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oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

Posted by Azraile
member, 204 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:13
  • msg #1

oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

Here are some quick general rules to using magic starting with an over generalization of what the spheres allow you to do at each level up to 6, however might want to take note true magic comes from combining the affects of multiple spheres:


* Immediate Spactial Perceptions
You can intuitively estimate distances between objects, find true north (or any other set detection) and sense things in immediate vicinity with out using normal five senses. You can also sense instabilities in space.
**Sense/Touch Space
You can extend your five senses across intervening space by thinning the barriers between two points in space. You can also reinforce the Tapestry creating a barrier to hinder such attempts to spy on you. If used with appropriate levels of Life/energy/matter, you may pull small objects or amounts of energy through these rifts in the Tapestry you create (no larger than a house cat sized object)
***Pierce Space/Seal Gate/Co-Locality Perception
You can now tear holes large enough to pass yourself through, but not large enough to carry anything big with you. You can now also close rifts that have already been opened. Your senses now can perceive multiple locations at once though they will overlap each other. You may also use pattern magics (life/energy/matter) to slide patterns through space, preforming levitation and telekinesis.
****Rend Space/Co-Locate Self
You may now transport other people and large objects, and with enough success (10+) you may even create a permanent rift. You may also now manifest in more than one location at once, however you will need Mind 1 to think affectingly in all locations, and Life 2 if you wish to take different actions in different places.
*****Mutate Localities/Co-Location
You can now distort the space around you, altering distances and sizes at will to stretch or shrink them as you see fit. While with out other magics the mass stays the same you can change there dimensions and volumes. You can also stack locations on top of one another allowing inter area's to co-locate with each other. You can also connect two items by binding the space between them, or make it so an object phases to where it passes through other objects (even to the degree you can chose exactly which objects they can and cannot pass through) At this point your perceptions are expanded so wildly that mundane perceptions are enhanced beyond normal human maximums.

***** *  Fold Space/Create Space

While not always a good idea to use inside the Horizon, this lets an Archmage reduce or increase the distance between any two objects. If not used in empty space other spheres must be used to manipulate the paters inside this space. They can also twist and wrap space in on itself or take an area of space compressing it down to take up very little space at all. With this power they can also push space outward in a bubble to create empty, new, space where there wasn't any before, and if they wish, use other spheres to fill it.


*Sense Fate & Fortune

You can discern the strengths and weakness most objects and gain a good idea of what they do and can get a good guess of which way entropy is flowing. This always you to make choices such as which horse might win a race, tell if a lock had a defect, which of two objects is the original, and how long something might have till it brakes down next. However fate is a fickle thing and the insights are not perfect, just advanced.
**Control Probability
Now that you know how entropy and fate flows and can see it you can make little tweaks, you have learned to control probability by studding where it concentrates. This gives you amazing, yet subtle control over hundreds of small events. You may determine the outcome of any minor event that would normally be random. You can then discern which apparently random events are in fact predetermined, and manipulate there eventual outcomes. There is a limit as the the more probability involved the harder it becomes... Determining a coin toss is easy, but determine the same coin tossed several times in a row becomes increasingly harder.
***Affect Predictable Patterns
Machines are easily susceptible to entropy. Clocks wind down, engines brake, and all things eventually decay. You can now affect this deterioration as you see fit, making something brake down much faster or in a particular way, or keeping an machine running that should have fallen apart years ago. This works better on more complex machines that entropy affects more... simple objects tend to not have many verables in how long they last. You can also now affect the fate of objects or people though it is still quite limited by the realm of possibility, and the more unlikely something is to happen the harder it becomes to make happen.
****Affect Life
You may now influence the random factors of life giving you the power to destroy life or affect it's development. The same kinda control in the previous level over machines is enjoyed now with living things, on top of that one may use this magic to bless or curse some one and there offspring. Other spheres may be woven into such a charm or curse creating hereditary magical affects. These magics do not directly affect life patterns but probability.
*****Affect Thought
You now are able to affect the way ideas change over time. While mind masters may subjugate a persons free will, your magic influences his thoughts and allow there mind to follow the natural progression to other possibilities. Your mastery over the chaos of the mind can allow you to confuse some one just by uttering a few comments or words that set of a chain of events in there mind, or know how to use logical arguments to guide a person's ideas to a different conclusion. These affects may take more time than those of the mind sphere by they are harder to detect and resist as they are quite subtle.

