
Afternoon! I'm MsTiefling and it is a pleasure to join the site. I'm a fairly experienced role-player, with more experience in writing fiction. I've been doing both for over ten years now, but the roleplaying is more off and on, whenever I have the time for it. I'm here for the freeform, the stories, the Pathfinder, the friends, and so on, and I'm pumped to meet all of your acquaintances!
More about me: I love fantasy. Love love love it, in most of its forms. Also love slice of life, which is why it's so cool that cozy fantasy has become more of a thing, or at least more noticeable of a thing to me. I've played a lot of Pathfinder 1e in my day, and Tieflings are probably obviously a favorite of mine (they've never left me, just like my emo phase lol) but I'll play any race so long as I'm not playing a vanilla human in a fantasy setting (no shade to those that do! I just sometimes want to not be human anymore).
Any questions y'all might have feel free to ask. I'll be here, chilling