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05:43, 14th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Character Creation - Points and Stats and Stuff.

Posted by The Primal OneFor group 0
The Primal One
GM, 2 posts
Helping stories along
Sat 10 Feb 2018
at 17:01
  • msg #1

Character Creation - Points and Stats and Stuff

The first step in building a strong character is to consider who they are as a person. As these are starting characters, he or she should be somewhere between 12 to 30 years of age. Obviously life will be easier for you if you aren't on the low end of that scale. 16+ will be considered "adult" enough for all practical matters.

Your character should be either an Amberite or a Rebman. While there have been crossbreeds, they are rare. Hybrids generally do not live more than a few hours. Martin was born and survived against the odds.

Players receive 120 points to build their characters. Trump images, character diary entries, shadow write-ups, artifacts, and NPCs may all be considered payable contributions. The level of effort determines the value paid.

Update 5/2/2020: All Stats will be Amber default level and then you can adjust from there.

The four stats will be standard AmberDRPG. If you want to specialize in areas of any part of the stat, You can utilize a skill listing to indicate that. Copy and paste the following to create your character write up:

Vital Statistics:
Requested Parent:


Specialty Skills:




Luck Points:
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:48, Sat 02 May 2020.
The Primal One
GM, 13 posts
Helping stories along
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 04:55
  • msg #2

Powers and Abilities

Available Powers and Abilities

If a power is not on the list, then it is not available as a starting ability. Shadow Knight and the unpublished Rebma Sourcebook will not be used as sources at this time. If the power you want has a prerequisite, you much purchase that ability in order to obtain the power.

  • 5 Points - Dworkin Barimen's Descendant

    Prerequisites: None

    Dworkin was the artist who created the ultimate design. Being his descendant gives the character the ability to become an initiate.

  • 20 Points - Pattern Initiate

    Prerequisites: Dworkin Barimen's Descendant, Amber Level Endurance

    The character can walk among, alter, and manipulate the stuff of shadow. At this level, the character cannot create shadows of desire but must utilize regular travel routes.

  • 30 Points - Pattern Master

    Prerequisites: Dworkin Barimen's Descendant, Pattern Initiate, Above Amber Level Endurance, Amber Level Psyche.

    The character has taken time to learn more about the intricacies of Pattern and found deeper meaning in how molding shadows of desire works.

  • 50 Points - Trump

    Prerequisites: Amber Level Psyche

    With this ability, an artist may create trumps of people and places. It is the very act of creation, and from the artist's paintbrush, reality flows. The level of detail one puts into one's painting dictates the control one has.

    Building a world takes labor. For each point of a shadow, the artist spends six hours working. Fortunately, this time does not need to be done in one sitting.

    NOTE: The simple act of spending the time to create the shadow does not give the artist ownership. Rules for building shadows will be in a future post.

  • 35 Points - Shapeshifting

    Prerequisites: Chaos Level Endurance, Chaos Level Psyche

    This power follows the ADRPG rulebook. Characters with this ability will find their shapeshifting harder or easier, depending on the shadow they are in. While in Amber, shapeshifting is prohibitively difficult.

  • 15 Points - Sorcery

    Prerequisites: None, however, the higher the Psyche, the better.

    This power follows the ADRPG rulebook. A list will be posted in this thread below.

  • 20 Points - Conjuration

    Prerequisites: None, however, the higher the Endurance and Psyche, the better.

    This power follows the ADRPG rulebook.

  • 10 Points - Power Words

    Prerequisites: None, however, the higher Endurance and Psyche, the better.

    You get 5 Words of Power to start. Additional Power Words are available at 2 points per word. A list will be posted in this thread below.

  • 30 points - Empathy

    Prerequisites: Chaos or Higher Psyche, though the higher the psyche, the better as using any of these abilities against an unwilling subject requires a contest of mental prowess.

    Taken from Lords of Gossamer and Shadow Supplement. I'm vastly cutting the explanations on the Empathy Abilities. If the power appeals to you, please send me a PM and we can discuss more specifics.