***** * Stultifying Order/Utter Chaos

The archmage now has a complete determinism over chance. While in the past they could affect the outcome as long as some element of chance exists, they can now generate a chance were there was none or completely remove all probability save there chosen outcome. They can, with a wave of the hand, reduce an object to it's component parts, or assemble a form from scattered elements. Inflict pure choas or remove any ability to learn, grow, or change.


*Perceive Forces
You can now see the flow of all types of energy, sensing wavelengths far beyond the limited range of visible light and sonic frequencies upon which normal mortals rely on. You can see anything from x-rays to gravity, and the absence of such.
**Control Minor Forces
Positive forces - sound, light, heat, ect - and negative forces - silence, darkness, cold, ect - are much the same to you as you now have some control over the ebb and flow of all them. Though you can not change the nature of the forces you can move them about.  Sound and silence may be sent in different directions allowing you to privately converse with people at a distance. Light and darkness may be bent, focused and diffused to change apparent colors, to make you appear where you are not and wrap yourself in shadows, or focus the light of a flashlight into a fine laser.  The amount of energy you can control at once is limited though, you may be able to short circuit a house but not an apartment building. The more force you control the harder it is to maintain control. Controlling more force requires Forces 4.
***Transmute Minor Forces
You may now change one force into another, flip the positive into a negative (or vise versa), or create and destroy forces by drawing them from quintessence or braking them back down into quintessence. Turning light to darkness, heat to cold, cold to light, or even radiation into sound is possible. With Life or Matter magics it is passable to brake down the pasterns of such spheres turning them into a force governed by this level. At this level freezing people solid, incinerating objects, blowing up cars, or flying through the air is all possible. With life 4 you may been turn yourself into a being of living fire, shadow, cold, ect.
****Control Major Forces
This level is the same as 2 however at this point with enough successes the limits of what you can do is almost limitless. Redirecting missiles mid-flight, melting glaciers, freezing a lake solid... all such are possible though often vulgar.
*****Transmute Magor Forces
This level is the same as 3 however with enough success again there isn't much a limit to what can be done. Conjuring hurricanes, firestorms, tidal waves, earthquakes, and nuclear blasts are possible though not always recommended.

***** * Econemy of Force/Sense Universal Force

The archmage can now see the interactions of universal force patterns and there natural beginnings and endings. While the patterns could be seen before the archmage now can draw connections between a pattern and it's origins, it's interactions with other patterns, and it's eventual destination. All giving them the best information of how to maximize the effect of applied forces with a minimum of effort put into it.  (once active other force affects require half the number of successes and damage of force attacks will be higher (though not twice normal =p) )


*Sense Life
By reading life patterns you may learn the age, sex, and almost every aspect of a life forms health. You may also sense different forms of life around you.
**Alter Simple Patterns/Heal Self
You can alter the structure of basic life form, from microscopic viruses and bacteria to simple life forms such as insects and shellfish. You can heal them, kill them, or cause them to mutate such as have crab sprout exstra legs, trees bear fruit, or bees release the pheromones which signal a swarm. You may alter and mutate the simple life as much as you wish but you can not change what they are. At this level you can not transform anything.  You may also correct (or create) brakes in your own pattern to heal or harm yourself as you like.
***Alter Self/Heall Life/Transform-Create Simple Patterns
You may not alter yourself much like level 2, you can not change the fact you are human but you may change your gender or appearance or physically modify your body to grow claws, fur, gills, ect. At this level you completely control simple life patterns, you can turn them inside-out, change one into another or even create them entirely from other patterns (though you would need the help of other spheres for such). Unless you have mind magic though any life form you alter or create will have no mind beyond what it had held before. Your ability to heal and harm now extends to other people as well.
****Alter Complex Life Patterns/Transform Self
Your ability to alter life forms now extends to complex life forms but even those of other sentient beings. Again they will still retain there original form but you are able to make radical variations to that basic form. You may now alter your form to nearly any form of approximately the same size and mass. You can become say a deer, but not a mouse. Special physical abilities, like breathing water for flying, don't carry over by coping a form and you must additionally alter your body with life 3 affects to gain such. With out mind magics, the new body will take some getting use to.
*****Transform-Create Complex Life Patterns/Perfect Metamorphosis
You can affect others as you where able to affect yourself at the previous rank. At this level you may attain nearly any form you desire for yourself and others. There are some problems though, with out the help of some mind magics, a higher being transformed into a lower one tends to trade intelligence for survival instincts, while a lower life form changed into a higher tends to gain intelligence but no understanding. However shape shifting yourself dose not carry such affects as you are able to perfectly change yourself into nearly any form. Once changed your mind carries over, you are still able to preform all your magics, and the form is as natural to you as if you where born into it. You may also create nearly any life from with the help of Forces/matter/prime. However any life form will have no mind or soul beyond that from the vase material or the resonance it carries.

