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Welcome to The Crusaders of Central City

02:20, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Background : Howard Banx was one of the young men choosen for the Super Soldier project during the First Gulf War in 1991.
Like a dozen of other volonteer, he was subjected to massive injections, tests and training. But alas, like alot of his fellow soldiers, the tests were a failure and he didn't develop any superhuman abilities. He was just 20. Howard survived the War, to go back to home and married his waiting girlfriend. He retired from the army four years after his daughter, Brooke, born. It was in 1993.

The young Brooke had an happy childhood, tough her father was rather an absent man, and she moved alot all around the USA, to follow her father frequent military mutations. Brooke was a brilliant girl and, first she was growing as a very beautiful child, then teenager.
Brooke received a very classical education, with an important religious and puritan part. And then came her first days as a young woman, when hormonal balance and urges started to work on her...

The injections didn't had any effect on her father, but they had obviously modified his DNA, and he transmitted this mutation to her daughter, making her a paragon of humanity.

One day, Brooke was sitting in a café with her student friends, she saw a hold-up happening and was first as schocked as her friends. WHen the gangsters tried to grab her and one of her friend as hostage, "something" happened in her...
She reacted faster she thought she'd be able to, and without really thinking of what she was doing. Few second laters, the gangsters were knocked out and their car was crushed onto the macadam...

Witnesses of the scene would ever remember this young beautiful woman standing upfront the criminals lost in schock, the heart beating hard in her chest. Later, when reporters intervieed them, and asked that they describe the new heroine, they were only able to say : " She's was A knockout !"...

Brooke life changed this day, as she was contacted by the army then the Crusaders, and she accepted gladly to make her father pride as a new born Super Patriot, receiving training and help, for the good of all.

Personality/Motivation : Brooke is a "good girl". She enjoys life, and fights every day for justice and the wellness of the american people. She trust in God, and is certain that the rightous wil lalways be true in the end.

Beside that, her hormonal balance makes her have very guilty thoughts, and she struggles with urges that are generated by her supercharged system.

Powers / Tactics : Agile brick, with improved martial art training and a pheromonal system. She isn't very tough especially against major threat (her resistant protection is kinda low), but she compensates by using a mix of stunning charm, wits and agility.

Appearance in costume: