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00:12, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC  #38.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Admiral Hack
GM, 12537 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 02:32
  • msg #958

Re: OOC  #38

They should be..  Tarja  is  trying to get Ellen used to the  armor
Admiral Hack
GM, 12538 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 02:56
  • msg #959

Re: OOC  #38

Roy   getting  ready to fire  at the Boat...
Roy Spencer
player, 11322 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 03:24
  • msg #960

Re: OOC  #38

I really need to hook up some speakers to this new desktop setup.  I can't hear any music...

Speaking of...I finally decided a few weeks ago that I needed a new media app on my phone for playing music.  The old one worked, but the interface wasn't great.  The new one I found also has a feature where you can cut pieces of music (or other audio tracks) to use as ringtones or alert tones on your device...

So, now my ring tone is the first 24 or so measures of Metallica's "For Whom The Bell Tolls" (which I'd never paid any attention to until it was used for the opening credits of came out at a time when everyone I knew who listened to Metallica were the kind of people that I didn't want to be associated with, so I stayed away from listening to Metallica or pretty much anything else heavy metal until I was in my senior year of high school (there's a LOT of music from the 80s that I didn't really come to appreciate until the mid- or late-90s).

I also changed my text-alert sound to the 'claxon' sound from the very start of Britney Spears' "Womanizer" (because that sound gets your attention!)  The rest of the song I can take or leave, but that claxon-ish alert tone?  Let's just say one of my friends sent some stuff to a group text thread we're both in and I was wide awake half an hour before my alarm went off this morning because of that sound.

It's simple enough that I'm looking forward to playing around with it some more in the time to come.  Still waiting for someone to call me while I'm at work and have that sound go off...*grin*
Admiral Hack
GM, 12539 posts
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 03:39
  • msg #961

Re: OOC  #38

My Phone calls   come in as a loud   eerie  screaming a sci-fi creature..freaks the kids out  if i have the phone on the table when we eat..because..every one call when you eat..right?

 My  Text alerts  is the Sound of a  Hron, much like a Robin Hood, Sherwood  forest ..or   Viking horn
Roy Spencer
player, 11324 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 04:23
  • msg #962

Re: OOC  #38

I think, but I'm not positive, that there's a way to set specific ring tones for individual contacts on my phone.  If there is, this app is going to get some mileage.  Use the theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation for all my old friends from Logan (who are pretty much all in the Star Trek club up there), except for my friend Marla...she gets The Imperial March (lots of long gaming stories behind that decision).  My friends who used to/currently do burlesque get Tom Jones' "Sex Bomb".  Guys from the contractors that help us with lighting would get something else (nothing comes to mind, immediately...something hard rock/heavy metal that is associated with Light...)  I could make all the people from the park who outrank me "Master of Puppets"...that, or Motley Crue's "Primal Scream"...*laugh*

I really need to go through my phone sometime and purge old contacts.  There are people in there that I haven't called in over a decade and probably never will call again.  At least a few people whose reason for being in my phone I can't even remember, as I have no idea who the person that goes with that name is...

Sadly, there are at least a few that I know will never call me again because they're dead...and what's even more depressing about that is that the first two of those who come to mind were a decade or two younger than me (one died from a stroke induced by diabetes, the other was accidentally shot in the stomach and died just a few weeks after she got married.  Never did hear many more specifics than that, which sounds fishy, I know, but if it had been fishy, a LOT more would have been said about it...she was that well-loved by everyone that knew her.)  A few relatives to add to that list, as uncle, a couple of aunts, a few cousins...

I suppose I could leave them and change the ringtone to something ghost-related...
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 11:38
  • msg #963

Re: OOC  #38

 hey folks... In the 'fleets Thread' i  edited   in Directions  , when on a Carrier/Station

 this should help  when giving  dirtions..... Locals   always  say  'Hull' or 'Sea' North and South are used  as  it  is stated.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12540 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 12:44
  • msg #964

Re: OOC  #38

Taking this  time  to  tell you all to Offer Cong rates  to   Herny's player... its   their   40th  weddign Aniversary!
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4698 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 20:42
  • msg #965

Re: OOC  #38


Congratulations Henry and your significant other.  I hope your day will be pleasant and special.
Roy Spencer
player, 11328 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 04:22
  • msg #966

Re: OOC  #38

Forty years is quite a milestone!  Congratulations and may there be many more to come!
Henry Christie
player, 4799 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 11:16
  • msg #967

Re: OOC  #38

Thank you.
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4699 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 05:04
  • msg #968

Re: OOC  #38

rather quiet this monday.  Past week really...everyone on spring break?
Justin Kase
player, 4638 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 05:40
  • msg #969

Re: OOC  #38

Possible ic from any AI in Tunnels
This message was last edited by the player at 06:49, Tue 26 Mar.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12541 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 10:55
  • msg #970

Re: OOC  #38

my  bad, I think Tarja  was  waiting on me. Sometimes  its hard for me to tell if there  is a  answer  needed..i'll get to that in a bit.

never worry about Nudging me in  OOC, if you think i missed  a post!
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4700 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 21:16
  • msg #971

Re: OOC  #38

I mean some others? Madison? You dead in your quarters?  Billie I think is in the middle of a date.  Missy... I am not too sure of, last I saw was on hangar dec from night before.  I know several are out sick or injured, like me and I fell off for a bit.  I'm just worried you found the game slow or such (hope not).
Admiral Hack
GM, 12542 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 21:43
  • msg #972

Re: OOC  #38

 Maddy,  is pouring most her interest in my other game.

you won't see  Missy until you see garrat

don't   know what  happened to angel.. when she first joined years  ago, she had Puter problems  and  also ailments.