***** * Perfect Transformation of Others / New Life

Now, not only can the archmage use a perfect metamorphosis on some one else, but there understanding lets them use life patterns with no relation to any creature they have ever seen before. In addition to using life patterns they know little of thy are able to create life patterns that have unique properties not normally found in natural life -- Patterns that subsist on base matter, that are unaffected by certain forces or matter effects, or that interact with other life in strange and unpredictable ways.


*Matter Perceptions
You can now recognize the paters on matter, including the underlying structures that give objects there shapes and physical properties. In addition to seeing the composes and properties of items you can now se the structures hidden within structures. Inorganic Material no longer forms a barrier to your senses.
**Basic Transmutation

You man transmute one substance into another, with out changing it's shape/temperature/or basic state (solid/liquid/gas). Turning milk into cream, mahogany into oak, water into acid, or lead into gold are all things done with this rank of matter. It is easier to change one object into something similar to it, the grater the difference the harder it becomes.  You may also use other pattern spheres to briefly transform items from Forces/Life?prime into pasterns of mater.  Including temporally turning a living being to stone (Life 4/Matter 2), or spinning moonlight into thread that will last a few hours (forces 3/Matter 2). With Prime 2 you may create (or uncreate) any simple basic thing composed of one common homogeneous substance. The more rare and/or complex a substance is the harder it is to create/destroy - it's easier to summon up some glass than a diamond.
***Alter Form
You can now change teh shape of inanimate objects however you wish, or temporarily alter there state between solid/liquid/gas. (permanent changes in state require 5 or 6, it's hard to make rock stay liquid at any temperature) You can change matter into any shape limited only by the physical properties of the materials. You may repair broken items seamlessly if you know how.
****Complex Transmutation
You can preform radical changes in physical materials to craft complex items involving several common substances or one or two rear ones. Any sort of regular matter may be changed into any other - A squirt gun may be changed into a loaded zipgun (three successes) or a trash dumpster into a small tank (five successes). Also it's possible to change complex machines into different complex machines. The more radical the transformation the more difficult the feat. With Life/forces/Prime there patterns may be transmuted into complex matter allowing you to turn pumpkins into gilded coaches, lightning bolts into swords, or raw quintessence into master keys. Complex organic creations are also possible, Including silk ballgowns, roast chickens, and Persian rugs.
*****Alter Properties
You may not change the physical properties of substances, even make other objects immaterial to others (the method is different from correspondence). By altering the temperature each state is entered into you can change the state of materials at this point, as well as how brittle or hard something else and/or any other property. This allows such wonders as castles made of paper thin walls, armor that feels like silk and weighs less than a feather. Or a sheet of paper that weighs as much as a brick. This even allows the creation of new elements by decreasing the radioactivity and slowing there denigration making substances who's half life would normally be measured in seconds last for weeks.

***** * Alter State

While changing the state of mater from one to another may seam similar to what can be accomplished at other levels of even this sphere. This is not quite the same thing.  Shifting things between states (Solid - Liquid - Gas - Plasma - Ether) while not altering the pattern in any other way takes understanding that only an archmage can understand. Permanently shifting a block of lead into room temperature lead-plasma is an.... impressive feat, as is taking the super heated plasma of a sun and turning it into an equally superheated brick.