    Empathic Link
    Danger Sense
    Sensing Psyche
    Aura Sense
    Item Reading
    Sensing Thoughts
    Mind Probe
    Mind Reading
    Psychic Neutral*
    Sensing Psychic Qualities
    Emotional Manipulation
    *While in psychic Neutral, you cannot:
           Attempt other Empathy abilities requiring an empathic link
           Bring the Pattern or Logrus to mind
           Use Channeling powers, use cantrips or spells
           Communicate via Icon
           Use any Artifact or Creature psychically

    Any attempt to perform any of these actions results in the Empath “uncloaking,” and becoming visible to anyone searching using psychic means.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:39, Sun 14 June 2020.
The Primal One
GM, 16 posts
Helping stories along
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 04:05
  • msg #3

Friends and Allies

Life is scary, even more so when your life has an infinite number of realities to contend with. There's good news, though. Friends, family, and allies make life easier. The cost will depend on their influence on society and your relationship with them.

Relationship Level
  • 0 points - Stranger

    This can be any person on the street. They may be helpful, or they may tell you to fuck off. It can be a mixed bag of possibilities.

  • 1 point - Acquaintance

    You know this person socially. They like you enough to do some minor favors or give you the local gossip. Stopping by for a cup of tea usually means an open door.

  • 2 points – Friend

    This is someone who looks out for your interests. They will make arrangements on your behalf. They will do favors of moderate difficulty, with only a few questions asked.

  • 4 points – Family

    This person loves you. They would do pretty much anything you asked, no questions asked. Major favors and arrangements will be made on your behalf, if at all possible, within their power level.

Power Level
  • 0 points – No influence. These will be your working-class individuals who can hear street-level gossip and rumors.

  • 1 point – Low-level figures within their social circle.

    This is usually a member of the merchant or military classes. They know a guy. They can get stuff or learn information on your character's behalf.

  • 2 points – A Noble or High Member of Society

    This person will have money, resources, and influence enough to make things happen.

  • 4 points – Royalty

    This is an established member of Amber's Royal Family. While the player may make suggestions, the final decision on identity is GM's.

Note: No character will start with more than one ally at the Family or Royal levels. Elder family members caring about your character needs to happen through roleplay, not points spent.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:13, Fri 17 Apr 2020.
The Primal One
GM, 17 posts
Helping stories along
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 06:22
  • msg #4

Stuff: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Sides of Luck

Luck Points (i.e., stuff) are a misnomer.

Good luck points won't protect you if you're an asshole and mess with the wrong person. They will give you the benefit of the doubt in uncertain situations, however.

Bad luck points don't mean you are treated poorly, especially if you are performing good deeds. You will work harder to accomplish your goals, but that doesn't guarantee failure. Things may not always work out, but how you face your challenges may make all the difference.

For game purposes, a character may have no more than five points in good or bad luck. Luck points may be added or subtracted based on in-game behavior.
The Primal One
GM, 18 posts
Helping stories along
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 17:18
  • msg #5

Items and Artifacts: What to Know about the Things You Own

Everyone has possessions. That's just how life goes. One day you have nothing then suddenly, bam! Stuff everywhere! Some things are more important than others, however. Putting points into items, creatures, and artifacts mean they are less likely to be broken, stolen, or used against you.

These are the powers and qualities for building your unique things.

Quantity Multipliers

*1 Unique - There's only one of these.

*2 Named and Numbered - You have a quantity of these up to one dozen.

*3 Horde - You have a lot of these. On short notice, you can gather around 50, and given time, up to 1000.

*4 Shadow Wide - This item is found in a specific shadow, and it's everywhere there. If you are in the shadow of origin, it is feasible to get many thousands inside of a day's call.

*5 Cross-Shadow Environmental - This item is found in every shadow with a specific environmental condition. As an example, think of ants. Wherever there is land, there are ants.

*6 Ubiquitous - This item is everywhere, literally. There is no place in shadow that this thing does not exist. The item in question, however, must appear to be a normal, commonplace thing, like the light.