Zob is  on IR  as well
Lizzy O'conner
player, 4872 posts
Pilot Ensign
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 22:02
  • msg #973

Re: OOC  #38

Let me know when ladies can show up at Captain Si's for gowns
Admiral Hack
GM, 12543 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 22:16
  • msg #974

Re: OOC  #38

If waht to save time. any ladies going  can start showing up..frans , Eckels, Mara and Gia  will be there setting up make up and hair stations.

just go to Captain Si's.. if  I  don't  set it up... I'll edit  it where this starts.
Roy Spencer
player, 11331 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 03:50
  • msg #975

Re: OOC  #38

Woof...we've started light hang for the summer shows.  Spent nine hours there yesterday, ten hours today...we've got most stuff in the air or roughly laid out where we need it to be, we're going back through and making sure everything has power and DMX control set up...

We came to a screeching halt on one of the lines we were hanging, though, because as I was measuring out the positions where stuff was supposed to go, I discovered that once again, our lighting designer has lights that are, according to his plot, to be hung directly behind speaker clusters hanging from the ceiling.  I immediately emailed him to notify him of the's been almost nine hours and I haven't heard anything back from him on it.  Hopefully, he's got something for us by tomorrow, or else we're going to have to come up with a plan of our own...

But I am TIRED...I almost fell asleep three times typing my post.  If I suddenly go quiet later this week, that's why.  We should be done by Friday (we better be done by Friday!  That's the last day the contractors are available and anything beyond that will get me in trouble for costing the park extra money) and back to normal by this weekend (as 'normal' as life ever gets for me these days...)
Admiral Hack
GM, 12544 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 04:03
  • msg #976

Re: OOC  #38

well..good Luck..and get rest!
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4701 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 05:23
  • msg #977

Re: OOC  #38

okay, I'll make a post or 2 tomorrow.  my support net is coming home.  Thursday I will be busy with drs. and therapy.  sis will be home, she is taking me to lunch and grocery shopping. Just FYI.
Billie Morrisson
player, 1384 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 07:33
  • msg #978

Re: OOC  #38

Nicole Rutledge:
I mean some others? Madison? You dead in your quarters?  Billie I think is in the middle of a date.  Missy... I am not too sure of, last I saw was on hangar dec from night before.  I know several are out sick or injured, like me and I fell off for a bit.  I'm just worried you found the game slow or such (hope not).

I was waiting on a response but posting has also been challenging for me. I normally post when I am at work but it has been crazy given the shooting and shit that happened at another hospital which means that protocol and shit is going to change and yeah...on my days off, though I intend on posting, I end up forgetting because I only have those few days to catch up in things like housework and trying to squeeze in some time with the kiddos. I don't get a lot because I work the graveyard shift so I am usually asleep.
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4702 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 03:06
  • msg #979

Re: OOC  #38

been on Graveyards too.  I know it's hard.  I was hoping that the Sims did not slow everyone down.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12545 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 21:31
  • msg #980

Re: OOC  #38


OOC questions in OOC..i don't  want 4th wall  breaking, Deadpool doesn't exists in this  world!
Justin Kase
player, 4642 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 23:22
  • msg #981

Re: OOC  #38

how bulky are the AI frames, could using different materials in their construction reduce weight and bulk to achieve similar enhancement results?
Roy Spencer
player, 11334 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 29 Mar 2024
at 06:32
  • msg #982

Re: OOC  #38

Well, THAT was a long four days!  Wouldn't have been near as trying if the weather had been decent...for two of the four days, the weather was MAYBE in the low 40s for the bulk of the day...and they were the two longest days.  But light hang is DONE.  We got everything hung, circuited, connected to the light board, clicked through everything at the board to make sure they all turned on as they should...we're still missing one light that was allegedly shipped back to us from the company that serviced it, and we got its twin last week...but we haven't seen that light...

And we had to figure out a new hang position for two of the lights, because our lighting designer decided he wanted to hang them RIGHT behind the speakers over the stage (yet again...he's been designing lights in this space for almost a decade, now, and he STILL hasn't taken note that there are speakers over the stage that we have to adjust around EVERY SINGLE YEAR.)  We thought we had a solution, so I let him know what we'd done, and he decided he didn't like our solution (as he put it, "the position of those lights is part of a system and shifting their position interferes with that system"...sure, Shawn...moving lights that are 20 feet in the air and 30 feet laterally from the part of the stage you want them to light all of 18 inches...which changes the angle of throw from the lights MAYBE ten going to mess up your system...despite the fact that we've been moving lights around that location every year for almost ten years, now, and it's always worked when we were done...whatever...)

So, he suggested an alternative, and we looked at that and then came up with another alternative, and it's been ten hours since I texted him to confirm that he did, in fact, understand where we moved the lights to, and he hasn't said anything negative about it.  So, I'm hoping he's good with it...

But at least I'm no longer worried about whether or not my boss is going to be frustrated with me going to the movie theater early tomorrow night to work my other job.  The project I had to get done at the park this week is done.  I might even sleep in a little tomorrow...
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