*Sense Thoughts & Emotions/Empower Self
you can sense the thoughts and emotions around you, while you can not read them yet, you can sense there presence, strength, and intensity. You may also read the impressions left on objects or in an area, while you can't read any actual thoughts or emotions you can get a sense of say having a "good/bad vibe" from an object or place. You also may have some influence over your dreams and shield yourself from others overbearing thoughts and emotions. With some work you can hide your aura and/or shield your thoughts from casual observation.
**Read Surface Thoughts/Create Impressions?mental Impulse
You may now read the surface thoughts and emotions of unshielded minds. You can scan an area or object now for it's 'memories' for the psychic impressions left on it. It's easier to read emotion than thought, and the stronger the emotions behind thoughts the easier it is to read. You can also leave impressions on a place or object intentionally or send out such impressions to find a chosen target, however you may only transmit simple thoughts such as single words, images, or emotional impulses this way. You can also control your own dreams to some extent at this point and create more elaborate shields. Two mages at this level can create a primitive link with each other now.
***Mental Link/Walk Among Dreams
You can now create links with others using this for communication or invasion. You have command of a full range of perceptual illusions or psychic disturbances and able to leave almost any impression you wish over an area or object. Your dreams are now your own and you may even walk beyond them into the dream realms or the dreams of others... however such trips are risky.
****Control Conscious Mind/Walk Beyond Dreams
You gain the ability to plant suggestions or alter memories of the minds you are linked to now by diving even deeper to do so, also you can inhabit there mind taking control over there body. You can cure or cause lasting insanity, and work to even totally re-write who they are. However they will slowly recover (though not fully) as there subconscious mind reasserts there true memories, but there demeanor is irrevocably altered. However at times it will require weakening the will of a person before such feats are possible. You may now also leave your dreams behind to make brief trips into the astral reaches, these trips must be short and can become dangerous. For each success you may leave your meditating body behind for one turn before you must return.
*****Control Subconscious/Untether/Forge Psyche
Not only the master of your own mind but others as well, you are now able to rewrite someone's personality until his thoughts (and nature) bare no resemblance to anything that existed before. You may also divorce a psyche from the body, switch minds, merge, copy, or transfer the entire sum of a person's memories and knowledge from one body to another. You can increase a subjects intelligence and wits to genius levels (5 dots) and begin to increase your own beyond that. You may now travel the astral for hours or days at time (more with the help of life magics to sustain your body). However your greatest feat now is that you may create sentient, conscious thought from nothing to expand it's intelligence and design it's personalty however you like.

***** * Relive Past Lives / Sense the Universal Mind

By looking deep into themselves the archmage can see into there past lives, find amazing insights, remember ancient trails and lost wisdom. Or by looking outward into the web of all minds, they can tap into the pieces of wisdom contained in all waking avatars. (In game terms this gives them dots, or increases there dots, in past lives or dream)


*Etheric Senses
More important than anything else, at this level you may store more quintessence in your body than your Avatar ratting allowing you to meditate in a node and soak up free(lose) quintessence from it. You may also sense quintessence, in the nodes where it collects, in the tass where it crystallizes, and in the ebbs and flows as it moves about or from the works of magic. You can also see when a creature or object has more quintessence in it than it's own pattern is made up of. (allowing you to know when something/someone is magical)
**Weave Odyllic Force/Fuel Pattern
You may now draw Quintessence from a node or area with a massive amount of free quintessence with out meditating (though you will always need to do so to draw it from your avatar rating). You can now alter the flow of small streams of quintessence or reweave them, and with the help of other spheres can feed quintessence to weave other forms of energy or mater into existence. (this allows you to create life/mater/force affects from 'nothing')
***Channel Quintessence
Nodes, bursts of quintessential forces as primal energies (junctures), tass, and bodies of objects that have more quintessence in them than the 'raw' quintessence that make up there patterns have 'free' quintessence. At this level you may now draw that free quintessence out and into yourself, even from other mages.
****Expel Base Energy
You can now draw on the raw quintessence in patterns of matter and energy, affecting the pattern's substance in reality. You may expel the raw quintessence from patterns to recycle them into the cosmic pool quintessence, with out quintessence there is no pattern and the matter or energy ceases to exist. You need not dispel all the energy though, removing small amounts of quintessence from various parts of the pattern can remove aspects or properties of the energy/matter. You could make an object insubstantial, cause a magnet to have only one pole, remove a chemical's ability to form nuclear bonds with other chemicals, or cause objects to lose there mass yet remain solid. While pattern magics on there own can do the same thing, removing a target's raw quintessence is a direct and 'easy' way to do so. You can also undo such by feeding quintessence back into a pattern in choice places.
*****Alter Flow
You can now affect living matter much the way you where able to affect matter and energy. However living things store quintessence differently as it flows through there patterns. You may now alter, damage, or stop this flow however. You may also increase the flow of quintessence through a pattern, while in most life forms this has little affect on it's own, in awakened with strong avatars it will instantly recharge there avatar' quintessence.

