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01:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

SEC #3.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
player, 1611 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 11:43
  • msg #980

SEC #3

---->>>> From Hanger Dec

 Meari walked in a few moments later, see also looked to see who was in SEC and she headed for the duty schedule to see when she was on duty next.
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #981

SEC #3

  In  the SEC, It was  quiet,  there were a couple of the SEC who  stood  guard  for the  final 6 hours on the  beach, turning in the  weapons, and heading for thier  quarters  or  Rec dec.

 Meari  saw she did not have  duty until after  the tunnel run  the next day...Tunnel run  was set  for 0700.

 Lyri was going through her  computer, checking incoming messages  and such, she looked at Meari  and  chuckled softly...,,LC must be going soft? 0700? its normally  5 or  6?

 Sam  found a stack of  folders my her  station, that were new..she saw the same for all the other Desks. Like the Mail...people might before, but mail kept moving.

the  skeleton crew that ran the SEC, had  printed out  information  and spread it out over the stations...Beth's  Desk had  two such stacks.
Isobel Sakura
player, 1319 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 17:25
  • msg #982

SEC #3

----> Hangar Dec

Walking into the serene quiet of the SEC office, Izzy would groan as she saw the stack of paperwork that had amassed in her absence, knowing that she would have to do something about it before it grew any larger, before looking to see if Beth was around so that she could talk to her. Failing that she would ask Lyri to see if she knew where she was.
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #983

SEC #3

  Lyri stood   as she   watched the   emails and such that she  didn't need,evaporate  as her   delete bot  went to work..

  ..I would thgink she   went to her quarters  to drop off  things, then  go to the Rec dec  to wait on Shadow, before she  comes here... Her shore leaves  tend to be a bit more...exciting...they ours.

  she  nodded when the bot was done,I going up there and have a Red Dec Coffee..and Maybe  pasta for lunch..then I'll be back to chip away at this   Pile.


 Sam's  COM  went off as she  looked over her  Desk...
Samantha Robertson
player, 1119 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #984

SEC #3

 Sam frowned when she saw her desk but headed over to it with a smile on her face. Sam smiled at Izzy and said, " Yup shore leave is fun but the back up in paperwork can be horrible." Sam giggled as she went to her desk and begin to get to work.

 Then Sam's comm went off, she answered it, " Lt Robertson how can I help you."
player, 1612 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 20:17
  • msg #985

SEC #3

 Meari smiled as she saw she wasn't on duty till after the tunnel run tomorrow. She smiled at Izzy and Sam as they hit their desks with all their paperwork. Meari then said to Lyri." Yes, tunnel seems a little late and I wonder how the new transfers I saw on the Hanger Dec will do on their first tunnel run, wonder if there are any idiots in this group."

 Meari then looked around and asked openly," Does anyone need a hand?"
Isobel Sakura
player, 1321 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 20:33
  • msg #986

SEC #3

”I know and here was me hoping to get up to the rec dec tonight” Izzy sighed on her way over Lyri who was busily working through her emails. When asked where Beth was Lyri would explain that she was probably sleeping off her shore leave as it was more “exciting” than there’s ”Speak for yourself, Lizzy and I are still in honeymoon phase and can’t keep our hands off one another” she replied with a smirk as she replied with a smirk that said that Beth wasn’t the only one whose shore leave was exciting.

Sitting down at her desk Izzy would begin the arduous task of sorting through her paperwork ”I suppose I could always send Beth an email about knowing someone in that news report…that or tell Roy” She said sounding a little unsure as to how best to proceed.
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 20:47
  • msg #987

SEC #3

  Lyri's  face went a little  impassive  as she said......I meant, beth , needs to co-ordinate  the Lights out task force.. You guys helped alot..but in the end..she the one  who  has to answer   for whatever the rest of us  fail to do....

  The kind of  exciting you alluded to, wouldn't make her crash and  burn...

  She   nodded to everyone,I;m dropping off my stuuf, and head to the rec Dec roo.. I'll be  back her  at 2000 hours...


