcycle/sidecar combination- to collect the group a kilometer and a half downstream. The maritime policeman sails cautiously through the now roofless channel, looking nervously up at the looming remains of the felled section standing upright on both sides.
The loading of the newcomer's gear takes a while, and the return trip is completed without incident. After offloading his passengers at the tug, Snow returns to the west bank to collect the bridge team and their impressive collection of war booty.
Konrad, Minh, Clarence, and Jason, having made a final sweep of the battlefield and collecting the enemy weapons, wait for extraction on the west bank. After a few minutes, they are back aboard the Krolowa as well.
The team has been reunited. Smiles and handshakes are exchanged all around, although the smiles are framed by more solemn lines of strain, grief, and exhaustion.
The sun hangs just above the western horizon and the darkness deepens. In less than a half an hour, it will be complete.
The bridge is blown and the way ahead lies open.