***** * Paradox Senses

While being able to see paradox may not sound like a big deal, it is a very big deal to an archmage. This allows them to see the disbelief and building domino effect, how there magics have affected and may affect the world around them. It lets them judge how much paradox they may incure by taking an action (ICly and OOCly giving more accurate numbers). It also lets them know how much paradox is affecting them and see when a mage has entered Quite. Finally it lets them see the flow of paradox to enough detail to channel quintessence into the paradox to cancel both out.

Spirit (Dimensional Sciences)

*Spirit Sight/Spirit Sense (Trans-dimensional Senses/Rate Local Dimensional Walls)
You may now sense the Near Umbra around you, allowing you to see auras, ghosts, and spirits. This can be dangerous as shifting your vision can put you out of touch with the physical world, and some spirits don't like to be watched. You can also 'read' the strength of the local gauntlet and tell if an item contains spiritual essence.
**Touch Spirit/Manipulate Gauntlet (Trans-dimensional Interaction/Affect Dimensional Walls)
You may now briefly touch spirits and objects through the gauntlet (only for a turn or two) allowing you to push a spirit out of a room or hit it over the head. You may also speak through the gauntlet or extend your perceptions to the edges of the deep umbra and detect the fringes of eternity. You can thin or thicken the gauntlet for a short time. Each success lowers or raises the gauntlet difficulty by 1 for one turn (3 would give it -/+ 3 for 3 turns). You must first beat the original gauntlet rating to do so, and you can not yet lower it bellow 4.
***Pierce Gauntlet/Rouse & Lull Spirit (Pierce Dimensional Wall/Rouse & Lull Umbrood)
You may now make a hole in the gauntlet and slide through to the other side. The more you try and carry over though the harder it becomes (anything other than nude will result in increased diff at this point). You may use Matter 3 / Prime 2 to craft ephemera into material objects. you may also rouse or lull spirits with a contested willpower vs willpower roll.
****Rend Gauntlet/Seal Breach/Bind Spirit(Rend & Repair Dimensional Walls/Trap Umbrood)
You may now rip larger holes in the gauntlet allowing you,others, or items to travel through without difficulty, or repair such breaches you or others have made. Such a tare being created is always vulgar. You may now compel spirits to appear and bind them or force them into objects, creating fetishes. The more powerful the spirit the harder it is. You may even try and channel a spirits powers through yourself, though doing so shuts out your own magic until the spirit leaves. It is best to have the consent of such spirits in both cases, and when possessed it often takes a contested willpower roll to get them out.. or some one using this level to exorcise them.
*****Forge Ephemera/Outward Journeys(Create Trans-dimensional mater/Deep Space Life Support)
You can now take ephemera (the substance of spirit) and reweave it, repair it, or rip it asunder. You can heal spirits power level, help create horizon realms or umbral domains, or attack a victims avatar through the dreaded Gilgul rite. You may also pierce the gauntlet of the horizon and explore beyond using the magics to keep your own spirit from fading apart in the ether space of the deep umbra for a grate deal longer than most.

***** * Awaken Ephemera

This allows the archmage to awaken ephemera, the dormant spirits of objects, trees, and even locations. This may seam like a minor trick, but most of these spirits are able to have some affect on there physical self, or least convey knowledge. Some have vast power and when stired can be convinced to help the archmage. Imagine waking the spirit of a city, and lulling it to your side! O.O