Transferral Costs

5 Points - Per Quality
10 Points - Per Power



1 Point -  Human Level
2 Points - Chaos Level
4 Points - Amber Level+


1 Point -  Confers Mobility
2 Points - Double Speed
4 Points - Engine Speed+


1 Point -  Double Stamina
2 Points - Amber Stamina
4 Points - Endless Stamina+


1 Point - Combat Training
2 Points - Combat Reflexes
4 Points - Combat Mastery+


1 Point - Resistant to Weapons
2 Points - Resistant to Guns
4 Points - Invulnerable +


1 Point - Extra Hard+
2 Points - Double Damage+
4 Points - Deadly Damage+


1 Point - Able to Speak
2 Points - Fluent Conversation
4 Points - Intelligent+

Psychic Sensitivity

1 Point - Psychic Sensitive+
2 Points - Danger Sense+
4 Points - Extraordinary Sensory Perception+

Psychic Resistance

1 Point - Chaos Level
2 Points - Psychic Neutral
4 Points - Psychic Barrier


Shadow Movement

1 Point - Follow Shadow Trail
2 Points - Follow Shadow Path
4 Points - Seek in Shadow+

Shadow Manipulation

1 Point - Mold Shadow Stuff+
2 Points - Mold Shadow Folk+
4 Points - Mold Shadow Reality+

Item Healing

1 Point - Self Healing+
2 Points - Rapid Healing+
4 Points - Regeneration+

Item Shapeshifting

1 Point - Alternate Form
2 Points - Named and Numbered Forms (12 max)
4 Points - Limited Shapeshifting+


1 Point - Contains Trump Image+
2 Points - Contains Trump Deck+
4 Points - Trump Powered+


1 Point - Rack a Spell+
2 Points - Named and Numbered Spells+
4 Points - Rack and Use Spells+

+ This quality or power can NOT be transferred onto a character. This is what you have stats for and points for.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:33, Fri 17 Apr 2020.
The Primal One
GM, 19 posts
Helping stories along
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 17:50
  • msg #6

Shadows: Finding Your Own Place

Trump creates new shadows. The Pattern puts them in order. Finding or creating shadows to call home is a labor of love, creativity, and points.

Basic Shadow Types

1 Point - Personal Shadow
2 Points - Established Shadow
4 Points - Golden Circle Shadow
8 Points - Primal Shadow

Shadow Barriers

1 Point - Communication Barrier
2 Points - Restricted Access
4 Points - Guarded
8 Points - Primal Guarded

Degree of Control

1 Point - Control of Content
2 Points - Control of Time Flow
4 Points - Control of History
8 Points - Control of Destiny
The Primal One
GM, 22 posts
Helping stories along
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 22:59
  • msg #7

Cast a Deadly Spell: The List

NOTE: The casting time on this list is based around how long it would take to craft in Amber. Time may be shortened or lengthened depending on the shadow where you are hanging the spell.

Offensive Magic Spells

  • Mind Touch - Open a mind to mind link between caster and victim. Works the same as a trump contact between caster and target. It requires overcoming the opposing person's psyche unless they have agreed to the contact beforehand.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 30 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 5 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word
  • Quell - By influencing the nervous system of the target, this spell puts them to sleep. It requires overcoming the opposing person's psyche unless they have agreed to be quelled beforehand.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word

  • Cardiac Arrest - Stops the heart of the victim. For those with Human endurance, they will collapse and die without immediate medical intervention. Chaos endurance characters will suffer a heart attack and require at least a week of bed rest. Amber or better endurance level characters will feel the equivalent of a blackout and will be discombobulated but ultimately will suffer no long term damage.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word

  • Stone Binding - Changes the time rate inside the victim's body so that they are slowed down to immobility, relative to their environment. The resulting statue remains this way indefinitely in any one shadow. Moving the victim from one shadow to another cancels the spell. Likewise, touching the victim while bringing Pattern to mind also cancels the spell. It requires overcoming the opposing party's psyche.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 90 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 15 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word

  • Invisibility - Turns the subject invisible, or if desired, partially transparent. One big drawback is that with complete invisibility, all light passes through the body, so there is no light for the eye to pick up and the subject is effectively blind. Therefore, it's best to become only partially invisible so there's enough light to see, though dimly.

    Invisible objects make a normal amount of noise, still has an odor, etc..