  Sam got a Quick Call from Roo.....I'm On   a shuttle that  is taking  the pilots back and forth to unload these fighters?. I have to  go the Med tech Ships  to help  with   the wounded from the fight.... I'll se you when i get back.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1120 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 21:09
  • msg #988

SEC #3

 Sam replied to Roo on her comms," Ok Roo be careful and I will see you when you come back." Sam was disappointed Roo had to go but she understood and just hoped she would come back soon.
Isobel Sakura
player, 1322 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 16:28
  • msg #989

SEC #3

Secretly wondering at what point Lyri had had her sense of humour removed, Izzy would set to work on her paperwork with her waiting until Lyri had left the room before quietly speaking to Sam ”obviously they’ve never spent the night with Lizzy…now she knows how to tire a girl out” she giggled as she recalled the “excitement” she’d had on shore leave with Lizzy. Personally she didn’t think there was anything exciting about Delta night and to her it was just work. It didn’t matter whether it was six special forces operatives on Delta Night, a squad of marines on a boarding mission or an entire flotilla complete with fighter screen, the job and the price for messing up was the same…it was just a question of scale.
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 19:09
  • msg #990

SEC #3

  The red Hair transfer  from Everest ( still classified as 'new). worked on a pile of papers, she  gave   Izzy a  polite, quick  smile.

 ..That's nice  for you. I was  stuck on the ship this  time.. I hope i get some shore leaft next stop.

 she   spun the dsc  and  it  copiedwhat she  had  printed into the  curreant  doc, then began  another

 Shoey's COM came in....Shoey here.... we have   those mercs in one  area, there's a few  people around them, LC's here..Supe  and  the  HW  folks came up...don't think we'll have too much trouble...
Isobel Sakura
player, 1323 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 20:11
  • msg #991

SEC #3

Looking up as the new girl spoke Izzy would offer a sympathetic smile as she replied ”That’s the way it goes sometimes…if it makes you feel any better I’ve just got back from a long range reconnaissance mission and then got shot on the hangar dec” she said demonstrating that bad luck came with the territory ”I don’t think we’ve met? I’m Isobel, most people call me Izzy and this is Sam, we’re Beth’s magical comms pixies” Izzy said in reference to their diminutive size, as she introduced herself and Sam to the redheaded trooper.
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #992

SEC #3

  she  Nodded to Sam  as she said to  Izzy,I'm CPL Remi Segal, from Everest, I transferred over .. my group lost a few people  during training. I am a rifleman..but the SEC people have to take turns  on, and desk work...I'd rather  be out side on the Hull, counting Rivets....
Samantha Robertson
player, 1121 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 20:44
  • msg #993

SEC #3

 Sam smiled at Remi and replied," It is not that bad, but I am a comms and information gathering officer, so I guess I am used to paperwork. Oh, it isnt that bad but I can understand if you dont do it every day it does seem tedious." Sam giggled and attacked the stack of paperwork at her desk. She was already missing Roo, they had such a good time together on shore leave, Sam hoped she would return soon.
player, 1613 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #994

SEC #3

 Meari responded to Shoey's comm message," This is Meari I can come down and keep an eye on them if you think that is required, plus I havent met the new troopers yet any possible troublemakers?"
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 21:28
  • msg #995

SEC #3

  Shory came  back...well..we have  the  elevator Guards..and another pair  are making rounds...and half the Dec is full of SEC, but you can come  down...anything  Happens. shouldn't last long.
player, 1614 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 02:44
  • msg #996

SEC #3

 Meari smiled and responded to Shoey," Yes I think I will come come and help out with Rec dec patrol, I will be right down." Meari almost chuckled over the comms but she caught herself she hoped.

 Meari looked at everyone and saw that Lt. Robertson was the ranking Officer in SEC, she said to her," Lt. Robertson I am going down to help out with Security on the Rec Dec." Meari would wait for a response from the human female, and once she did, Meari went and got her armor, sidearm, kukri's, of course her boots always had her Udenese paired boot knives in them. She grabbed her shot gun and a bandolier of solid shots just in case it got out of hand with the new transfers.

 Once Meari was all set she left for the Rec Dec to check out the new transfers.