*Time Sense
You now not only have a precise internal clock, but you can detect certain time-based phenomena, sensing the approach of such disturbances and 'feeling' where in dimensional space the phenomena will appear. You can also sense things weaker than full on rifts, such as when a mage travels forward in time, sends something forward, or scrys into the past or future.
**Past/Future Sight
You may now shift your perceptions forward or backwards in time. While it's harder to sense things faded into the past the results are fairly certain. Seeing the future, while less difficult, grows more inaccurate the further forward you look. With Correspondence 2 you may scry out in time and space, while with Entropy 2 you may view more than one possible future and tell which one is more probable than the other. You may also reverse this to thicken the walls of time making it harder use time affects from, or targeting, there current time and space.
***Time Contraction/Dilation
You may now speed or slow time as you wish, though it's more accurate to say "contracting" or "dilating". You may use this to take one additional action for every success over the second, or delay an action by one of there normal actions for every success over the second.
****Time Determinism
You can now stop time in an area or create an affect in conjunction with other spheres where the magic is suspended in time allowing you to chose a 'trigger' for when the magic starts up again... in affect making a magical time bomb. Other mages with the first level of time magic can sense such delayed affects and with this sphere set them off. Other magics can be worked into the temporal programing so long as that affect, and it's trigger, are set in advance. (so with correspondence and time one might set a magical mine of sorts that goes off when something disturbs the area)
*****Future Travel/Time Immunity
You may now pluck objects out of the flow of time and reposition them at some other point, however such affects are firmly linked to there point of origin. This allows you to also suspend things outside of time (allowing 'travel' to the future)till a later point or until you retrieve it later. You can also make yourself immune to the affects of time. During your 'time' outside of time, you will perceive the world as a collection of still images that you may manipulate as you please. With life or matter magic you may pull other objects 'out of time' with you.

***** * Aid the Past

This allows an archmage (with the proper spherse) to send objects, or even quintessence, back in time. While not able to send himself or any thing particularly large this dose have massive affects on the time line and there is ALWAYS a massive amount of paradox as the result both sending, and at the receiving end as well. This massive paradox comes from shifting the archmage to a new timeline that is not there own. However if the paradox is to grate and backlashes the archmage stays in there time line and the affect is wasted.... if the backlash is grate enough (30 points or so) there is even the chance the archmage may be erased from time itself.
member, 205 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:14
  • msg #2

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

Difficulty Modifiers

-1 to -3  Diff
*Researches lore on subject before using magic
*Has item resonating with target's essence (sympathetic magic)
*Near a Node

-1 Diff
*Using a unique focus
*Using a focus with out needing it (stacks with unique)
*Spending a point of quintessence to fuel a spell
*Using Tass with an appropriate resonance

+1 Diff
*Using Tass with an opposed resonance
*Fast-casting (instant)
*Mage is distracted (negated with mind sphere some what)

+1 to +3 Diff
*Distant or hidden subject (negated with correspondence)
*Mage is in conflict with Avatar
*Domino effect (to many coincidental spells in a short time)
*Monumental feat
*Casting on the fly. (no rote/spell, imposable for technomage)

Damage and Duration

One Success = No damage / one turn
Two Success = successes x 1 / one scene
Three Success = successes x 2 / one day
Four Success = successes x 2 / up to a setting
Five Success = successes x 2 / six months
Six or More Successes = successes x 3 / story teller's option

When using Forces for damage add one success, and when using Mind subtract one success.  Entropy can not do direct damage unless it is used to decay patterns.

Doing Aggravated Damage

Aggravated damage may only be dealt by:
*Vulgar life magics that rend a being's pattern. Coincidental ones that work within the pattern only deal lethal/bashing damage.
*Vulgar Prime attacks or attacks that have been charged by prime. Dose not include affects merely created from prime.
*Direct, pattern rending, entropy attacks.
*Natural weaponry of supernatural creatures, or similarly created magical organic weapons created through vulgar life magic. (can possibly cause permeate paradox levels until removed in some environments)

Spirit Gauntlet Chart

Area = Difficulty - Successes Needed
Node = 3 - One
Caren or other place of power for Wyld energies = 3 (9) - one (five)
Deep Wilderness = 5 (8) - two (five)
Rural Countryside = 6 (7) - three (four)
Most Urban Areas = 7 (6) - four (three)
Downtown = 8 (5) - five (two)
Technomagic Lab = 9 (3) - five (one)
(shows difficulty and successes for technomages)

Time and Correspondence Ranges

Successes = Range or Connection needed  -  Effect Time span
One = Line of sight / blood relation ; body sample  -  Within a year
Two = Very familiar (home/office) / best friend ; prized possession  -  Five years
Three = Familiar (local mall) / co-worker ; possession  -  20 years
Four = Visited once / acquaintance ; anything used once  -  50 years
Five = Saw or heard about it / stranger ; item touched causally  -  100 years
Six+ = Anywhere on earth ; no connection  -  500 years
Ten+ = 1000 years or more!