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Percentage of Visibility, Duration, Dispel Word

  • Strength Drain - Reduces the target's strength to Human-Level. Being touched by Pattern or Logrus will dispel the effect. The caster must overcome the target's Warfare.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 120 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 20 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word

Defensive Spells

  • Bodily Defense - Fills the body with magical energy devoted to blocking out external influences.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word, Protection Range (magic/Pattern/Logrus/etc)

  • Defensive Shield - A magical shield, fixed in place cast as a barrier. The basic spell works against physical attacks including, fire, heat, lightning, wind, rain, and harsh weather.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Placement of Shield, Size of Shield, Shape of Shield, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word

  • Magical Drain - Creates a hole through which magical energy is sent away. Effectively limits the magic in a specified area, up to two miles in diameter for up to 30 minutes if undisturbed, though lynchpins can be added to create a self-sustaining drain. The drain can be dispelled by a touch of another power.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name/Description of Target, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word, Size of Opening, Drain Exit, Areal of Effect
  • Defensive Psyche Ward - Placed on a doorway or as a drawn circle on the ground. It creates a psyche barrier to any who attempt to pass. Creatures of less than Amber will be unable to pass the barrier. If left untended, the Ward has the equivalent of Amber level Psyche and can be battered in about as long as it would take for a trump contact on a mind of that ranking. It is possible to link the Ward to the mind of the caster, forcing anyone trying to pass the barrier into a mind-to-mind battle with the Caster. Lasts approximately 24 hours in Amber or until dispelled by the sorcerer.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word, Line of Ward, Unattended, Linked, Name of Link

  • Defensive Material - Gives any object the qualities of a shield that is Invulnerable Against Conventional Weapons. It can only be cast on a single object. Last indefinitely in any one shadow but has no resistance to being dispelled by a superior psyche than the caster.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 60 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 10 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name of Object, Magic Quality of Shadow, Duration, Dispel Word

Summoning Magical Spells

  • Lightning Bolt - Magic opens up a conductive line between some highly charged place in shadow and a target. The chance of hitting the target is based on caster's warfare.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 30 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 5 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Direction of Charge, Distance of Channel, Magic of Shadow, Trigger Word

  • Pressurized Lava A quick opening from the current location to a place where lava is under high pressure which allows for a chunk of molten lava to burst through at a defined target. Anything over 200 pounds is risky because of the intense heat.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 30 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 5 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Hand Motions, Size of Lava Chunk, Trigger Word

  • Replicate Shadow Object - Forms a duplicate out of Shadow of any object. Making a replicate of a living thing could result in a living duplicate or if the sorcerer prefers, a dead duplicate. No duplicated item will have the powers or magic of the original.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 30 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 5 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Name of Object, Magic of Shadow, Living or Dead, Duration, Dispel Word

  • Self Teleport - Transports the caster to a specified location. It can be used to get out of a binding if one chooses to arrive at their destination naked, or one may take his belongings with him.

    Base Casting Time In Amber: 30 minutes
    Additional Lynchpins: 5 minutes each

    Lynchpins: Magic of Shadow, Name of Destination, Transport With or Without Possessions Option

The Primal One
GM, 24 posts
Helping stories along
Fri 17 Apr 2020
at 23:56
  • msg #8

Words of Power: In Like A Flash

Power Words
  • POLRZ - Chaos Negation
  • NOGTZ - Magic Negation
  • SHAGSK - Psychic Defense
  • ASKIIR - Psychic Disrupt
  • KROLAK - Neural Disrupt
  • LIEVZ - Lifeforce
  • SCHANG - Resume True Form
  • FORTZ - Defensive Luck
  • LEGANT - Pattern Negation
  • VOILE - Pain Attack
  • JASK - Trump Disrupt
  • MAGIQUE - Process Surge
  • QUIMK - Process Snuff
  • OMBRE - Shade
  • LUUM - Light Strobe
  • AFLAK - Spark
  • HURG - Burst of Magic
  • MARSK - Weaken Structure
  • HAGGK - Thunder
  • ZZAQ - Burst of Psyche
  • CANTO - Charm
  • COLO - Clarity
  • INQUINO - Foul
  • DIRIMO - Glitch
  • CAPIO - Grasp
  • EXPLICO - Loosen
  • REFRIGERO - Chill
  • CALESCO - Heat
  • PURIFICO - Purify

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:22, Sun 03 May 2020.
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