---->>>>> To Rec Dec 
Samantha Robertson
player, 1122 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 02:47
  • msg #997

SEC #3

 Sam smiled at the large Udenese Sgt and replied, " Very well Sgt Meari you will be logged onto duty." Sam logs Meari on duty on the Rec Dec. She then went back to work on her pile of paperwork.
Isobel Sakura
player, 1324 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 16:22
  • msg #998

SEC #3

”I can think of worse things than paperwork” Izzy replied with a shrug, though to be fair she could think of a lot of better things to do as well ”we just need to get enough of it done so we don’t drown in the stuff tomorrow and then we can head down to the rec dec” she continued, placing a pair of folders into her pending tray before looking at the next in line ”so how was your shore leave Sam? I didn’t see you much after the ball” Izzy asked her friend, curious to hear how things had gone with her and Roo.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1123 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #999

SEC #3

 Sam giggled and replied," Yes there are a lot of things worse than paperwork, but it is a bummer to come off Shore leave to a big pile though."  Sam kept working at her pile and after Izzy spoke again, Sam replied," Yes but a good dent in it and then go get some food and relax a bit."

 Then Izzy asked about shore leave, Sam blushed a little bit, moved a little closer and said softer to Izzy," Shore leave was amazing, and yes Roo and I spent the whole day together on the beach and then went back and had even more fun in my condo room. It was amazing Izzy, just wow truly amazing." Sam was beaming, and Izzy could tell she had a great time with Roo. Then Sam got a sad look and added," That was Roo who comm'd me she is being sent to the med tech ships to help with the wounded, I hope she comes back soon I already miss her a lot."
Isobel Sakura
player, 1325 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 23:22
  • msg #1000

SEC #3

Judging by the way Sam spoke things had gone very well between her and Roo, and she'd had a truly unforgettable shore leave. Sadly however it would also appear her budding romance had been cut short by Roo being transferred to one of the medical ships to help with the influx of casualties from the last jump off. Moving in closer to her friend, Izzy would put her arm about Sam's shoulders in a sympathetic gesture knowing all too well how she was feeling "hey it's ok, It sucks. I know, I went through it myself remember?" she gently spoke, recalling how painful being away from Lizzy had been for her along with the fear that she'd never see her again "...just think how great it will be when the two of you are finally able to see each other again" she said with a giggle before giving Sam a reassuring squeeze, followed by an apologetic grin to Remy "Sorry, we don't normally get this touchy feely, I promise" she said hoping that they hadn't made her feel too awkward.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1124 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 13:28
  • msg #1001

SEC #3

 Sam kept working and replied," Thank you I mean what timing we just got to know each other and poof they send her away." Sam hoped Roo would return soon but in this war you never knew what was going to happen.

 Sam giggled and replied," Yeah sorry Izzy just helping out thats all, yes lets get this paperwork done shall we." Sam smiled at Izzy and dove into her work.
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 15:38
  • msg #1002

SEC #3

 Remy   looked a bit pensive as she said...It seems harsh?... Lt  Price  was sent away...she was seeing  that Scot Captain?..  Melia was sent  away, she  just got married to  SGT  Zob?... They have not returned...and its been a while now...there could be a real chance, that are  transferred indefinably...
Isobel Sakura
player, 1326 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #1003

SEC #3

Izzy would grimace slightly at Remy’s words knowing that as unpleasant as they were that she had a very valid point with Izzy having experienced the same situation herself and now Sam was in the same horrific boat as she had been”yeah…it does seem kind of unfair doesn’t it? I guess none of us really know what’s going on happen or how long we’ve got together…” she said before gently biting her lower lip seemingly lost in thought as she was struck by a sudden and seemingly unpleasant thought. She would silently sit like this for a few minutes before shaking out of it and offering Sam a brittle looking smile ”But I’m sure she will be back before you know it” she said before returning to her paperwork so she could get up to the rec dec and meet up with Lizzy.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:22, Sat 26 Feb 2022.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1125 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #1004

SEC #3

 Sam looked at Remi with understanding then replied," Yes it does seem harsh but Izzy your right we never know in this world how much time we will have with anyone." Sam hoped Roo would return as soon as she could.

 Sam then contained her feelings and went hard into her work.
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