Cascading sphere groups

Dynamic - Correspondence, Mind, Time
Pattern - Forces, Life, Matter
Primordial - Entropy, Prime, Spirit
member, 206 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:14
  • msg #3

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

When casting magic it usually goes like this:

Roll Arete with a difficulty (min 3) bassed off:
Coincidental: highest sphere + 3
Vulgar, w/o unbelieving witness: highest sphere + 4
Vulgar, w/ unbelieving witness: highest sphere + 5

Difficulty modifiers can not be higher than 3 in ether dereliction.
However magic can be used to affect the difficulty of other actions, or other actions can affect the difficulty of magic. (you can use magic to make a task easier and vise versa)

Paradox is gained from magic based off how the spell was cased.

Coincidental magic only causes paradox when a spell is botched, then only one point is gained per dot in the highest sphere used.

Vulgar magic gives one point of paradox regardless, if it is botched it gives an extra point for each dot in the highest sphere used as well.

Vulgar magic with an unbelieving witness gives at least two points of paradox, more is possible if a large number witness the affect. On top of that if the affect is botched two points are gained for each dot in the highest sphere. (lucky botches are usually less visible.)

Degrees of Success

Critical mistake screws everything up, effect and energy is wasted, and paradox hits. Willpower can be spent to hold paradox off and continue casting ONCE per botch, difficulty +1 after that.

Total Failure
No success. No botch. Can continue at +1 difficulty with out wasting anything, or start over again.

Partial Success
50% of needed successes. You set out to do what you wanted, but not as well as you would have liked to. If a single roll you may make another roll by spending a willpower and raising the difficulty by 1.  Success but with flaws....

100% of success.... You achieve what you set out to do.

Extraordinary Success

150% of success or more. Not only do you succeed but you succeed brilliantly. There is an added affect to what you set out to do... Say you where trying to create a computer from nothing, it now has more memory, a blue ray drive, and the newest OS!
member, 207 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:16
  • msg #4

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

Casting magic with out rotes/spells/procedure or what ever you may call them only a +1 difficulty when the spell is complex. Having one though can not only keep you from difficulty incress, but can at times allow stuff like free fast casting.

If you ever find yourself using a magical affect on a regular basis you should create one for it.

All spheres require some sort of focus that will be involved in these spells however as a mage developed they will be able to use more and more sphere with out a focus.

Arete  VS number of spheres a mage can use magic with out a focus
1         0
2         1 starting with tradition sphere
3         2
4         3
5         4
6         5
7         6
8         7
9         8
10        all 9

Technomages are forced to use proceders and focus however they are freed of some focus... one sphere each at 4,7,and 10 Arete.

However technomages have the advantage of not being affected by paradox as badly as other mag:es, all there magic produces near instant affects (no difficulty for fast casting), and they may program new procedure on the fly (usually in one turn) and cast it at the end of the turn they finish it in at +1 difficultly.

Some technomancer gear is even capable of absorbing paradox or preventing paradox gained by botches of Coincidental affects.
member, 208 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:17
  • msg #5

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

Types of counter-magic are bellow, every kind takes your magic for the turn and spirit or prime sphere is required to counter fara gifts, wraith arcanos, or spirit charms. Every kind of countermagic can't have the difficulty reduced with quintessence, instead willpower must be used.:


The simplest form of counter magic there is. However it is the easiest to get around too. This creates an area of stabilization to the pattern in a way you wish making magic of certen types harder, or harder for certen people. The means of how you restrict magic are rather up to you, but the mechanics are the same.

System: Needs Prime 2, each point of quentessence spent increases magic/power difficulties by 1  (this can brake the +3 limit).  However one only needs Prime 2, and to spend quentessence in the same manor to undo this.

Basic Countermagic

Basic countermagic is basically a soak roll for magic. They must have some knowledge of the magic/powers used agenst them (1 point in the sphere). This removes success from magics targeted at you.

System: Needs 1 dot in every sphere used in the spell used agenst you. Arete roll, Diff is 7, each success on the counterspell removes a success from the spell.

Offensive Countermagic

When spells are aimed at some one else countering magic is a little harder.

System: Same as basic counter magic, diff 8 instead.

