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The Window RPG.

Posted by copperpenny
member, 3 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2012
at 14:51
  • msg #1

The Window RPG

I've been thinking about trying out the Window for a game idea that I have and I was wondering if anyone had any resources for it beyond the system site itself?  For example: any specifics you've worked out like how many of each die to grant for creating characters, e.g. no d4s, 1d6, 2d8s, 3d10s, etc.

Maybe a link to any websites featuring someone using the system.

This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was the wrong forum, at 15:05, Mon 26 Mar 2012.
member, 201 posts
I collect hobbies.
Mon 26 Mar 2012
at 16:55
  • msg #2

Re: The Window RPG

I usually don't allow players to have any rank higher than D8, but that varies with the character concept.  I did have a player once who was basically an evil personification of magic.  He had a D4 in magic use that dropped one rank with each use until he hit D8, at which point he had to fail a roll in order to drop a rank.  He could work back up the ladder with rest.  The point was that he was extremely powerful, but could still be bested by properly equipped and prepared mortals.

Here's a frame of reference and some basic chargen rules I give new players, copypasted:

D4  - Nothing you need to worry about.  Master Yoda.
D6  - Another level you won't have to deal with any time soon.  Einstein.
D8  - Expert.  A distinguished career soldier or very gifted natural.  Dick Winters from Band of Brothers.
D10 - Professional.  Talented but not exceptionally so.  Most competent artisans would be at this level.
D12 - Average.  Anything you may have picked up along the way and practiced regularly without having to rely on.  A blacksmith may be professional level (D10) at smithing but have an average haggling skill.
D20 - Hobbies.  The realm of past endeavors mostly abandoned.  Beginners and new apprentices may also fall into this category.
D30 - Unskilled.  Things you are markedly bad at.

Note that although the Window doesn't place restrictions on how many skills/traits of each level you can have, you shouldn't overpower your characters.  The highest level you might have is expert (D8), and that doesn't mean you should automatically pick something to be an expert in.  In fact, for younger characters it would be highly unlikely.  And don't be afraid to throw in some unskilled levels for color.  A character with weaknesses is more fun than one who can do anything.  Also, generalities are your friend.  A career soldier might have "Professional soldier - D10," which would apply that die to anything that might fall under the "soldier" umbrella--weapon knowledge, tactics, foraging, etc.  Specific skills that might fall under soldiering, but are likely to often be used independent of the soldier label, like swordsmanship or horseback riding should have their own specific skill dice.

I usually keep the target number at 6, unless there are significant extenuating circumstances--navigating in heavy fog at night, fighting multiple opponents at once, shooting an arrow through wind, that kind of thing.

The important thing to remember is that the Window is designed to be roleplay-heavy.  The dice are a reference point and a decision maker, but they're just for making decisions that can't be roleplayed through, when you need an unbiased moderator.  Don't dwell too much on the details and encourage your players to do the same.
Silent Hunter
member, 146 posts
From London
Tue 12 Nov 2024
at 21:19
  • msg #3

Re: The Window RPG

The official site seems to have disappeared. Does anyone know why?
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