If the mage feels ballsy he can try and turn the spell back on the user.

System: Same as basic counter magic, diff 9, each success over the original spell counts as one success of the original spell turned back on the attacker.

Sphere Vs Sphere countermagic

Not everyone knows a lot of spheres, or has knowledge in prime. In such a case they have to rely on a bit of a brute force method of attacking the magic with there own magic. This is not always particularly affective mind you and if done wrong will only fuel the spell, but if one knows what there doing they can they can use what magics they do know to throw a spell off and muck it up.

System: The affect must disrupt the magic in some way, IC/RP wise what your doing has to make some sense here. Then one rolls there Arete, diff 8 to disrupt the spell similar to basic counter magic.


Your not always there when the magics are woven into the pattern, that's where unweaving comes in. However being that the magic generally isn't going anywhere, they can work to undo it over time, rather than the rushed urgency of countermagic.

System: Need at lest 1 dot in the spheres involved and Prime 1 or an awareness of 4. In an extended action the player must use there arete to brake down the magic bit by bit till it falls apart. Given they have time to study the magic they may use an ability roll to lower the difficulty of the Unweaving. (but still can't spend quintessence to do so)  The diff is 8 and continues until the mage fails or botches a roll. Failing increases the diff by 1 (unless the mage spends a willpower), and botching ends the prossess and makes them start over.

NOTE!: The moment some one starts an unweaving the original caster may roll wits + intuition, diff 7, to figure out some one is messing around with there magics.
member, 209 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:21
  • msg #6

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

With Archmagery comes a deeper understanding of magic that if you have the 6th level of a sphere it will act as the first level in other spheres relative to it.... as will the 7th sphere act as the second level.... and so on.

This is called cascading and allows your vast understanding of a sphere to roll over into similar spheres of the same group.

The groups are:

Dynamic - Correspondence, Mind, Time
Pattern - Forces, Life, Matter
Primordial - Entropy, Prime, Spirit

This means if you have say level 6 Forces you can use level 1 life.

But being as it you are REALY using level 6 forces the difficulty is the same as using that sphere.

Archmages can also improve there attributes far behind what is normally possible. Level 6 in a sphere also lets you raise an attribute to level 6 as well. (and 7 allows 7 in that attribute, and so on.):

Strength - Life
Dexterity - Forces
Stamina - Matter

Charisma - Spirit
Manipulation - Entropy
Appearance - Prime

Perception - Correspondence
Intelligence - Mind
Wits - Time
member, 210 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:22
  • msg #7

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

Some shade/shard realm stuff

Sol - ?SR infinite?  - There is a lot of debate here, some seam to think the entire universe is the shard realm of the sun though.

Mercury – SR Correspondence – No known access exists anymore

Venus - SR Life

Earth – ?SR Prime? - Little is known if it exists or not... but it's clear earth is tied to the prime sphere, just no one is even sure if a shade realm exists for not. Though some think Alder Bole may be the shade realm... though few ever find there way there.

Luna - ?SR Dreaming? - Some seam to think Arcadia is the shade realm of the moon, and the dreaming is the shard realm. This is rather a questionable theory.

Mars – SR Forces

Jupiter – SR Matter  - can be accessed from any solid planet.

Saturn – SR Time - hardly anyone has ever been there and lived.

Uranus - SR Spirit - can only be accessed astrally from the horizon.

Neptune - SR Mind - can only be accessed astrally from the horizon.

Pluto –  SR Entropy - under heavy heavy quarantine.

Nemeses/Talos - ?SR Talos?   people wonder......... but how can you enter the 10th sphere's shard realm if everything is the 10th sphere?

You can be protected shard/shade realms or exstream environments as so with level in appropriate spheres:

1 - Able to detect problem/dangerous areas and try and avoid them.
2 - Able to offensively protect yourself, by defecting or other wise forcefully preventing harm to yourself as it comes. Each time your endangered you must use another magic affect.
3 - Able to create a passive defiance that can protect yourself from harm.
4 - Able to offensively protect others.
5 - Able to passively protect others.
member, 211 posts
AIM: Azraile
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 01:24
  • msg #8

Re: oWoD Mage:  the Ascesion - Magic Cheet Sheet (refrence)

I hope this stuff I put together for my mage game will help you guys in your own games.
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